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Missing Person - Printable Version

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Missing Person - Pyromaniac - 03-13-2012

Jade was leaning against the wall with the notebook in one hand and the pen in the other for a moment he didn't respond, then he scowled at the notebook and snapped it closed.

"Yeah I'm Jade, and you're... Xi I'm guessing." He said as he returned the notebook to the inside of his jacket.

"So Alexis has you up to date then?"

Missing Person - Jeremy Hunter - 03-13-2012

"Yes, I'm Xi. Only one here with green hair and a Pizza Hut double topping sausage and pepperoni thick crust pizza." She said. "And yeah, Alex brought me up to speed before she called me." Xi took a bite of pizza, munching thoughtfully.
"Well, how does looking for the Party Poison sound? If we find a trace of it here, we'll be able to pick up it's trail to wherever it went."

Missing Person - Pyromaniac - 03-13-2012

Jade nodded.

"Well like I said to Alexis the only proof I have that she might have been here is some stoner's testimony. We need something concrete... docking records or something like that but I have absolutely no idea how to get my hands on those."

Missing Person - Jeremy Hunter - 03-14-2012

"Well, I can get the docking records if they'll help. It's easy getting docking records here. Sad, really, the ease of it."

Xi flashed a quick smile before returning to her pizza, munching away at a third piece. The girl was crazily strange, seeming pretty carefree, but also completely absorbed in her pizza, of which a second, steaming box was attached to her back. From the smell coming from the Pytho, it was obvious the cargo hold was a pizza factory.

Missing Person - Pyromaniac - 03-14-2012

"Man you eat a lot of pizza..." Jade commented. "Okay, so if you can get the docking records we can find out if Cassandra was here. That's a good place to start..."

"Excuse me," a passing trader interrupted. "Am I correct in assuming you're looking for Cassandra the wierd bounty hunter?"

Jade looked at the man and narrowed his eyes.

"Yes... You know something."

The trader shrugged.

"Well a couple weeks back I saw he messing around with this huge ship in the ice cloud. Like the size of a station, anyway, she never showed up here after that and when I went back over that way the ship was gone."

The man shrugged again muttering something about it being wierd and moved on. Jade looked back at Xi.

"Okay... Ship the size of a station... What do you think?"

Missing Person - Jeremy Hunter - 03-18-2012

"Barge." Was what Xi replied with. "It's the only logical ship that it could be...or a Zoner Juggernaut of the Nephilim Class...both are highly unlikely but the only plausible explanations to it."
Xi finished her pizza and threw the box like a frisbee into the waiting hatch on her pytho. She then removed the box from her back and began to eat.
"She might be stuck on that ship with no fuel." Xi said.

Missing Person - Pyromaniac - 03-18-2012

Jade thought over that for a minute nodding.

"Seems logical enough. Perhaps we should investigate?" He suggested.

Once more he found that in the abscense of any real lead he would be investigating the long shot. Why did this always happen where Cassandra was concerned?