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New admins needed? - Printable Version

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New admins needed? - MrSns - 03-28-2008

Yeah if the admins want a new admin they will anounce it if u know what i mean... But its a hard desision to make..


Will the person do the right thing
Will the person abouse the rights
" " Do his dutes when required

Al that kinda stuff if u know what i mean:)


New admins needed? - Eppy - 03-28-2008

That we are in need of more Administrators is not in question, as I see it, it's been obvious from the start. Oh, and to my knowledge, Namechanges are the sole responsibility of Majkp; I think most of the server-related stuff is. However, looking at the forums you will find that there are few, if any, decent prospects.

What we DO need more of, and desperately, are Moderators (and I have a few candidates in mind). Things have been getting a little wild here, and right now the only Mods we have are basically the Administrators when they're not busy being Admins (which is very time-consuming in and of itself, and a difficult thing if you intend to have a 'life'. Whatever the hell that is).

New admins needed? - MrSns - 03-28-2008

*speeks like arme general* name your candatates son

New admins needed? - Zapp - 03-28-2008

Eppy, please don't say yourself.

New admins needed? - I_m_rdy - 03-28-2008

I will stay away from the voting. The Admins do a great job and they know when they need a new Admin.

Though I concur with Eppy, we need more moderators to watch over the forums. The Admins already have enough work with the server itself, the forums need other people as moderators with responsibility.

New admins needed? - Eppy - 03-28-2008

I think it best not to lay out whom I think would be Mod candidates until an actual call is made for Mods, and while I would not be objectionable to doing the job (nominate me! nominate me! I'm power hungry!) I would never be so blatant as to nominate myself. I'd have you do it for me.:P

New admins needed? - destiny - 03-28-2008

I would say that this server needs a new admin or 2

New admins needed? - Othman - 03-28-2008

Could agree with the addition of new moderators, as they could be really needed in some desperate times. Yet, I believe this is something to be discussed within the administrating squad before it comes down to public mention or favor.

New admins needed? - Kane - 03-28-2008

So, do tell...

While you're deciding that the Admin team needs new members whilst conveniently putting forward no suggestions, would you like to tell us how to do our job as well? I'm sure we'll be all ears in order to listen to your words of wisdom.

"Harsh"? Yes, you're probably right. However, at this point in time, I don't believe I care. We have enough administrators, thank you, and unless the server population grows significantly (an event of which I am very against letting happen; 200 player slots is quite enough) my stance on this subject will not change.

If my fellow admins, and especially Igiss, decide we need more admins, then more admins we shall get. And not a moment before, believe you me.

New admins needed? - marauder - 03-28-2008

Pointless poll, pointless thread...

In Before The Lock...
