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Is Connecticut needed? - Printable Version

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Is Connecticut needed? - Evan_ - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:Yet another thread about this. See the previous ones.
Do look for it. I'm in it, agreeing with you while being fully aware that it will never change..

Is Connecticut needed? - MetalPheonix - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:but I don't think it's ok when I see players spending hours and hours in there. In my opinion, it's time that could be better spent doing other things. Since I get similar thoughts from other people too, I thought I'd ask the question straight up. Is Conn really necessary?
Yes, Because spending hours of how THEY want to spend THEIR time in a game they payed THEIR money for is bad. I hardly spend any time in conneticut but im just saying...

Is Connecticut needed? - SeaFalcon - 05-16-2012

RP'ing my un-flyable characters there because they are stuck in a situation they can't fly in.
As for that I don't mind Connecticut at all.
It's good to test some things of real 'character' ships.

And maybe it's possible to remove Connecticut time from the activity tracker if that's your problem.

Is Connecticut needed? - Hierophant - 05-16-2012

People like to PvP. If you don't, I wonder how you got here.

I'd wecome a few systems where peopel can non-stop pvp in a pvp context without the necessity for line after line of alibi-RP jsut to satisfy other people, and where they don't get shouted at because the attack someone who is their enemy in RP.

Like "warzone" where basically you can attack silently and re-engage after death if you want, you just have to make sure your actions don't violate the canon RP.

Make one system like that for the Liberty vs Rheinland, Bretonia vs Gallia, Corsairs vs Outcast, Order vs Nomads.

Since that wont be done, sure let people go to PvP in Connecticut. If they don't do it their they'll be hunting YOU to get their PvP.

Is Connecticut needed? - Lucky Luke - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:People like to PvP. If you don't, I wonder how you got here.

Since that wont be done, sure let people go to PvP in Connecticut. If they don't do it their they'll be hunting YOU to get their PvP.
I like PvP as much as anyone here, but I also like it to "mean" something. I want it to be because of some form of RP. Whether it's in forum, or just in game. And if they come for me... perfect! I want the interaction even if I get my butt kicked.

Is Connecticut needed? - Pavel - 05-16-2012

Where I would train PvP with guard systems removed? Corporations haven't guards at all, where their security wings pilots would train fight on their ships? It's rather hard to train in Halle when nobody's from RFP online or can't/don't want to. Not every faction has activity of IMG or Samura. In Conn I always can meet someone, moreover, I can train against my inRP main opponents, Hessians, on their and mine respective ships, without ooRPly inviting them to Halle with // mark, only for one duel.

No. Connecticut is necessary, and should track official faction's member activity there. Training PvP is also part of their duties. I met in Conn few lolwuts and bunch of nice folks who gave me very helpful advices, I'm no longer dogfight noob. Kudos to Cannon for /conn.*

*I heard he wrote that FLhook, I hope I'm not wrong.

Is Connecticut needed? - Zap - 05-16-2012

I love PvP but having somewhere like Connecticut does seem at odds with the server ethos of rule based RP. Perhaps an alternative would be to designate "hot spots" where RP wars mean players can attack opposing factions without warning within given dates?

Is Connecticut needed? - Nicolas - 05-16-2012

' Wrote:I love PvP but having somewhere like Connecticut does seem at odds with the server ethos of rule based RP. Perhaps an alternative would be to designate "hot spots" where RP wars mean players can attack opposing factions without warning within given dates?

Those "hot spots" exist and a 3-5 line engagement message takes one minute, not really a problem in my eyes.

Voted yes, first answer, yes on the poll.

Conn is a great place to train, no doubt on that, but it's getting overused lately imo. During times when there are ~160 players on the server seeing 20 of those camping conn reduces the possibility to RP (and therefor having PvP based on RP) in other systems. PvP based RP usually is more fun for me than logging in conn just to ask "pewz anyone????".

Main problem I see in conn now, being the reason for my vote to the second question, is the fact that I see too many people logged in conn, those are personal reasons though.

Is Connecticut needed? - Pavel - 05-16-2012

Such hotspot already exists, Connecticut. Don't try to force people to spend their free time in way they don't want to. Thanks to /conn, I visited that place for the first time on my Mjolnir. Can you realize how I could made my way there in past without being shot down by the way 20 times by LNS lolwuts? Or being sanctioned due to traveling outside RFP ZOI. If Conn's overcrowded now, it's a sign there was and still is huge demand for PvP training place.

" I love PvP but having somewhere like Connecticut does seem at odds with the server ethos of rule based RP. Perhaps an alternative would be to designate "hot spots" where RP wars mean players can attack opposing factions without warning within given dates? "

RM indies/RHA indies constant slaughter, capgank and common hatred 24/7 entire year. Same for RM-LN indies.

Is Connecticut needed? - sprundermuff - 05-16-2012

If you want to know why many don't want connecticut anymore, do this:

Every single time you ever log on, look in connecticut and see how many people are their.

Now, every time you log back on, with that or another char, look again, count to see if more, less, or the same amount.

I did this, and it wasn't that bad at the start of /conn, but because of my lack of interest in getting destroyed constantly because of my lack in perfect PvP, I have logged in randomly just to see who's on.

Recently, Connecticut is full of several people, even those we do not want on our server.

This is an English only in Local and System chat, right?

Well, we have RuRuss and δΩ talking people.

This is not bad in any way, I don't mind them at all, but, they don't even try to learn the rules, register on the forum, or attempt to reply with something other than "uruss?"

Edit: Those are the people I want to RP with sometime.
But they are in Connecticut like everyone else.