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Police Vs Navy - Guyton - 07-07-2012

' Wrote:This is a very old discussion that's pops up at least yearly.

In a perfect game cops would be cops and the military would be the military. There would always be tons of cops and tons of criminals breaking the law to arrest. There would always be tons of military folks, and constant foreign threats to defeat.

Unfortunately, there are no perfect games and so each faction makes do with what it can.

For me the game is about good guys and bad guys. Good guys in their ZOI fight the Bad Guys in their ZOI and vice pun intended.

The only problem is this game is about Roleplay. getting as close to roleplay as possible would be the idea. We see a dramatic increase in military forces over police forces. Where individuals flying battleships or cruisers acting as military carrying out law enforcement actions meant for police forces not an roleplaying Admiral.

Police Vs Navy - Guyton - 07-07-2012

' Wrote:I would consider a pirate flying a top of the range military class fighter a threat to national security.

A single pirate fighter would relate to an armed gangster, however a drug cartel would also be seen with military grade equipment where here police forces also have access still representing the common police versus criminal entity.

Better example:

Any situation involving a criminal or criminal force with military grade technology would be met with a specialized police force.

Police Vs Navy - Ursus - 07-07-2012

Pirates can use battleships too

Police Vs Navy - Guyton - 07-07-2012

' Wrote:Pirates can use battleships too

This still goes with my statement where vessels Cruiser and Battleships would be considered a military matter. A battleship would be considered a threat to national security where a military response would be considered. Seeing as we have no such National Guard other than the Guard factions, it would be met by typical Navy/Military response unless Police factions are authorized to fly stronger classes. Though this would still be a odd situation for a pirate to fly a battleship class vessel into a protected nation. Unless it were one of the larger unlawful factions with resources and access to such tech.

Police Vs Navy - JayDee Kasane - 07-07-2012

Yes. inRP it makes good sense. and ooRP. why do a military on a tank would chase bank robber?

Still... Military should not just not care about pirate if it see one. they just must not waste their time to making patrols into debris fields, chasing lone pirate by whole fleet (as we see it now), wrking as escorts for traders and scanning ships too far from any lawful base. its just - we have Police to do that stuff, call us if there iswhole fleet on Planet/Station or too much pirates for police to handle. police'd military - nonRP

Police Vs Navy - Saberuneko - 07-07-2012

I'll be brief, this is just my personal thought, which can be different from any other.

Navy is NOT government, it is border defense.
Police is NOT government, it is a law enforcement force.

Government should be a separate entity. It sets the laws, and then police ensures they're obeyed.

Police Vs Navy - Ipuvaepe - 07-07-2012

Problem is the difference, if any, varies big time by house. In Liberty, any foreign entity or threat to national security would fall to Navy/LSF. Spies (like that GRN IFF FL ID Spatial in NY today) fall to the military. Contraband that is a threat to national security (Cardi, Artifacts, Nomad Remains) falls to the military/LSF. Foreign entities fall to the military/LSF.

Thing is, that's pretty much everything that normally goes on. Local unlawful capitals, most smugglers (seriously, who smuggles anything but cardi or artifacts), Rheinland raiders & spies, Outcasts, Zone-21 trespassers...

Police Vs Navy - Guyton - 07-07-2012

' Wrote:Problem is the difference, if any, varies big time by house. In Liberty, any foreign entity or threat to national security would fall to Navy/LSF. Spies (like that GRN IFF FL ID Spatial in NY today) fall to the military. Contraband that is a threat to national security (Cardi, Artifacts, Nomad Remains) falls to the military/LSF. Foreign entities fall to the military/LSF.

Thing is, that's pretty much everything that normally goes on. Local unlawful capitals, most smugglers (seriously, who smuggles anything but cardi or artifacts), Rheinland raiders & spies, Outcasts, Zone-21 trespassers...

In reality the military wouldn't consider drug traffic/contraband their problem unless it occurs in enemy territory they currently occupy. LSF working closely with Police forces would take it upon themselves to deal with illegal contraband as it is their primary function, Police to prevent it from being obtained/traffic, LSF to insure it cripples foreign financing.

Police Vs Navy - Loken - 07-07-2012

Armed gangsters don't fly fifth generation jet fighters.

Police Vs Navy - Guyton - 07-07-2012

' Wrote:Armed gangsters don't fly fifth generation jet fighters.

Armed Gangsters flying fifth generation jet fighters would be equal to a pirate flying a battleship where it would require military (Bombers, Cruisers, Battleships). This still does not side with the idea of military officers taking the time out their day to do traffic stops.