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Access denied to Alaska - Printable Version

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Access denied to Alaska - Leo - 03-31-2008

' Wrote:You've obviously never heard of the Boron/Beryllium run then...
Let's just say it would make that route more uber than the old Tau 31 one.

That's easy to fix, change around the trade routes a little bit. I.E. making it harder to earn credits with that route, and others that might make it easy to get money, I.E. the Cardamine run.

Access denied to Alaska - Xoria - 03-31-2008

Open the NY to Magellan jump gate and you make Magellan a full-blown mass transit system and a complete and total disaster for every pirate trying to operate in Liberty. California, Manchester, and Cortez would become completely empty and the only piracy available would be that 10k between the NY/Magellan gate in Magellan to the Leeds jump hole. Problem is, you can't pirate one transport when there are 15 more blasting away at you to help out that guy. You think there is a lot of traffic in Sigma 13? You haven't seen anything by comparison to what this would create.
And then there would be the =LSF=, [SA], Mercs, Bounty Hunters, and assorted what-have-yous just popping in for a quick peek at the locals...Mactan would become like the Mos Eisley bar in Star Wars Episode IV, only NOT FUN AT ALL.
Now if that gate could be available to Lane Hackers only, that would be interesting...of course, then 79.65% of the ships in the galaxy would have maxed out Lane Hacker reps within 2 days.
Believe me, I've thought about it, and there are good reasons why it is closed permanently on the server.

Access denied to Alaska - ParanoidAndroid - 03-31-2008

' Wrote:Why IS the Magellan-NY jumpgate locked on the server? it should be unlocked..

It should not be ever open again. Cali, Cortez and Manchester would die this way at once. Xoria explained it why and I completely agree.

Access denied to Alaska - Leo - 03-31-2008

' Wrote:Open the NY to Magellan jump gate and you make Magellan a full-blown mass transit system and a complete and total disaster for every pirate trying to operate in Liberty. California, Manchester, and Cortez would become completely empty and the only piracy available would be that 10k between the NY/Magellan gate in Magellan to the Leeds jump hole. Problem is, you can't pirate one transport when there are 15 more blasting away at you to help out that guy. You think there is a lot of traffic in Sigma 13? You haven't seen anything by comparison to what this would create.
And then there would be the =LSF=, [SA], Mercs, Bounty Hunters, and assorted what-have-yous just popping in for a quick peek at the locals...Mactan would become like the Mos Eisley bar in Star Wars Episode IV, only NOT FUN AT ALL.
Now if that gate could be available to Lane Hackers only, that would be interesting...of course, then 79.65% of the ships in the galaxy would have maxed out Lane Hacker reps within 2 days.
Believe me, I've thought about it, and there are good reasons why it is closed permanently on the server.

I've been on servers with it open, and seen none of what you propose. Besides, SA and LSF in Magallan? That would set off some insane and crazy RP and Dogfight battles...but that's not what this post is about, it's about why the access is denied to Alaska in SP, and that's been answered. For debates on the NY>Magellan, another post should be opened.


Access denied to Alaska - Klaw117 - 03-31-2008

Quote:Uhm Klaw I am quite sure he refers to original unmodded SP.
There's no Omicron Delta or Omicron-100 there.
If he was playing Discovery openSP he wouldn't be complaining about locked
JG since it's open.
Right, sorry. Is there even a route to Omicron Minor in unmodded SP?

Access denied to Alaska - Armageddon - 04-06-2008

I can see a simple reason for it not being repaired by liberty house. Its in the badlands which is rogue territory and it ends in hacker territory in magellan. It would allow thier enemies free access to new york quickly and easily. Into a part of space the liberty house does not control. It would not make sense for it to be repaired by the lawful factions... and arent the lawful factions the only ones who would know how to build/repair jumpgates?

Access denied to Alaska - Carlos_Benitez - 04-07-2008

' Wrote:Why IS the Magellan-NY jumpgate locked on the server? it should be unlocked..

I don't want to be able to get from Leeds to NY in less than 3 minutes, and I don't want people fiddling with my beloved Artifact smuggling route.

There's the most beutiful network of jumpholes from Cambridge to New York that shouldn't be ruined by un-locking a bypass.

Access denied to Alaska - sanvig - 04-07-2008

I was actually referring to the modded one. I didn't know the route to Omicron Minor, thats why the question. So is Alaska-->New York a one way route or I can never use that jump gate at all?

Access denied to Alaska - Klaw117 - 04-07-2008

Alaska->NY is a one-way route. You can use the JG to enter NY, but not Alaska.

Access denied to Alaska - Jazz - 04-08-2008

This is odd, I have modded OpenSP and I go throu that gat several times a day, both ways. any way, you can also tke this route, its pretty easy.

New Berlin>Fankfurt>Sig13>Sig17>sig19>O-Theta>O-Gamma>O-Kappa>O-Delta(possibly the most useful system that ever existed)>Minor

though, you may be able to cut out one of the sigs, I aint sure.