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To: The Council - Printable Version

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To: The Council - Thyrzul - 06-20-2012

[Image: Counsil_TB_Pierre_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]
Bonjour Monsieur Hawk,

Excuse-moi pour my late answer, I had some confidental bussiness to attend to, but now I am all yours. As you are ready to comply with the terms The Council has set for you, we are ready as well to provide you the neccessary data in order to get to our base. The data stream will contain the attached file.

Capitaine Pierre LaFlamme Du Conseil
Ambassadeur Du Conseil

  • entr.txt (Contains the entrance point to Roussillon in the Tau-29 system)
  • loc_fromage.txt (Contains the location of Le Grande Stockage Fromage)
[Image: Counsil_TB_end_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png]

To: The Council - Timmy - 06-25-2012

>>>Incoming Transmission<<<

From: SFC admiral Timothy Hawk
To: The Council
Subject: Le Grande Stockage Fromage
Priority: Low
Encryption: High

>>>Transmission Begins<<<

<div align="center]Greetings, ladies and gentleman!
I've got report from our first convoy that enter system. They failed to supply with cryocubes because base had only 6000 units of those. Also they notice that base wasn't supplied with repair commodities from what i can understand why you had no time for cryocubes. Since we need them for further upgrade of our base i offer you this:
  1. We can help you with base supply, but we require regular supply with Cryocubes. So please tell how much you can deliver and how often.
  2. To see what commodities base require i'd like to have person who will be granted with access to base storage.
Also, with our base grow i notice that we will need another commodity that only gallians have. It is Munotions. If you can provide us with those i ready to listen your terms.
Waiting for your answer.
Hawk out.

>>>Transmission Terminated<<<

To: The Council - Timmy - 06-29-2012


To: The Council - Timmy - 07-05-2012


To: The Council - Benchee - 07-11-2012

::: Incoming Transmission :::

Source: Planet Toulouse
From: Colonel Anton Simard
Subject: Le Grande Stockage Fromage
Encryption: High

Bonjour Monsieur Hawk,

I am Anton Simard, Colonel of the Council.
I am sorry for the late answer.

You can get Munitions from the Battleship Pamiers in Roussillon, on which I grant you permission to dock in order to buy the Munitions. You still have the permission to dock on Le Grande Stockage Fromage in order to buy Cryocubes.

We will make our best efforts to keep the Cryocubes supply on high. However, although we appreciate your offer to help us supply Le Grande Stockage Fromage, our logistic department does not require help in that regard. We will contact you if that changes in the future.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Meilleures salutations,
Anton Simard

::: End of Transmission :::