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To all prospective independent BAF Pilots, 13th| Northern Fleet needs you! - Printable Version

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To all prospective independent BAF Pilots, 13th| Northern Fleet needs you! - Black Widow - 01-31-2012

' Wrote:Comm ID: Cpt. Wilson

Hello there soldiers! My name is George Wilson, I have served as a BAF commissioned officer leading House of Curtis' guard. Young Lord James Curtis went to the Leeds battlefront, but we still have a Templar fighter available to assign to your mission, and I would be glad to pilot it.

Hello George Wilson, please fwd your skype protocols so we may add you to the ATAK COMMS.
Report to Battleship Derby for immediate debrief and active field placement.
Welcome Aboard

To all prospective independent BAF Pilots, 13th| Northern Fleet needs you! - Black Widow - 02-02-2012

Roster Updated:

13th|Lord.James.Curtis - Bomber

13th|HMS-Trojan.Horse - Destroyer

added to the fleet lists, welcome aboard.
Now go out and Hunt forthwith

To all prospective independent BAF Pilots, 13th| Northern Fleet needs you! - Ken_Anderson - 02-03-2012

Ken Anderson of the HMS-Raptor Gunboat, willing to fight for the 13th.

To all prospective independent BAF Pilots, 13th| Northern Fleet needs you! - Black Widow - 02-03-2012

' Wrote:Ken Anderson of the HMS-Raptor Gunboat, willing to fight for the 13th.
Roster Updated:

13th|HMS-Raptor - Gunboat, welcome aboard

To all prospective independent BAF Pilots, 13th| Northern Fleet needs you! - Black Widow - 02-05-2012

To all concerned parties the vessel:

13th|HMS-Enterprise - has been booted from the 13th Fleet for insubordination.

He is to be considered a rogue vessel and not apart of the 13th Northern Fleet and any future actions of his are not representative of the 13th Fleet.

He may still be flying the 13th| banner but this is an illusion....

To captain of the HMS-Enterprise you are ill suited for this out fit, and will not serve Her Majesty's Interests. You are hereby booted from the 13th Northern Fleet. Be sure to drop your tags on the way out....

To all prospective independent BAF Pilots, 13th| Northern Fleet needs you! - Thunderer - 02-09-2012

-incoming message...-
Source: HMS-Thunderer
Pilot: Charles Richard Hall
Subject: joining the 13th Northern Fleet


Did somebody mention blowing things up? 'Cause I'm a professional demolisher. I blow up old buildings, old ammo, pyrotechnics, annoying "friends"... And Valors. Lots of Valors. You can call me experienced in blowing up Valors, or anything Gallic that is moving.
I want to join the 13th Northern Fleet because they're fighting against Gallia in Gallia. And I like the color of Gallic ship's explosion in clear space, like in their territory. The space is too foggy in Bretonia. I can't see those explosions so well here. And they produce better "boom" in Gallia, I heard. Also, damaging enemy lines behind the frontline, where they don't expect, will surely help us defend.
So, may I rename my nimble battleship from BRF|HMS-Thunderer to 13th|HMS-Thunderer? If yes, let's blow 'em up! *To his crew: chaps, get on those guns, give those engines something to eat! This is gonna be a rough ride! Argh!*
With respect, Charles Richard Hall, the captain of HMS-Thunderer.

To all prospective independent BAF Pilots, 13th| Northern Fleet needs you! - Black Widow - 02-09-2012

' Wrote:-incoming message...-
Source: HMS-Thunderer
Pilot: Charles Richard Hall
Subject: joining the 13th Northern Fleet


Did somebody mention blowing things up? 'Cause I'm a professional demolisher. I blow up old buildings, old ammo, pyrotechnics, annoying "friends"... And Valors. Lots of Valors. You can call me experienced in blowing up Valors, or anything Gallic that is moving.
I want to join the 13th Northern Fleet because they're fighting against Gallia in Gallia. And I like the color of Gallic ship's explosion in clear space, like in their territory. The space is too foggy in Bretonia. I can't see those explosions so well here. And they produce better "boom" in Gallia, I heard. Also, damaging enemy lines behind the frontline, where they don't expect, will surely help us defend.
So, may I rename my nimble battleship from BRF|HMS-Thunderer to 13th|HMS-Thunderer? If yes, let's blow 'em up! *To his crew: chaps, get on those guns, give those engines something to eat! This is gonna be a rough ride! Argh!*
With respect, Charles Richard Hall, the captain of HMS-Thunderer.

Hello Charles Richard Hall, your application was successful please fwd your skype protocols so we may add you to the ATAK COMMS. Then report to Battleship Derby for immediate debrief and active field placement.
Welcome Aboard

To all prospective independent BAF Pilots, 13th| Northern Fleet needs you! - Black Widow - 02-09-2012

Roster Updated:

13th|HMS-Thunderer - Battleship, welcome aboard

To all prospective independent BAF Pilots, 13th| Northern Fleet needs you! - Weser - 02-12-2012

::::Incoming Transmission::::

Source : HMS-Yorktown Deck A
ID : Alisha Vincent
Subject : Joining the fight of the 13th Northern Fleet

Greetings everyone my Name is Alisha Vincent Captain of the Dunkirk class Battleship Yorktown . Me and my Crew want to join your honorable fight to protect our loved Home against the Gallic Invaders . I know when we loose this War we loose everything and for that reason Me and my Crew have decided to join your Fleet and bring the War to the doors of our Enemys to keep our Borders save and to guarantie the safety of every Bretonian Citizen . Well you may want to know something about Me and my Crew well I'll upload the Informations .

::::Uploading Informations::::
::::Upload Completed::::

Name : Alisha Vincent
Age : 31
Hight : 1,74m
weight : 60 Kg
Gender : Female
Rank : Captain
Born : Born on Planet New London in 788 A.S

Name : Richard Knight
Age : 32
Hight : 1,86m
weight : 82 Kg
Gender : Male
Rank : Commander
Born : Born on Planet Camebridge in 787 A.S

Name : Winston Callahan
Age : 26
Hight : 1,83m
weight : 80 Kg
Gender : Male
Rank : Lieutenant Commander
Born : Born on Planet Leeds in 793 A.S

Name : Natalie Cornwall
Age : 23
Hight : 1,68m
weight : 55 Kg
Gender : Female
Rank : 1st Lieutenant
Born : Born on Planet New London in 796 A.S

::::Upload Terminated::::

This are the personal Informations about the high Ranking Officers on the HMS-Yorktown if you have Questions you can Contact me or one of these Listed Persons .

::::Transmission Terminated::::

To all prospective independent BAF Pilots, 13th| Northern Fleet needs you! - Black Widow - 02-12-2012

Excellent we could do with another fine vessel like yours among our ranks!!

Report to HMS-Argosax immediately for active field assignment.

Roster Updated:

13th|HMS-Yorktown - Battleship, welcome aboard.....