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A meeting on Matsue base - Printable Version

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A meeting on Matsue base - NixOlympica - 07-01-2012

Ayaka looked at the female in front of her. She gave something between a nod and bow to her. A bit rusty one due to the shackles on her hands.


I on the other side did not think I would live to see a day when a woman would be leading the Naval forces. The Kusari must have indeed changed."
she made a small pause

You honor me, but the title of Black Dragon's Society Kumicho now decorates someone else.
You ask me why did I start to believe that the rhetorics of Blood Dragons bear more truth? At the time of my exile, Emperor Jien Kogen was at power. His reign was destroying our motherland, the war on Bretonia frontier was cruel enough not to add the later war with GMG. I fought in both. The Black Dragons offered themselves to protect the Okinawa because most of the Naval forces were tied to Leeds. We even asked our allies from Bretonia to assist us. Our people in council organized a meeting at planet Kurrile. Where in defending of Jien Kogen many your and my people fell to Blood Dragons. Emperor than did even see it fit to meet Kanzler Rheinhart being furious about the Blood Dragon and GMG invasion. His actions were weakening us.

I lost my trust in him. I served the Emperor but my duty was to my motherland. The powers in Hogosha also changed and I was stripped of my rank in a coup. In that time Hogosha officials also began to be imprisoned. Thus I took my chances and visited the Blood Dragons. They opposed Kogen's insanity for a long time and wanted a political change in Kusari. Our goals merged at the time. But no longer. The Blood Dragons wish a restauration of the Hideyoshi dynasty and its customs. Kusari is now a republic and that's the way it should be.

She looked around the office for a bit and then looked into admiral's eyes again.

A meeting on Matsue base - Bakamono - 07-01-2012

Something in the womans gaze lent weight to her words, Takahashi gave a short nod and resumed pacing.
'€œNow, I have read the report...'€ she motioned in Ishikawas direction. '€œ...but I would hear your version...'€ she swung to Yuki '€œ...of what happened after you somehow managed to defeat a decorated officer, Ayaka'€ Mikako spread her arms, signalling her assent to begin. Allowing herself a good view of the three faces and their reactions.

A meeting on Matsue base - NixOlympica - 07-01-2012

A quick smile ran through her lips
"While Ishikawa-san is a handsome man there was nothing between the two of us. His honor cannot be questioned."

A meeting on Matsue base - Yaoquizque - 07-01-2012

Junko laughed without humour.
"It's obvious she's lying." she said in an annoyed tone.

"Let me explain once again what i did see..."
She ignored Ishikawa who was seemingly gazing at her and started her little speech, hoping to keep her tone neutral during all the time she talked.

"I destroyed that criminal's vessel. Ishikawa tractored her pod and we moved to Fuchu.
As he was about to dock, the criminal appeared to have magically left her pod and attempted to take control of his chimaera, i believe..."

She made a pause, gathering her thoughts.

"As i wasn't getting any response to my calls, i decided to moor with the Chimaera and to use the emergency airlock to enter in its hold."

Another pause. She eventually continued, her look hardened.

"That's when i found that... Dragon, almost naked in front of Ishikawa. I had to leave his ship because of her threats.

The ship then headed to saiun, followed by me.
Eventually, a drop pod was ejected from it and i stopped my engines to tractor it.

That's when i found Ishikawa... Without his pants."

She looked daggers at him and finally added.

"It's obvious to me he had sexual relations with that... Thing.
He should be treated as a traitor."

A meeting on Matsue base - Stuffz - 07-01-2012

With a slight frown he gazed at Junko.

"I already told you that there was nothing. Even the Dragon admits it."

He sighs quietly and turns his head to the Admiral, trying to defend himself against those accusations.
No worse thing than an angry woman..

"The Dragon surprised me and managed to get her hands on a gun."

He looks over to Ayaka for a moment, his face showing slight anger.
Remembering again how he was so easily defeated.

"Then she used my Chimaera to escape and dropped me off in a pod. That's all there is to it."

Then he turns to Junko.

"Sadly, Sanada-san here doesn't believe me.."

A meeting on Matsue base - Yaoquizque - 07-01-2012

"It's just hilarious how easily you can lose your pants.
Besides, you refused to kill her. Just proved you actually care about her."

She crossed her arms, looking quite annoyed and stubborn now.
"So go ahead. Go out with her or whatever. For all i care"

She then remained silent for good, doing as if Ishikawa wasn't even there.

A meeting on Matsue base - NixOlympica - 07-01-2012

"With all due respect Admiral, you can clearly see her opinion is biased by her feelings towards officer Ishikawa."

A meeting on Matsue base - Yaoquizque - 07-01-2012

She just gazed angrily at the Dragon and finally said.

"I don't feel anything for that idiot.

Your attempt to provoke me is pathetic.
But try again. Who knows, maybe it will work and you will get what you wish..."

A meeting on Matsue base - Bakamono - 07-01-2012

Exasperated, Mikako spoke '€œAlright. These accusations get us nowhere. I see your views and understand your positions.'€
The admiral sighed and settled against a wall near her officers. '€œ is unbelievable: there are not many who get the better of you. But we all fall at some point, I have been at the mercy of the enemy in the past, and know how disarming it can be. That said, where was your sidearm? I do not want to see you without one again. Your flight gear will now include a biometrical coded firearm, which you will be periodically required to present to any given commanding officer. '€
She walked slowly to Junko '€œSanada, you should know as well as I: strip a man; and he is less liable to fight back. I believe the dragon took Ishikawas clothes to make him a compliant hostage. I do not think that Ishikawa physically engaged with Ayaka, any more than I would imagine you mounting an outcast.
The older woman postured rhetorically: "He has shown restraint concerning your allegations, I would wager that you would punish someone severely if they accused you of the same. Take another look at him and tell me truly if you think he is capable of betrayal?'€
She stood equidistant from them both, making sure she conveyed her real point: '€œ~Now~ is an emotional matter going to cause operational problems between two of Kusaris most exemplary? Do I need to have you assigned to separate patrols?'€

A meeting on Matsue base - NixOlympica - 07-01-2012

[font=Tahoma]"Of course, words, Get away. He's mine, are a visible example of how you feel not-"[color=#FFFFFF]her voice became sharper

She realized that she is weakening her iron patience and stopped talking once Takahashi became her speech.