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Salutations. - Leo - 03-31-2008

Eppy's Cookies are Laced with Posion...

...and zapp's posts are laced with recruitment requests.

Sheesh...what next?

"Leo's posts are laced with sarcasm" that I believe.


P.S. Welcome to discovery...again...

Salutations. - marauder - 03-31-2008


To join the resurrected zombie hordes of the returning <strike>players</strike> undead, please do not dial 0800-U-N-D-E-A-D.

First tip, keep a bottle of vodka handy for the commie pengies.

Second tip, leave new york ASAP, your sanity might last longer (note I said might, there is no refunds if you do lose your sanity after leaving NY).

Third tip, have fun.

Salutations. - Edge - 03-31-2008

Hello and welcome, and follow the rules:)

Salutations. - Angelfire - 03-31-2008

Heads up.. if you see Puck and his torpedoes..RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!

Those things can actually take down the whole server!

Salutations. - pchwang - 03-31-2008

Greetings, my good man!

Welcome to discovery!

Good luck and godspeed,

Salutations. - Boss - 03-31-2008

Hey! I never knew we were having a battle, zapp...Else I would'a been there.

Oh, right.

Welcome to the new, player. Yeah.

Don't join the LPI, we have loads of fun and you'd love it too much.

Salutations. - Space-Foxx - 04-01-2008

Hi and welcome to Discovery

Make sure you read the Server Rules Use this link for Server Rules and I also highly recommend you read the post by Xoria "Attenrion Disco Rookies" Use this link for Xoria's post, if you already read them good, re-read them untill they are like second nature to you.

Have fun, enjoy your stay and see you space side. :)