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WHo likes animes!? - Death.RunningVerminator - 03-19-2012

' Wrote:>Really picky about the ones you like
>Likes the three of the most popular series on the face of the earth.
Point being?:P

WHo likes animes!? - sindroms - 03-19-2012

Do not really like it, but there are certain ones I found tolerable to watch.

NGE is fun because it is as if you were given a book with half of the beginning missing and you have to fill it in yourself.

FMA-B is the first manga I've read. Pretty interesting.

Code Geas is also good enough.

Death Note, although it should have ended with Ls death.

And..pretty much it, I suppose.

WHo likes animes!? - Zynth - 03-19-2012

Like like like.

Gimme a hug, fellow Angel Beats lover.

WHo likes animes!? - Prysin - 03-19-2012

meh, Guilty Crown is good, but its being whored out too much in the anime series....

I used to love anime alot, but i kinda strayed into reading Manga instead....

Beside One Piece, Fairy Tail, Bleach (which gonna end this month), Naruto Shippuuden and a few random anime's that air every season, i really dont watch much anime anymore...

BUT, for all of you anime lovers out there i gotta say; Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari is full of win.

WHo likes animes!? - Ayatolah - 03-19-2012

' Wrote:That's excluding the obvious 1990's childhood classics. Though, I suppose DBZ could be considered in that category..

I don't like anime, besides some examples, DBZ is a true classic of the 90's so... yeah that one is a catogery apart :laugh: there was another anime series i liked, but i do not know how was called in english... about a thief called Lupin... damn awesome anime :laugh:

WHo likes animes!? - Rommie - 03-19-2012

Dragon Ball/Z/GT
Blue Gender
Chrono Crusade
Code Geass/R2
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Macross Frontier
Brave 10
07 Ghost
Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan
Death Note
Full Metal Alchemist
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Sailor Moon

There may be others but I can't remember them right now.

WHo likes animes!? - Echo 7-7 - 03-19-2012

Cowboy Bebop.

Ghost in the Shell.

- My two top animes of all time. NGE is a close third.

Plus I've watched other stuff too.

WHo likes animes!? - Stuffz - 03-19-2012

' Wrote:Cowboy Bebop.

Ghost in the Shell.

this so much

WHo likes animes!? - Zynth - 03-19-2012

' Wrote:Neon Genesis Evangelion

Mind raep.

I'm re-watching it now. I'll need a psychiatrist after this.


Recommend me a manga...

WHo likes animes!? - sindroms - 03-19-2012

As someone who has watched NGE for 18 times now....toss me a poke on Skype and lets watch together.