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The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - Printable Version

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The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - DarthBindo - 01-19-2012

[Image: Cleesejudge.jpg]
A ROC. Why heavens! Clearly there is a very serious injury done here!
Once the defendants respond with their answer or motions, we'll be done with what I like to call the Groveling part here, and we get to move on to the SPANISH INQUSITION!
[Image: inq.jpg]
Of course, you should all be expecting that, seeing how it's written down on your schedules for today.
Basically it's the part where i get to take out my anger at my ex-deity's alimony payments on whatever poor sod i think has relevant information to the case.
Only with spanish people.

Or we could do that lame process of discovery, but honestly, that's for regular people courts.

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - Stabby Dave - 01-19-2012

*Man at the back of the court stands up, excitedly*

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!.......

*looks around sheepishly then sits back down looking extremely embarrassed*

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-19-2012

[Image: BAR.jpg]
---The picture of a shadowy and very quiet bar appears on the projector---

"I'm not going to bother moving into shot, as my lunch will get cold, and my beer will warm up, neither of which
will my improve my demeanour ... Get my drift ?"

"Adams, seems your so called client has been blowin' smoke up your rear end, to put no finer point on things.
It appears he has been playing fast and lose with the odd rule in Sirius concerning technology in the past.
So what we are going to do here is wait for an unreserved apology from the client, otherwise we are going
to pop in a counter claim for the afore mentioned amount, and dispatch our bailiffs to collect on it after a
period of twenty four hours has passed, if the apology is not forthcoming.

"And further more Shortlongs, hate you to be siding with what appears to be grubby character, would look
very bad on your curriculum vitae ... Hope my point is crystal clear ?"

"So gentlemen, the ball is in your court and the clock is ticking" ...

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - The Mole Miner - 01-19-2012

[Image: personal-injury-lawyer-plantation-christian.png]

*The man looks back up from his papers*


Your Honor, this man has submited no evidence supporting his case.

And further more if he subbmits baliff's to collect on a counter sue without brining it first before to court it would be a direct violation of the A.D.M.I.N.S mission statment of keeping balance in this sector.

*The man angrily sits back down*

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-19-2012

[Image: BAR.jpg]

"Sorry, I know my eyes are not quite as good as they used to be, but I can't see where I used the word
'negotiation' anywhere ... Oh that's right, this isn't one.
As a mark of good faith, we towed one of your client's fleet to the outer reaches of Gallia, finding it was
outfitted with entirely the wrong paperwork for the class. So we are now adding a twenty five million Sirius
credit fine to the previous total. Or of course we can go back to the apology scenario. Entirely up to you.
Adams, I suggest you go back to your client and clarify the points raised, the clock is still running.

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - DarthBindo - 01-19-2012

[Image: Cleesejudge.jpg]
Oh, you responded.
Well, I was quite tired of waiting, so I decided to move on to the Inqusition part of the suit in the meantime, you know, a little light amusement.
So after I was done working over this one sorry looking chap on the rack, I had a startling revelation about the specific wording of the complaint.
If I may inquire of the plaintiff, you weren't possibly....oh just maybe using, you know.

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - Fellow Hoodlum - 01-19-2012

[Image: BAR.jpg]
---Low hum and the quiet clink of beer glasses---

"Ah, there you are Shortlongs, getting worried you had thrown your lot in with the dubious Adams and his
even shadier client, seems you ain't quite as daft as your picture would imply.
Think we'll just wait and see what they have to say on the matter of trying to scam the odd half a billion
out of us in respect of repossessed stolen weaponry, shall we ? ... Tick tock gentlemen.

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - The Mole Miner - 01-20-2012

[Image: personal-injury-lawyer-plantation-christian.png]

*The man abruptly stands back up*

Your Honor, I belive the the matter of which equipment he chooses to use should have no matter in this case so long as it was gotten legitmently which it was as according to him he got the weapons from the N.S.R.D.

I would also like to submit eveidence that was given via an annonomys tipster showing that nomad technology is not even the worst of it as some ships have suffered reductions, reducing some ships power efficiency down to 8%!!!!! which truly is CRIMINAL.


Truly the evidence should speak for itself.

*the man puts down the photos and then seats himself*

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - The Mole Miner - 01-20-2012

[Image: personal-injury-lawyer-plantation-christian.png]

*A few minutes later the man stands back up with more papers in his hands*

Mr. A.D.M.I.N, I am deaply troubled as to under what pretences you saw fit to jail an Osiris class battleship and would like to remind you of a certain part of your mission statment that says, "To be fair and treat all (pilots*) equally, independent of their level and faction alignment"

Now the Identification cards ship limitations that this osiris had equiped stated: Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats.

I can acknolege that this was indeed the wrong ID for this ship HOWEVER the ship was NOT flown with this ID and so the ID was infact equiped but NOT active and used thus I belive that the ID's limitations were never actually violated and so I belive that this ship should be immediatly unjailed and returned to it's previous location.

*the man sits back down with a satisfied look on his face*

*(edited from player to pilot to be more inRP)

The people VS A.D.M.I.N.S - RAL - 01-20-2012

[Image: saul.jpg]

[font=Book Antiqua]*The man in the back stands again*

As part of Mr. Adams legal council team, your honor, I would like to furthermore call into question the defendants character. Can we really trust the word of this A.D.M.I.N? Upon his summoning to this court room, how does he choose to enter? Through a terminal located in a bar? I believe we all know exactly what he has been doing as well. Whose to say a single word the defendant mutters isn't fueled by alcohol your honor? Perhaps the defendant has a history of liquor abuse and is what led to the reduction of power efficiency in our clients ship. The truth is your honor, the defendant has all ready brought into question his character, who I might add has gone nameless. I would like the jury to take note of these when listening to the defendants testimony as to help distinguish between fact and fiction.

*The man sits down*