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Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Printable Version

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Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - chopper - 04-09-2008

How is it elitist? Everyone would need to acquire those resources.
If you are a friend of someone who issues licenses - you'd still need to bring the resources.

It's not elitist.

But, it's proven that players will do anything they need if they want a BS.
Bringing some metal and other commodities won't stop them.
It will slow them down, but it won't lower capital ship presence percentage on the server.

If you'd deny one license even though a subject acquired resources, you would make a mess.
And we don't want a mess.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Titan - 04-09-2008

Quote:If you'd deny one license even though a subject acquired resources, you would make a mess.
And we don't want a mess.

That's the elitist part, and it would happen, a lot. It brings the issue of personal preference and ones own likes and dislikes, say the person is a good RPer, and the faction leader doesn't like him. Poof. No ship for him.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - chopper - 04-09-2008

Well, no one mentioned it anywhere.
He would have to give a reason for denial, and the only viable reason would be that the subject didn't acquire resources.

There would be no way to abuse it.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - BULLDOGNK - 04-09-2008

i have read all the above and this is my 2 cents worth

If this was to go ahead, say goodbye to discovery as we know it.

another elitist idea and another form of server police.

if a poll ever came out from the Admins suggesting this i would for sure vote NO.

for god sake people things should be made better, but all i see is people trying to destroy the fundamental thing and thats FUN,

i really wish you guys would give your silly ways a break.


Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - I_m_rdy - 04-09-2008

I'm taking a neutral position in this.

Well, we all were new to this community, Titan. Of course there was a time we didn't know the abbreviation "RP" and "OORP". It is elitist, I know, but faction leaders are nowadays more or less repected and trusted persons in the community. That's why I suggested the faction councils. For one point councils save one having to do all the work all by him/herself. And it prevents abusing powers (up to a certain degree, which is quite difficult to reach).

Sure, new players should be encouraged to learn the flow of the mod and the community, that roleplay is the key action here. You can't deny that. But do you think endless (OORP) trading for a massive battleship is the right way to learn how to RP here? Rather encourage them to join factions, give them a hand in understanding RP in Discovery. This proposal just shows how to stop the spam of capital ships with RP.

EDIT: I guess I should have changed the thread title to "How to RP a capship purchase", though it's not the best way to RP such.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Titan - 04-09-2008

Chopper there are countless ways to abuse such a situation, and it would be extremely easy. We're all biased in a way in some things, and making up a reason for denying something is a lot easier than actually thinking of a story for something to get accepted. It would just give the faction leaders too much power. And too much power is never healthy. It would simply ruin the fun for indies, and ruin the fact of actually learning how to RP. They would be forced to RP if they want something. Forcing people is bad, and drives people away from the community, as I said..speaking to them and trying to teach them some things is a much easier and a much more friendly way.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Jihadjoe - 04-09-2008

Yes yes yes, we have indy capspammers, I know, its a pain isn't it?

If someone has an oorp battleship, then sanction them. simple.

This measure would be severly detrimental to non system owning factions (and there are plenty) who would all of a sudden not be able to purchase some very fine pieces of machinery.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - old.steel - 04-09-2008

The restriction of any vessel do not ensure good roleplay - that is the problem.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Titan - 04-09-2008

I m rdy..trusted members of the community title does not mean they are not biased. There is frankly far too much politics and flaming even between the so called "trusted" members of the community that would make this idea completely impossible to do. Because frankly, everyone is biased, so am I. Everyone has the people they don't like and if you don't like someone you probably wouldn't give him a ship, no matter what reason they give you. I know some people are here for a long time but claiming they're some "holy sheep" or whatever that would treat everyone fairly is just complete nonsense. We're humans. We're prone to judge people easily. It would happen with this as well, hence why it is doomed to fail.

Capital Ship Purchase Proposal - Culebra - 04-09-2008

Ok Titan stop posting what I was about to say before I can say it. :P