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I just realized something... - Printable Version

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I just realized something... - Jinx - 06-28-2012

spazz is quite right - the halycon carrier is what inspired me, along with the established zoner design. - and yea, i totally adore the design of the Advent ships, all of them.

I just realized something... - sindroms - 06-28-2012

More, please.....those ships are the sex.

I just realized something... - SparkyRailgun - 06-28-2012

Even the Aeria Drone Host?
That thing is godamn hideous.

I just realized something... - Gytrash - 06-28-2012

' Wrote:Even the Aeria Drone Host?
That thing is godamn hideous.

True, I would, however, support imports of the fightercraft, not direct imports but ships that look similar to them. Almost every single advent ship is awesome. The starbase isn't that bad either.

I just realized something... - Swallow - 06-28-2012

Why would we care if we don`t even meet that ship in game?

I just realized something... - Tic - 06-28-2012

' Wrote:Interesting.....but everyone is influenced by something when designing stuff.

True. You can't make a model today that doesn't have a similar duplicate in some other game/movie/wallpaper etc.

I just realized something... - sindroms - 06-28-2012

This is not about caring or not, falcon. It is a ship I personally thought looked awesome and I noticed something similar in SOSE and decided to post and see what the opinions were. It was for the lulz, it is in flood even. No need to stress.

I just realized something... - Zynth - 06-28-2012

The Krosov looks like a worthy freighter or transport.
I mean it looks better than the Mammoth at least.

I just realized something... - Adam.Smith. - 06-28-2012

' Wrote:There were random threads popping up that Persephone looks like Advent Halcyon carrier since .85 and you just now noticed, Sindy?

Inb4 SOSER titans popping up. Ohwait... TEC.
TEC Rebel titan- after lvl 4- pure awsome- so awsome that can go alone vs hordes of enemies- remove 2-3 of their capital and run alive home. Only slightly overpowered- but not so good as Vassari Rebel Titan- still my favorite ship- it looks beautiful as well:
[Image: titanarmy.jpg]

I just realized something... - Gentlefood - 06-30-2012

Speaking of 'imports', I always make TEC into Rheinland using the same green color and that one flag that looks eerily similar to Rheinland's.