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Shouldnt Ageira have access to tlagsnet? - Printable Version

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Shouldnt Ageira have access to tlagsnet? - Ipuvaepe - 07-18-2012

' Wrote:That's what YOU think.

Shouldnt Ageira have access to tlagsnet? - Jeremy Hunter - 07-18-2012

' Wrote:. Lorewise IC abuses the hell out of USI.


That will be all.

Shouldnt Ageira have access to tlagsnet? - AeternusDoleo - 07-18-2012

' Wrote:Just a thought, they're the ones who built the entire network afterall.
Lorewise, it's Interspace that manages the tracking system actually. There are various vanilla rumors indicating this triad: Ageira constructs the high tech parts, DSE erects the lanes, Interspace funds expansions and runs the lane network's tracking system.

But no. TLagsnet was put in to give the police factions a perk over the navies since they were, as they were, a navy with a reduced shipline and reduced ZoI. This has been asked before and rejected for this reason. (Lanehackers wanted access too. Corsairs beating codes out of captured enemies wanted access too. Nnnno.)

Shouldnt Ageira have access to tlagsnet? - Echo 7-7 - 07-18-2012

' Wrote:Just a thought, they're the ones who built the entire network afterall.

In-RP? I'm sure Ageira could find a way into the TLAGSNET if they really wanted to. Are the repercussions for getting caught worth it? Not by a long shot.

As far as the Universal Ship Identification system is concerned, Interspace operate it and Ageira mostly fills the role of tech support.

TLAGSNET is not the USI system; the TLAGSNET uses multiple identification and scanning technologies to compile data for the user, including scanners from the USI system. In this way, Interspace only receive the data which is pertinent to their own taxation operations, and the Police receive more comprehensive data.

In terms of balance and activity, Police factions can keep TLAGSNET. It was given solely to them for a purpose. For the suggestion that the Lane Hackers should have TLAGSNET; there is no basis for them to be able to access that entire suite. They have at times hacked into the USI systems to acquire shipping manifests but that is about it.

Shouldnt Ageira have access to tlagsnet? - Not Espi - 07-18-2012

what about hackers?

Shouldnt Ageira have access to tlagsnet? - Waratah - 07-18-2012

' Wrote:Shouldn't computer manufacturers have access to the CIA's casefiles?

For that matter, shouldn't bakers have access to your sandwich?

Furthermore, shouldn't dress makers have access to your wife?

I shudder to think of what toilet paper manufacturers could reasonably lay claim to.

That is a classic :lol::lol: