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Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - sindroms - 05-24-2012

' Wrote:Not a terrible idea.

Still, put in at least a small time to wait. Half an hour maybe? Else it'll just get cluttered.

You have no idea how fun a clutter is...

And if you happen to die, you WANT to rejoin your friends, right? Especially when you are on TS...or Skype...and talking to them...

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - Zynth - 05-24-2012

It's a good idea. As long as it isn't "instant" rejoining.

Say maybe...30 minutes to an hour?

Reduce the time on battlefronts or something. It'll increase RP-pew-pew activity.

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - Rodent - 05-24-2012

' Wrote:You have no idea how fun a clutter is...

And if you happen to die, you WANT to rejoin your friends, right? Especially when you are on TS...or Skype...and talking to them...

Clutters are laggy.

We'd want to keep server lag bearable for everyone, right?

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - sindroms - 05-24-2012

Well, to be honest my first idea was to recreate the thrill and fun made by an Event server. And yet, I suppose it would cause lag indeed.....but....if we have the same amount of people online during these battles as we have now in Connecticut...what is the difference?

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - Gytrash - 05-24-2012

I'll chime in on this, a continual rolling pewfest in Hudson, maybe even Leeds and Eta? Eta for Corsair/OC pews, if they still ever happen. Would be rather nice.

And Spazzy exists in a state of Schrödinger like drunkenness, he is both Drunk and still drunk until such time as you observe him at which the entire field collapses. Nice job breaking it.

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - sindroms - 05-24-2012

I cant see hte keyboard.

But yeah, apparently Joes reaction to this is:

Quote:[12:16:30] Joe (Jihad): No. I think it's likely to be absolute hell.
So I suppose nwm then. Clsoe topioc

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - Hierophant - 05-24-2012

I support the idea.

I'd even take it a but further:

Except police and navy in their house space, Rheinalnd Military and Liberty Navy in Hudson and Bering, and Gallic Royal Navy in Orkney, Tau23, Tau31, and Leeds.

And about your drinking problem, read this:

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - Knjaz - 05-24-2012

' Wrote:I support the idea.

I'd even take it a but further:

Except police and navy in their house space, Rheinalnd Military and Liberty Navy in Hudson and Bering, and Gallic Royal Navy in Orkney, Tau23, Tau31, and Leeds.

I doubt Leeds would be a good choice.

Other than that... actually, I like that idea. With some time limit (20-60 mins), otherwise people will get bored fast and won't have a single reason to stay alive and try hard to win.

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - Hierophant - 05-24-2012

Ok leave out Leeds. When they get bored, they stop and do something else. The only "win" they can score is to kill as many enemies as they can. And when they get bored, they stop and do something else. Where's the problem?

EDIT: Could also make it police factions in hosue space and navy faction in neighboring space. So not everyone plays navy and no one police. The re-engagement right should go to the faction that shuld have the upper hand in the system per canon lore. Would blend in nicely with the capital ship situation too.

Reaching out to the Admins and the Community - Thyrzul - 05-24-2012

Sounds interesting. I'm curious how would it look like with the 30 mins penality and with more warring factions, not just house military.