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Zoner bomber Kaichou II - RedEclipse - 05-13-2012

Echo, why that?

Zoners must get their snubcrafts, to logically finish their shipline. If they may produce caps, why the hell they can't make a bomber?
As for a model - there is already Jinx's great nephilim, osprey, fearless, whale. So I see no problem to add this bomber, it's fits to Zoners style.

Zoner bomber Kaichou II - aerelm - 05-13-2012

I'm all in for giving Zoners a full line of snubs from interceptor to bomber, if... The devs remove every Zoner cap except the Corvo (Which is not gonna happen).

Zoners used to be the main producer of CTE line in vanilla and they were too small of a faction to build caps or even their own transports, on top of that, they are supposedly neutral and shouldn't really bother building warships and whatnot. Seeing how things have changed since then though, Zoners are the ones goin on full scale wars with powerful unlawful groups in the region and try to piss the houses off, so I think nowadays they need their cap fleet more than a snubline...(!)

So, since the Zoners have moved that far away from their original lore, I think they can at least stick to the "producing and using CTE line" part as a price for their shiny capfleet which considerin their RP background they have no use for.

Zoner bomber Kaichou II - jammi - 05-13-2012

' Wrote:Zoners used to be the main producer of CTE line in vanilla
Not even that. The original infocard for the Eagle said it was produced by Liberty. It was only sold on Freeport 9 to set up a regional levelling gradient for SP; the further you went from Liberty, the higher the level of difficulty and tech you'd get, etc.

Zoners had nothing to do with the production of the CTE line. They just used them and re-sold the ships to others who wanted to use them.

Zoner bomber Kaichou II - RedEclipse - 05-13-2012

Well, I'd recommend to leave this thread for what's was created. If we will start to discuss who should/shouldn't have caps thread have rights to be put into flood.

As for civilian technology, as I mention its for sale as Kingfisher. If Zoners already get a their own VHF the Osprey, why they shouldn't have a bomber?

Zoner bomber Kaichou II - aerelm - 05-14-2012

' Wrote:Well, I'd recommend to leave this thread for what's was created. If we will start to discuss who should/shouldn't have caps thread have rights to be put into flood.

As for civilian technology, as I mention its for sale as Kingfisher. If Zoners already get a their own VHF the Osprey, why they shouldn't have a bomber?
Actually, the argument in my post above is totally relevant to the subject of this thread. I'm not discussing who should or should not have capital ships, I'm simply pointing out that Zoners already have far more shiny stuff than they were supposed to have, so what about the Zoner players stop whining 24/7 and go play the actual game instead?

You have 2 battleships, 2 cruisers, a gunboat, a 5k transport AND a fighter in your shipline? Oh poor you, tell me how bad it sucks to not have your own bomber.

Zoners are the only faction in the mod who have 2 battleships and 2 cruisers, and if you want to complain about not having a full line of snubs, go complain at the Zoner playerbase durin the time those ships were submitted for not going "We'd rather get our full snub line, that's more suitable for our RP" and instead goin for a full cap line. Oh, and on that note - Bring back the old Whale model. This one's a half-arsed Star Wars import.

But it's ok, if you want Zoner snubline, model it yourself or pay someone to do it for you. If they're decent enough I don't see why wouldn't the devs put it in. Zoners being as powerful and resourceful as each and every house military out there so totally fits their original lore.

Zoner bomber Kaichou II - RedEclipse - 05-14-2012

Actually you complaining here. If someone want to suggest something, it's complaining? Ok then.
I was so impressed by that model of bomber. I've found usage of it as Zoner bomber. Do you have allergy on anything related to Zoners?

Zoner bomber Kaichou II - SparkyRailgun - 05-14-2012

Don't worry too much about what people say here RedEclipse; it's the old Discovery mentality of being completely arbitrary about what they want.

Zoner bomber Kaichou II - aerelm - 05-14-2012

' Wrote:Do you have allergy on anything related to Zoners?
Yes, thanks to Jinx replacing his ugly models with uglier ones twice every mod version while there's absolutely no need for.

Zoner bomber Kaichou II - Daedric - 05-15-2012

No one is complaining. Merely stating their opinions on something that directly ties into the theme of this thread. That theme is that a number of the people who play Zoners continually ask for more, more, more. The Zoner faction already has the largest ship line. A faction who, in role play is suppose to be one of the smallest, has the largest ship line. Makes no sense.

I know that a good deal of the development team wouldn't mind removing some of those ships. In fact, they've asked OSI, TAZ, and the Omicroners in the past about it. The general consensus of the factions at that time was partial removal to curb the number of them. A certain developer has voiced his opinion that he feels that the Feareless and Neph should be removed from Zoners and given to the Order. This means Zoners would still be able to use them, albeit at 90% power core. Far better than the full removal other developers are wanting.

You want my opinion on it? I agree with that developer. I'd honestly love to see that happen. I can't stand that the faction I enjoy playing the most, is the faction whose lore is the most illogical. I've been hammering away at a few of the developers to get it made straight, so it makes sense with what Zoners are.

Ignoring all of the issues regarding giving Zoners another ship, let us focus on the model itself. Do you have the files? Again, in Dusty's words; a image on the forums a model does not make. Jinx was imfamous about doing this. Posting images of half baked models on the forums and then claiming they weren't put in. They didn't make it in, because he failed to finish the model to the standard the development team demands.

I agree, Zoners could indeed build their own bomber. They build the Osprey. Hell, in role play my character runs a company that builds both the CTE line and the Borderworlds line. Other factions deserve some dev love. Be happy with the two cruisers, two battleships, gunboat, and fighter Zoners already have.

Zoner bomber Kaichou II - Friday - 05-16-2012

For those posters bagging out Jinx, the GMG owes him BIG TIME for the smexiest mofo spacecraft one could ever ask for!

[Image: 254px-Garanchou-s.png]

[Image: 254px-Karasu-s.png]

I believe i was one of the people who wanted the Kaichou MK II to replace the existing one. I still maintain it reminds me of the Excalibur from Wing Commander...