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Xenophobic Holidays - Printable Version

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Xenophobic Holidays - Pancakes - 07-26-2012

Almost certainly I will be there, slim chance I won't. Very slim.

Xenophobic Holidays - Lennox - 07-26-2012

Edit: Added.

Xenophobic Holidays - Slartibartfast - 07-26-2012


Possibly a slightly fatter chance of not being there than Amit's.

Xenophobic Holidays - Jeremy Hunter - 07-26-2012

<strike>Ship name: Order|Ayaki.Miyoko/Order|Shiro.Kasai
Faction: Order
Ship class: Fighter
Additional notes: Ship depends on if I have time to convert it to what it was planned to be.</strike>

Can't attend. Work schedule.

Xenophobic Holidays - Pepe - 07-26-2012

Ship name: BHG|Core-Pepe.Nauru|A
Faction: BHG
Ship class: Manta VHF
Additional notes: applying for Nr. 4, as Core Apprentice ranked

With respect,

Xenophobic Holidays - Lennox - 07-27-2012

Oh well, folks. Have to announce this event is being postponed to the next weekend. There are some problems consindering some key figures, who can't come. Because it's essential for this event to have them in, this event will start at the same time, just a week later. This way we give the folks who might be interested more time. Sorry about that.


Xenophobic Holidays - Yaoquizque - 07-27-2012

Part 1 :

Ship name: [KNF]Nk.Junko.Sanada
Faction: KNF
Ship class: Chimie

Xenophobic Holidays - Souvik - 07-30-2012

Ship name:Order|Souvik.Ahmed
Ship class:VHF
Additional notes:50-50 chance that I'll come.

Xenophobic Holidays - West - 07-31-2012

[KNF]Nk.Yin.Shizuku Chimmie for both parts. Or Liner [KNF]KDS-Abashiri if Bakamono won't be able to log it.

Xenophobic Holidays - Lennox - 07-31-2012

From now on indies are allowed as well into this event. If you are an indie, you jump into the event in case of a lack of officials. Keep in mind this event is supposed to push the activity of the official factions a bit on every side. However, because only the Order-bd side needs more people I only added some reserve slots to those parties in the second part. Changes might be made in case the balance in terms of numbers is missing.

Thanks in advance.