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Most fighters can't cloak - Printable Version

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Most fighters can't cloak - Nosferath - 04-07-2012

Ok, I'll try. But lately, the server has been having problems letting me in, I'll try to fix that.

Most fighters can't cloak - Zapp - 04-07-2012

' Wrote:Providing a 1-5 minute period of cloaking has been seen and proven in some cases to be horribly horribly unbalancing. The only time ive seen it done correctly is when the cloaking time is unlimited but RECLOAKING is on a timer of at least 15-20 minutes.

This give cloaked ships (usualy the capital ships) the ability to launch a surprise attack but no chance of hitting the button to get away unscathed.

This leave open the ability for ships to get away if they dont use thier cloak.. but its not as good a tactic for large vessles because thier big and are still hittable.. an invisable barn is still a barn.

I quite like this idea.

Most fighters can't cloak - Govedo13 - 04-07-2012

I also agree with Zapp and Huggie. Cooldown timer is better then charging timer.

Most fighters can't cloak - Zapp - 04-07-2012

' Wrote:I also agree with Zapp and Huggie. Cooldown timer is better then charging timer.
After some thinking, it would take a bit more than just that, though. Imagine smugglers undocking, hitting cloak, then going through their entire run only to uncloak right before they dock at the end point and then they log off and do something else for 30 minutes or so.

It becomes a convenient way to avoid player interaction when doing things that should have consequences. Sure, you can make it take up more cargo, or even a percentage of cargo based on the size of the cargohold (talking about the max cargo, not the net cargo when you add in armor, weapons, and everything else).

Or you can make it so cloaks don't work with jump holes/gates or trade lanes (which they shouldn't anyways).

I'm sure there are plenty of ideas, but as of now we haven't seen enough of the current cloaking system to offer too many reasonable alternatives.

Most fighters can't cloak - Govedo13 - 04-07-2012

As far as I understood it this wont be possible if the smuggler does not have 1 barge full of fuel to support his cloak. So the time is connected with the fuel so it is balanced that way.

Most fighters can't cloak - Zapp - 04-07-2012

I was talking about a cloaking device that doesn't use fuel, but instead offers indefinite cloak with a cooldown timer.

Most fighters can't cloak - Nosferath - 04-08-2012

Govedo, check
It's the most complete thing I've seen on Jump Drives, Surveys and Cloaks.

Most fighters can't cloak - HuggieSunrise - 04-09-2012

Well We also had damage conditions. IE if the hull str was below 80% you cant cloak and also jumping/undocking/ Cd's and even countermeasures jammed the cloak.

these devices are hard to balance. keeping them "fun" and worthwhile for some new tatics are difficult

Most fighters can't cloak - Nosferath - 04-11-2012

So what's going to happen with the nom lf speed? Is this going to be fixed anytime soon?