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Server Connection? (Admin input please) - Printable Version

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Server Connection? (Admin input please) - kingvaillant - 04-20-2008

humm one word


using side mods that aren't supose to be working with the server,, makes it crash, and it makes us dislike(extremely) cheaters

Server Connection? (Admin input please) - Atra - 04-20-2008

The original Account did have speed mod used, alot i think. A character called willy (I believe he's an admin) i think mentioned it to me in game and explained why my game kept crashing, something to do with FLMM1.4 We then had it resolved. It was also odd that no notice was given, it wasnt even listed in the rules section, so I had no chance to clear this up with other admins or anything.

However this account on my laptop (character Theon) has no use of speed mod or anything, the only mod even installed is disco. the other were deleted to avoid FLMM 1.4 issues.

If the Atra character is banned, and I cant do anything about it I understand, I thought Willy and I had cleared it up, but thats up to you guys.

As for the second account, there's no connection to Atra, so I'm not sure why that might be banned.

Thanks FH.

Server Connection? (Admin input please) - Horon - 04-20-2008

At least you appear to be honest, unlike some people here who deny the truth, even when proof of their cheating is right in front of their, and the admins, faces.

Server Connection? (Admin input please) - SevereTrinity - 04-20-2008

Perhaps, it is an IP ban?

Server Connection? (Admin input please) - sovereign - 04-20-2008

' Wrote:Perhaps, it is an IP ban?

That's entirely possible, if I remember correctly that's how they get around FLAM...

Server Connection? (Admin input please) - Horon - 04-20-2008

We will just have to wait for what Fellow Hoody has to say. Hes just about to post, and I think its gonna be a doozy.

Server Connection? (Admin input please) - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-20-2008

Surprising how smart the software actually is sir ... It seems to have a second sense of who is using what,
and hooks them out. You cost me a lot of time and trouble checking through the large log database to see
if we had a problem causing the crashing today. Your name appears rather a lot again.
Anyway, thats a moot point now, you are banned for the speeding, the rest will be checked with greater
depth later.

Quote:2.2 Sanction for cheating may range from 3-day ban to eternal ban.

Punishment for using speed mod (first time) will be no less than ban for 30 days. Players who have been
spotted cheating for 2 or more times will be banned forever.
From our rules ...


Server Connection? (Admin input please) - Atra - 04-20-2008

that wasnt today however.

The speed mod on Atra was 3 days ago. Im out of state atm on a laptop with a different account (Theon)

And like i said previously, I have no mods but Disco on this PC.
I'm unsure what I could have done today to get banned, I was only in game for a bit over an hour, the account is brand new.

Server Connection? (Admin input please) - kingvaillant - 04-20-2008

Atra, at this point, I STRONGLY recommend you to speak privately with an admin, Things will get solved this way, without any dangers of flaming, ranting, etc, etc

Server Connection? (Admin input please) - Atra - 04-20-2008

Good Idea King, Thanks.
Also Sorry to any Disco Member i may have caused problems for a few days ago, I twas unintentional, but my responsibility non the less. Hopefully I see you guys in the game soon.