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Community Notice - Werss™ - 05-23-2012

Oh... c'mon Bob, but but you were good administrator wai nau pfffffft! :rtfm:
So, what can we do... anyways, take care man (waves) :(

Community Notice - Wraga - 05-23-2012

Sad to hear. You was kind and helpfull in your position. Btw I understand you, so thanks a lot for your effort and good luck!

Community Notice - suleman.mehmood - 05-23-2012

Sad :(

Thank you for all your help and effort, Good Luck !

Community Notice - Zahas - 05-23-2012

' Wrote:So soon? Wow you admins dudes are dropping like flies.
Diablo 3 came out, do you think we have the time to baby sit?

Good luck and you'll not regret this choice!

Community Notice - mwerte - 05-23-2012

No good.

Community Notice - Hierophant - 05-23-2012


Why you?

Why not one of the other ones?

Can I have your stuff?

Community Notice - Jessitrescott - 05-23-2012

Cya Later Garrett Good luck with RL:)

Community Notice - Wafellini - 05-23-2012

Garrett..... (big-uber BOW)

Community Notice - RedEclipse - 05-23-2012

Sad news. You're did great work here. Anyway, wish you luck!

Hope we will see you atleast ingame;)