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141| Internal Channel - Mordrom - 01-29-2012

ID: Jules Kaesar
CALL: Cry.Havoc
RE: Return

Greetings Fellow Agents,

My appologies for the long break in communications. I have been spending time with the good people of TAZ in an effort to restore my memories. AS you recall... you found me wandering aimlessly in Omicron Minor in a civillian ship with a bounty hunter ID and chose not to kill me on sight. Some of your Agents escorted me out of Miner to the nearest Freeport in Omicron Delta and spent time telling me what I had missed over the years. I was shocked to say the least. Having spent time in Baffin, more specifially on Shasta, under Doc Holiday's care, I can say that I have fully recovered my memories. I know what happened to me.

My Family was placed into Cryo ages ago... and we were being transported. Father was a topologist, that is he made maps for the scientific community. We were living on Planet Sprague prior to the first nomad war. It was a simple life, and we were departing Sprague and the Omegas for Bretonia when our Transport was over taken by slavers. Doc was able to decrypt the details from the only possession I had... what I thought was a simple medal was much more than that... it was a holographc record.

My family was evidently sold to Malta... as the Slaver Transport docked last there, prior to my ejection. I remember waking up confused and frightened. It was cold and I thought I was dying of lack of air. I was floating in my ship, which wasn't my ship... but a hunk of junk they had evidently come across on their travels. My purpose... it seems was to distract a nomad attack upon their Transport... oddly enough, the Nomads left me alone. Doc believes that my lowered vital signs probably didn't attract their attention, they probably surmised that I was a corpse in a derilict craft.

According to Doc's best guess I have been in cryo for over 80 years. He also said that while the ship kept me alive in a low consuption program, or something of that nature... My muscles had atrophied to the point where I really couldn't control my body. Once I experienced semi gravity then nearly full gravity... I was weak and unable to care for myself. It seems I have outlived my family... so I am an orphan now. The Order is the only family I know.

I know that Doc did attempt to give you guys a heads up, but in the mix of recent events... evidently his transmission was lost. I pray that my sudden disappearance did not worry you too greatly. Doc instructed me to tell you that I am 100% operational now and cleared to resume duties. I will be sending this along with a beacon as to where I'll be and where I'll be making my way back to your fold.

I know now who I was and who I am. Unfortunately... that is not satisfactory for me. Now it is time for me to DO!

Now it is time for me to serve alongside the men that took the time to see something in me.

Now it is time to fight.

See you soon,


141| Internal Channel - Mordrom - 01-29-2012


141| Internal Channel - Lucky Luke - 01-31-2012

***Accessing 141 Task Force reporting channel***
***Entering access code***

***Access granted***

[Image: magicmike.png]
Sender ID: Ensign Nicolo Masa

[color=#FFCC33]At approximately 15:00 SMT, I was instructed by Commander Dawn to head to Omicron Gamma, in order to offer the ECG assistance in hunting down and killing an AI Drone. The Drone was named GR_Unit 514125. I headed off to the Omicron Zeta jumphole in Omicron Mu. When I arrived at the jumphole, another AI Drone, named Flox, jumped into Mu. When I demanded to know it's purpose, it declared me hostile and engaged. I returned fire, and was soon able to destroy it.

The other Drone had now made it's way to Omicron Zeta, and as soon as contact was established, it too engaged me. This one, however, managed to disable my ship. At this point, Colonel Davids was inbound, and he finished off the Drone.

Unfortunately, my guncam malfunctioned on the second incident. It had been damaged in the first fight, but the technicans were able to restore some data from the second fight. I have added them into our system, and I've added a link to them at the end of this report.

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[color=#990000]Submitted by Ensign Nicolo Masa

[color=#990000]***Interface terminated***

141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 01-31-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

Davids hier.

Zhe second drone was destroyed after several attempts of it to flee with zhe gathered data.
* * * *
I don't know what it was looking for, but what ever it was, zhe drone was able to send its data to an unknown
receiver. Zhere may be some sort of mothership around.

Operatives Lancing, I know you were about to start zhe surveillance mission into Iota, but with zhe increase of
AI ships intruding Omicron Zeta and Mu, you should perhaps investigate zhis matter, unless
Commander Dawn decides otherwise. Right now I have no remains of zhe AI unit aboard zhe Wheel of Time
but perhaps you are able to retrieve some floating parts near zhe Delta jumphole in Zeta.

Commander Dawn, I am getting worried. Zhis is already zhe third incident with AI drones within Omicron Zeta
and Omicron Mu. First zhe trespassing cruisers in Mu, yesterday zhe hostile drone attacking mein Bastet.
And now zhis attack again! Ensign Masa was lucky to use zhe escape pod. Zhose drones are heavily armed.

Davids out

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - PsychO1381 - 01-31-2012

[Image: Dawn-1.png]

Dawn here.
I'm pulling the plug on the research project,
At least for now.
These drones are indeed deathly accurate,lethal, and an immediate threat,
to what's left of the order now.

Lancing, I want you to Find as much as you can on any drone in our space as well as Delta.
Furthermore , about the ''GR_Unit'' drone. I want you to locate this ''Mothership''
If it's the reason for the presence of the drones, It has to be taken down with force.

For the rest of the crew, i want to see more 141 units in zeta on standby.
Don't take the drones as easy targets. They will kill you, if you approach them rashly.

I had hoped the corsairs weakened the drone, allowing you the advantage,Nicolo
you can consider yourself a lucky man. You're still alive.

