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Pirates? OMGAH - AeternusDoleo - 05-10-2012

... meh. Join the Merchant Navy, Bowex or IMG - those guys run regular convoys. There's usually strength in numbers. You might still get blown up on occasion, but you'll also see some pirates kasplode or hightail it out.

Pirates? OMGAH - rewritable - 05-10-2012

Make a starflier escort ship. SO MUCH WIN!

But yeah, lawfuls are at the bottom of activity chain. Traders always have something to do - you don't need any interaction to move stuff around. Pirates rely on trader activity - they need something to pirate. Lawfuls rely on pirate activity who in turn rely on trader activity. If anything is missing in that chain, they have pretty much nothing to do. And people prefer to fly ships that have something to do.

Pirates? OMGAH - Ursus - 05-10-2012

' Wrote:It's about dang time for the security of the Sirius Sector to step up their.... security! Pirates are running rampant people! Why is it that for the first time on Discovery their are MORE pirates than police?
you are the lawful that you are looking for. make lawful kill pirates = more lawfuls less pirates

Pirates? OMGAH - Ninefour - 05-10-2012

get a battletrans, a good CAU and some type 3s. win.

Pirates? OMGAH - Curios - 05-10-2012

BHG is dead because Lawful boards are usually too jewish and pays only 1 mill per kill which is nothing impressive. Rise the bids.

edit: Really, traders wants to pass the House space more safier - share some profits with navies so they can pay a nice bounties.

Pirates? OMGAH - Madvillain - 05-10-2012

Am I such a strange bird for having mainly unlawful characters, that never pirate?

Pirates? OMGAH - Mickk - 05-10-2012

To the OP:

Learn from your encounter.

You WILL remember that particular pirate's name after what happened.

I certainly do when it happens to me.

Use your 'long range scanner' to check the next system you are going into.

Don't do the same route over and over and over, smart pirates are just looking for patterns.

Don't always use the tradelanes.

Yes, I know it's *much* faster, but it's also really easy for a pirate to sit on a lane and disrupt it when they see a ship on it.

Always have an alternate route you can use.

Lastly, getting stopped by a pirate sucks, but it doesn't have to be a bad experience.

Sure you get 'pirates' that are just after a blue message, but most of them are after credits and I've heard some can be talked into a smaller 'donation' shall we say.

Edit: Ok.... so almost a full hour after making this post I realized the OP post is essentially an 'oh poor me, something bad happened'. Pirates happen to Traders, that's how it is.

Pirates? OMGAH - ryoken - 05-10-2012

' Wrote:I am. Because I have a Xeno ID and most people don't use Liberty trading IDs.

Then your violating the ID if demanding cash. Big no no.

If your getting nailed 3 times 1 run? then stop taking that route. Sheesh! I am not a pirate fan, but they hit you 3 times one way your the one failing to catch on. Also i bet run takes you into Liberty via california. If that is the case? You deserve to get hit 3 times in pirate alley. Avoid cali at all costs. It is like the slums for Liberty, and all the rats collect there. Go into Ontario>colorado>NY. A little longer, but pirate free 90% of time, and pirates you do meet there are not the lolwuts, but the RPr's.

Pirates? OMGAH - Prysin - 05-10-2012

' Wrote:you are the lawful that you are looking for. make lawful kill pirates = more lawfuls less pirates

more lawfuls = more reavers
more reavers = more pirates
more pirates = more lawfuls

rinse and repeat...

Pirates? OMGAH - Altejago - 05-10-2012

In my experience....

I learnt to take hold of factions on both sides of the law.

I break it then I abide by them,

Then I break them and then I abide by them

Then I break them and then I abide by them....


and the circle continues until I run out of systems, rage, or get lead astray by Widow.

Either way, I win!

(and I lose :nono:)