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Eppy's Current Projects - AdamantineFist - 05-07-2008

Spyglass Mk II looks wonderful. A much better look to it than the current one. As for the Outcast Dreadnought, it looks like spiky a flying lightsaber currently...

Eppy's Current Projects - sovereign - 05-07-2008

Maybe Mon'Star should fly the Phantom Battleship too... he does enough damage to Sirius's human population already, why not protect a valuable distraction that helps with your short term goals?

Eppy's Current Projects - Unseelie - 05-07-2008

I Seem to remember a Carina Class battlecruiser...the sexiest thing I've ever laid eyes on, btw.

*begs on knees*

Eppy's Current Projects - ParanoidAndroid - 05-07-2008

Huh! Epyon! So that was you! Prepare for long and painful death! :crazy:

Now seriously. I hope to see that new one try on a spyglass at least as much beautiful as the current one. If not I'll find ya ^^. Also I'd like to see all that stuff which prevented from flying it fixed.

About its appearance: it's too much libertish for me and not enough hackerish. The current model in my opininon has almost stricte hackerish appearance (well, it always could better of course ;p). Maybe if you could try to make it more aerodynamic and smooth with a lot of radars, aearial and other stuff like this, I like for instace those lights placed at the bottom of the current model. Just a few thoughs.

Good luck!

Eppy's Current Projects - Jinx - 05-07-2008

the outcast dreadnaught..... - i m a bit torn there...

for one, i absolutely LOVE your BW / outcast design in general. the blocky shapes, the swordlike - very long and thin ships. - i don t mind that they look like the hilt of a sword or in that case - the hilt of a lightsabre from star wars....

what i miss with that dreadnaught though is ... mass.

the battleship looks light, yet big enough to be a battleship. the current star wars dreadnaught invoked some kind of foreboding by the sheer look of it. its massive, its dark, it looks much more dangerous than most other ships. ( even if the zoner juggernaut is more powerful or the rheinland, nomad, kusari BB ... they do not look like it )

now that concept does not transport that same idea. - it does not look dangerous, even if it is. - it doesn t hit an enemy as bluntly as the current dreadnaught that you see and think ... "should i really?" ... a problem i have with the battleship, too. it looks "tame". beautiful, but not outright dangerous...

now if the look of a ship is part of its tactic, too. - then those ships are "wolfs in sheeps clothing" - but not "wolfs in wolfs clothing" - if you get the drift.

* * *

about the hackers spyglass. - it needs more liberty dreadnaught characteristics and less outcast BW characteristics, imo. - the frailness is great - but i have a problem with the spiked ring. - it looks much like the ones on your BW designs. - but the spyglass has nothing to do with the BW. its a liberty only design and non modified ( at least not from the outside ) - i d rather like to see more antennaes, satelite dishes or sensor orbs. ( the satelite tech is not too advanced when it comes to looks - the deep space satelites on the borders look just like .... good old satelite dishes )

Eppy's Current Projects - Panzer - 05-07-2008

H4x3r spyglass I'm okay with.

And I'll wait for the Outcast dreadie to develop, can't say much about it now (Aside from striking resemblance of the new battleship)

And get that Phantom battleship done ^^ Maybe we'll finally get scared when we see Darkstar.

Eppy's Current Projects - frozen - 05-07-2008

as a sidenote, i dunno why, but the first pic of the outcast dreadnought reminds me of the gun-thing magatron uses to layeth teh smacketh down on optimus prime in the movie: transformers >.>

(ya know, when they do da duel, and prime fires a gun, which hits megatron, who does a spin, pops out a uber gun, and knocks the shizzle outta prime, who goes flying into a building:Pinfact, im watching transformers right now, maybe thats why i can associate this to da moveh >.>

Eppy's Current Projects - Eppy - 05-07-2008

I've been playing with the Dreadnought model a lot, expanding some of the joints and adding some of the details, and I think it develops more mass. These ships are designed to be pretty, as that's how I've always interpreted the Outcast's style, but I think it just needs textures and for me to finish fleshing it. It might get a lot thicker at the nose, too, but that remains to be seen. I think it needs lighting, too, to get the point across. I mean, go into HardCMP, take away the black background and textures and the current Dreaddy looks a lot less vicious and sinister. What also needs to happen is a different texture than the Battleship, a darker one than what I've got on the Battleship and the Sabre. Possibly even something based off of the Osiris... I'm actually toying with the idea of rounded shield panels on the hull to streamline it and bulk it up.

The Spyglass was never really finished, now that I look back on it. It needs thickening, and I agree, more radar units, but I was pretty bad at that when I made the model...indeed, if I sent it to Yuri to try and skin I'd likely have an angry Russian waiting for me when I got home from school...

Eppy's Current Projects - ParanoidAndroid - 05-07-2008

If it's still possible I would really love to see the Spyglass in the same grey tones with blue stripes accents similar those that Hacker Gunship has as well as actual model of the Spyglass. It really make anice and characteristic connection between those 2 LH origin ships.

Eppy's Current Projects - Virus - 05-10-2008

' Wrote:give us the phantom bs that virus drew up and give em the old dread <.< damn thing looks more phantomish than outcast anyway just my opinion oh that and the 1st time i seen the thing was the dark star so yeah its been inscribed in the deepest darkest depths of me brain a phantom flying the thing

Actually... Eppy drew it. I'm just giving him his picture back. : P