Dawn out.

[Image: End.png]

141| Internal Channel - Johnathan Nox Carter - 02-03-2012

[Image: 35mf4wl.png][Image: z04co.png]
To: Marcus Dawn
Subject: Invitation
[color=#33FFFF]Greetings, commander Dawn.
This is Tyrael Johnson speaking.
I am sorry to barge in unannounced in your channel. I hope you will forgive me.
Although i am here to extend an invitation for you and your task force. Both me and Finley would like you all to join us in an organised(hopefully) training session tomorrow, Saturday - 4 February 818 AS - at the hours 16:00 Sirius Standard Time, at Taba Border Station.
We plan on training our agents, for both one on one and fleet fight, and we think that if you come it would be beneficial for both task forces. I, myself, will also use this training session to instruct all Horus agents in proper conduct and rules, which is necessary after some events which occurred yesterday.
Nonetheless, it is your decision and i hope you will consider our proposal.
Tyrael, out.

[Image: 2irt6di.png]

141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 02-03-2012

*incomming transmission*
*from: Forlorn d'Autoine*
*Subject:Possible invasion on O-Mu*

Bonjour, monsieurs

I am sorry for disturbing but I come with serious problems, the BHG have attacked Mu.They are currently attacking on sector D6...Several order wings were dispatched to counter their possible invasion, but we were outnumbered and my ships my destroyed in the fight...

There is a possibility that the fight is still going on

I am telling this to you aswell, as I consider this urgent matters and everyone should know and take actions about it as we simply can't ignore them

My escape pod arrived on Akabat, and I am currently heading to the medicals...Au revoir to you all

*Transmission Ended*

141| Internal Channel - PsychO1381 - 02-03-2012

[Image: Dawn-1.png]

Dawn here.
I would like to request that only the leaders of the approved factions contact us on our internal channel.
We know what's happening, a team is being assembled to meet the core. However we lost a few ships in a battle earlier today.

It seems that the 77th group has targeted the 141. They appeared in Mu and attacked Davids who was in active combat training at that time. When i approached the combat area , I saw 2 of my team get spaced. As soon as i was in weapons range , the contacts attempted to destroy my ship with mines and gunfire. I do not know what the reason was for this attack, but a small number of the 77th see us as a priority threat. Thankfully the Horus group and the Primary fleet aided us in this battle.

Any no-fire order that is still active regarding the 77th is removed. I want every last member of them dead or in interrogation.

Dawn out.

[Image: End.png]

141| Internal Channel - Lucky Luke - 02-03-2012

***Accessing 141 Task Force reporting channel***
***Entering access code***

***Access granted***

[Image: magicmike.png]
Sender ID: Ensign Nicolo Masa

[color=#FFCC33]Today's duty began with scanners indicating a large battle between Order forces and BHG in Omicron Delta. I immediately set course there, but was directed by Colonel Davids to stay at Meshkenet station in Zeta. Colonel Davids and Agent Freud soon joined me there. We monitored the situation from there for a while, after which we headed back to Mu, to guard the jumphole from that side, in case BHG would try something.

The situation was dissolved after a while, when the BHG-ships returned to Delta. We then returned to Taba Border station. From there I was ordered to set course for Omicron 92, and stay close to the jumphole on the other side. Soon, I picked up the signal from Order|Amduat and an escort. Amduat requested immediate access to a hangar, and declared an emergency. I relayed the information to Colonel Davids, and cleared the space around the jumphole, to make sure nothing would interfere with Amduats arrival. Amduats ship was heavily damaged, and was barely holding together. I refrained from taking pictures of Amduats arrival, since I thought his ship might be heavily modified. And that kind of information must not get into the wrong hands.

[color=#990000]Submitted by Ensign Nicolo Masa

[color=#990000]***Interface terminated***

141| Internal Channel - Lucky Luke - 02-04-2012

***Accessing 141 Task Force reporting channel***
***Entering access code***

***Access granted***

[Image: magicmike.png]
Sender ID: Ensign Nicolo Masa

[color=#FFCC33]After finishing my last report, and getting something to eat, I decided to take out Cobra, the Osiris battleship I command, for a shakedown after being serviced. A call came in about an Outcast ship trespassing in Omicron 100. I ordered my crew to set course for Omicron 100. When we arrived at the scene, we were witnesses to the Outcast ship blowing up. Destroyed by Order forces! I decided to stick around in O 100, since reports of Liberty Navy intrusion to Omicron Minor kept coming in. Together with Order|Sarah.Agathon, we guarded the jumphole to Minor in case they attemted a breach. This was not the case, so I decided it was time to head back to base.

When almost at Evora shipyard, a new contact appeared on scanners, RIP_THE_JACKER, an IMG Battlecruiser. I asked what he was doing there, and got the answer: "Trading." He then engaged his cruise engines, and set course for Minor jumphole. Without CD, I had no means to stop him, but clearly declared what he could expect from me. Sarah Agathon, who was still in the system, cut him off, and halted him. After some questioning, she decided to let him go. I was very surprised, but wasn't sure about the chain of command. I have afterwards had this explained to me, and realize that I should have blown him to bits at the first chance I got! I have no excuse, and I will accept the reprimands for not being completely up to date on this matter. Submitted below, are the relevant guncam shots.

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[color=#990000]Submitted by Ensign Nicolo Masa

[color=#990000]***Interface terminated***