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Hardest role to play - Printable Version

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Hardest role to play - Nysquist - 04-20-2008

First I was thinking Miltary, you "always" have to win. You are up against Battleships in your very heavy fighter and you still have to tell him to drop the nomads. As one of my characters is a navy recuit and almost allways outskilled and outgunned by the villians.

But then, the police have an even worse ship, the LF, and never any backup.

Hardest role to play - Dieter Schprokets - 04-20-2008

Pirate, then terrorist

Its hard to juggle the things you have to do as pirate: system chat in RP, shoot TL's, shoot trader, but not too much, keep eye on screen for lawfuls coming to kill you, do the trade with the trader...

Logistically harder than being a terrorist; a terrorist is harder to RP, but other than that, its easier, I'd guess.

Hardest role to play - Eppy - 04-20-2008

It was a close race with the Trader, but I said Smuggler. A smuggler character is a trader, but he's unlawful, and he can't dock with lawful bases, which are all the best routes. A trader/smuggler character is, most of the time, created to make money; that's how mine got started, and how most everybody's got started. The [IND]Cash.Cow used to bear the name Epyon_The_Bored. Old Eppy was a character that developed much later. Smugglers have it even worse, because they're going to be constantly harassed by Lawfuls AND Unlawfuls all the live long day, no matter what they do, they have to work harder to justify the bigger, more profitable ships, (read, A-Train, Cont Trans, etc.) and they have to do it in-character all the time, which implies a much deeper and longer character history than a Trader, who's likely just your average joe looking to get by.

A terrorist has the whole PvP temptation, but if you've managed to secure a standalone Terrorist ID, then the Admins must have observed that you are fully competent at playing the character, and hence it most likely comes much easier to you. Not to mention, the ID grants so much freedom in what it does that you can write your character to do damn near anything you want.

Hardest role to play - Jinx - 04-20-2008

the more a role is predefined, the easier it is. - up to a point where you re not playing a role anymore, but follow rules. - so, military structures are easy to play. - archetypes are easy to play. - its like theater, the tough roles are not the ones of the villains or the heroes, caues they are predefined, even if they re more complex than just a wrongdoer or the good guy.

the really tough roles are those of the John Does/Jane Does. common people, "like you and me". - to play those convincingly is the tough one. - so, roleplaying a terrorist or a nomad or a phantom or a hero of a war isn t that hard. these are archetypes. - people have expectations and all you need to do it to fulfil their expectations.

the hard roles are generic trader, generic military, mercenary or generic pirate. - they do not offer an archetype or not as much as a fixed role, but allow a great freedom. so a good roleplayer can push those roles to a limit that cannot be achieved with an archetype role, - and a bad roleplayer can ruin them.

Hardest role to play - AdamantineFist - 04-20-2008

' Wrote:Police is most difficult in my eyes followed by Military...

as police every pirate tries to kill you...smugglers try to pass by.. and OOC chat + messed id/tag/ships/weapons are your main enemy every time...

facing all this.. you are in a LF that can get wasted any second.

Comming with new and new in RP responses to ooC answers all the time while excepting to die... and also while nobody (Transport, GB and up) takes you serious because you are in a small ship and can't move their shield that's hard..

but.. you can always say that it's too much for police and leave (LPI;)).. saying it's job for millitary.. millitary can't leave the area with honor... but they are at least in VHFs also.
All the other roles.... you can simply not say anything and leave the area if you encounter some of the ooc mess or BHG caps hunting you around.

Or in short:

as Police/ Military you are constantly on defense having things thrown at you, also you are responsible for something, in all other roles you can pick your own situations.

All too true, unfortunately. You can really have your patience pushed to the limit here. Being military can be annoying enough, but police? You fly around in a dinky little light fighter going, "Sir, look, you really have to stop that, sir. Please?"

Hardest role to play - Zapp - 04-20-2008

If you're going to make another character, join the BLS!:D

This is Zapp, the ever-recruiting, signing off.

Hardest role to play - BaconSoda - 04-20-2008

I said pirate, mainly because, if people don't know what your faction is or how they operate, it can really be a pain, since people will argue with you for ages before cooperating or even trying to read the NPC tag on your ship....

And of course there are all the generic symptoms of OORPness, like logging when taxed, and just dieing instead of bargaining and such.

Hardest role to play - Magoo! - 04-20-2008

I'd say BH. If only for the fact that you actually have to play it fairly, not capwhore, and not be a total idiot about it.

By that, I mean that you have to be logical about the role instead of saying, "I BH, u cirmnal. I shoot u cuz says it ur my enemy. LOLZ!!1! Allso teh Orderz are get pwned by meh. And teh Corsairs. And teh Rogues. And teh Outcasts. And teh Hackers. And..."

Even though the NPC's shoot anything that flies, doesn't mean that real BHs should. They should work on a contract only basis, unless its in Order space, but that's because they're warring.

Hardest role to play - me_b_kevin - 04-20-2008

' Wrote:Anyway, on the topic of 'hardest to roleplay', I'd have to pick Terrorist aswell. Just look at what Mon'Star did... *rolls eyes*

what did that little precious angel do this time? he wouldn't hurt a fly ;)

Being a terrorist is hard. i have the RP part of it pretty much taken care of, meaning i feel i do it well. it's the other stuff you have to deal with that makes it tough. the good guys and the badguys hate you, your almost always alone, dogpiling occurs often, and if you kill someone you run a high risk of being insulted via PM's.

BUT i also have limited play time so i don't get to play often, therefore i put everything into Mon' i don't have any basis for comparison.

Hardest role to play - pchwang - 04-20-2008

Based on the large number of people who agree that "Terrorist" is hardest to play as, I am also surprised by the huge number of people who want to RP as a terrorist...