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redefine pirate ID as generic unlawful ID - Printable Version

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redefine pirate ID as generic unlawful ID - Miranda - 07-28-2012

Or we could just add back the Smuggler and Slaver IDs.

redefine pirate ID as generic unlawful ID - Ursus - 07-28-2012


You are a Pirate! who:

- Can demand cargo and credits from lawful and unlawful ships, and attack them if they do not comply.
- Cannot use any transports with more than 3,600 cargo.

Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports, Gunboats.

I thought it had a line about attacking lawfuls, seems to be only the faction IDs allow that now though. Oh well, demand their regens still works I suppose, but doesn't really fit as well for a revolutionary. Doesnt work that well for a vigilante either, although it could be made to work. Close enough

redefine pirate ID as generic unlawful ID - Quorg - 07-28-2012

' Wrote:I thought it had a line about attacking lawfuls, seems to be only the faction IDs allow that now though. Oh well, demand their regens still works I suppose, but doesn't really fit as well for a revolutionary. Doesnt work that well for a vigilante either, although it could be made to work. Close enough
Pirate: "Police ship! Pay me 10 million credits immediately or face annihilation!"
*5 seconds go by*

' Wrote:Or we could just add back the Smuggler and Slaver IDs.
That would be the logical choice.

redefine pirate ID as generic unlawful ID - Ursus - 07-28-2012

That doesn't do anything for revolutionaries and vigilantes. You going to make one for everybody? Just make the generic ones useful for more than one narrowly-defined role.

redefine pirate ID as generic unlawful ID - Quorg - 07-29-2012

' Wrote:That doesn't do anything for revolutionaries and vigilantes. You going to make one for everybody? Just make the generic ones useful for more than one narrowly-defined role.

Good luck convincing the admins to allow Freelancer ID'd Pilgrims that can pirate human cargo and attack OSC convoys.

redefine pirate ID as generic unlawful ID - Ipuvaepe - 07-29-2012

The Vigilante ID should come back, there was no good reason for removing it and no ID currently serves its role.

The Slaver and Smuggler IDs served relatively unique roles, which are currently not fulfilled by the Freelancer ID.

Perhaps the Slaver and Smuggler IDs could be readded combined since they were nearly identical.

Quote:Pilot carrying this ID is an outlaw, who:
'€¢ Can trade, smuggle goods and human cargo, and escort smugglers
'€¢ Can fire on other ships only in the defense of itself or a ship being escorted
'€¢ Cannot use any transports with more than 3,500 cargo except the Pirate Train and Pilgrim Liner
'€¢ May demand pilots crew and other potential slaves when using the Pilgrim Liner, Pirate Transport, or Bactrian.
'€¢ May be engaged by lawful factions and vigilantes if carrying contraband or slaves, or if using the Pirate Train or Pilgrim Liner

Allowed ships: Fighters, Bombers, Freighters, Transports, Slave Liner, Pirate Train

redefine pirate ID as generic unlawful ID - Echo 7-7 - 07-29-2012

' Wrote:So your angry because people dont tell you in advance what they plan to do? Hey its called <strike>sommon sense</strike> roleplay.


Ryoken gets mad but I don't see any regular comms to the LN/LPI from him asking to FR5 those same Freelancers which supposedly lurk lawful bases and then shoot lawfuls when the time is right for them.

Edit: On topic:

A return of the Slaver ID might be alright, but you can still be a Slaver with the Pirate ID; and you can still be a smuggler with the Freelancer ID. It's all about imagination.

The pirate ID can demand cargo. Start demanding human cargo.

redefine pirate ID as generic unlawful ID - Ipuvaepe - 07-29-2012

' Wrote:The pirate ID can demand cargo. Start demanding human cargo.
But cannot use the Pilgrim Liner

It's just not as fun without it

redefine pirate ID as generic unlawful ID - Quorg - 07-29-2012

' Wrote:The pirate ID can demand cargo. Start demanding human cargo.

With what? My Border Worlds Transport?

Granted, the Pirate Transport is an awesome ship, but the sinister looks, mythology, and capabilities of the Pilgrim were very well suited to its specific purpose.