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Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - globalplayer-svk - 04-20-2008

Spacewolf, but what has the bh from killing pirate without any bounty on his head? from word bounty hunter is for me clear one thing,that he work for money. and coming somewhere,kiilling someone only because he is pirate and i have nothing for that has nothign together with bounty, only with i am pvp whore and i will kill all pirates. and bh aren ot sirius police. so for example when bh come to kusari and he see blood dragon first time, he can not know if he is lawfull or unlawfull. bh take no care if he make somethign to kusari military or no. when he has not incidents with blood dragons,tehy are neutral for him. something other is when is bounty on blood dragons in kusari ( and i know that is) but that was only example.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - pchwang - 04-20-2008

Quote:Well attacking any lawfull is an unlawfull action which is against the ID description.. no matter who pays.
Totally true, Mjolnir, but it also depends on where the Bounty Hunter calls his home.

In Bretonia, we have a law stating that if you see lawfuls being attacked by anyone, including KNF, and you do not assist, you are in violation of Bretonian law and will be fined.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - tfmachad - 04-20-2008

' Wrote:Totally true, Mjolnir, but it also depends on where the Bounty Hunter calls his home.

In Bretonia, we have a law stating that if you see lawfuls being attacked by anyone, including KNF, and you do not assist, you are in violation of Bretonian law and will be fined.
Quite a difference between an offensive action (going to Kusari to hunt a KNF officer under a QCRF contract) and a defensive one (defending a Bretonian trader in Leeds against a KNF privateer).

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - Raekur - 04-20-2008

Let me see if I can sum this up then.

If there is not a bounty for a BH to chase down then the only thing a BH can do is scan cargo or wait at the office for a escort job to come across the wire.

If he happends to pass by a pirate ripping a trader he should just make sure to avoid the wreckage and ignore the screaming. I will keep this in mind.

So no hiring a BH to protect you while your being attacked, that is for mercs.
But you can hire a BH to escort you just dont wait until after the pirate attacks you.
Dont expect a passing BH to aid you in any way unless you are a bounty hunter and at that I guess BH's should not expect anyone else coming to their aid.

So if there is a trader being attacked by a pirate then the various factions should act as follows.
Police - can freely aid the trader as long as it is within the jurisdiction of his house.
Navy - will contact police and inform them of the situation.
Merc - only if the trader is willing to pay whatever amount the merc states.
BH - can not assist at all unless there is an outstanding bounty on the pirate.
Trader - chances are will take the opportunity to make some distance.
Freelancer - tough one here. Could be hired i guess.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - sovereign - 04-20-2008

' Wrote:Let me see if I can sum this up then.

If there is not a bounty for a BH to chase down then the only thing a BH can do is scan cargo.
If he happends to pass by a pirate ripping a trader he should just make sure to avoid the wreckage and ignore the screaming. I will keep this in mind.

There's actually one other option. Since BH are after money, they might ask traders if they want an escort. If you're just doing it so you can fight the S-13 unlawfuls, then you're still a PvP-whore, but if you charge reasonable fees (like 2 mil for 40 mins or something) for your services and are actually turning a profit its fine.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - Raekur - 04-20-2008

I disagree Sov as hiring after the battle is underway would be out of RP.
The escort is an option only if agreed upon prior to encountering hostiles.
After engaging hostiles..look for a merc and pray you have enough coin.

I am beginning to see why there are a large amount of pirates.
It seems that they are the only ones that can freely chose to initiate something.
Everyone else requires some prior action to have been taken.
Got it.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - sovereign - 04-20-2008

' Wrote:I disagree Sov as hiring after the battle is underway would be out of RP.
The escort is an option only if agreed upon prior to encountering hostiles.
After engaging hostiles..look for a merc and pray you have enough coin.

That's pretty much what I meant to say, sorry if I didn't make that clear... Mid-battle, yeah, that follows for merc jobs, although the line is a little blurry.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - Raekur - 04-20-2008

I guess the biggest issue I have is that Darkwing has always operated under the guidelines of protecting Traders and ensuring the safety of trade routes.

Here it seems that traders might as well all fly luxury liners with the heaviest armor available because they can not expect help from anyone unless it is arranged prior to launch. I feel sorry for the individual who wants to trade that does not always have a friend to fly with.

Oh, and as to the origin of bounty hunters, maybe its just me but I would think that the larger source of them would actually come from lawful organizations. They are just individuals who decided they wanted to be their own boss or were tired of having to wait for paperwork to get some scum out of action.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - tfmachad - 04-20-2008

' Wrote:...
If there is not a bounty for a BH to chase down then the only thing a BH can do is scan cargo or wait at the office for a escort job to come across the wire.

If he happends to pass by a pirate ripping a trader he should just make sure to avoid the wreckage and ignore the screaming. I will keep this in mind.

So no hiring a BH to protect you while your being attacked, that is for mercs.
But you can hire a BH to escort you just dont wait until after the pirate attacks you.
Dont expect a passing BH to aid you in any way unless you are a bounty hunter and at that I guess BH's should not expect anyone else coming to their aid.
' Wrote:I disagree Sov as hiring after the battle is underway would be out of RP.
The escort is an option only if agreed upon prior to encountering hostiles.
After engaging hostiles..look for a merc and pray you have enough coin.

I am beginning to see why there are a large amount of pirates.
It seems that they are the only ones that can freely chose to initiate something.
Everyone else requires some prior action to have been taken.
Got it.
Oh dear! Sorry, Raekur, but that is all so melodramatic.

' Wrote:I guess the biggest issue I have is that Darkwing has always operated under the guidelines of protecting Traders and ensuring the safety of trade routes.
Oh, and as to the origin of bounty hunters, maybe its just me but I would think that the larger source of them would actually come from lawful organizations. They are just individuals who decided they wanted to be their own boss or were tired of having to wait for paperwork to get some scum out of action.
I thought those were the Freelancers.

What doesn't cut it for me is a non-governmental organization, large enough to finance a vast number of warships, engaged in random acts of philanthropy all around Sirius.

Bounty Hunter actions regarding piracy - Raekur - 04-21-2008

Actually Gronath its not being dramatic its called frustration, because this is the first server I have been to that the community seems to restrict someone coming to the aid of another without requiring some paperwork to be filled out prior.
That is not roleplaying a character, its promoting a sadistic view of morality.
Something along the lines of encountering someone in need, like being in an auto accident and instead of aiding the person you just stand there and watch them bleed to death while saying " I'm not an EMT, its not my job".
Call it dramatic if you like but that is exactly what is being implied here.

Oh and for those that may not know, the bounty hunter ID reads as follows:

Pilot carrying this ID has joined the Bounty Hunters Guild. Bounty Hunter ID grants its owner right to fulfill bounty contracts, escort traders, hunt pirates and terrorists, participate in military operations on lawful side. Bounty Hunter ID owner cannot participate in any unlawful actions and trade on regular basis.

You might want to note the contracts and hunting are separate entries.
I can see that cruising around away from trade routes looking for pirates would be considered as PvP whoring. Along known trade routes its a different story, especially outside house systems where the police are not permitted to intervene. Keep in mind, criminals are listed as known enemies of bounty hunters so encountering someone doing a criminal act qualifies. If a pirate is not committing a crime then its in that grey area, if he is then it is crystal clear what the position is for both parties.