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The information broker - Eternal - 05-15-2008

*-This just got alot messier.....* - she tough.

The information dealers weren't idiots and that liberty general ? She had heard some pretty impresive things of her , so she wasn't any new reqruit that would do anything to save her own ass.However , death here was far batter then dishonor on Toledo.That is something she swore never to repeat in her bloodline.A small piece of technology left her pocket.It was a rather small screen and on it there we " * . 000 . 000 * entered. But the first number remained unclear.There we only two options of numbers for it. Another *0* or a *1* . She slowly tossed the devise across the table and it slided gently near captain Thorn's part of the table.

- Do to the .....rather extreme circumstances of this matter. The Order is prepared also , to offer a small price for the information. Take in note - she looked across the table to the libertorian general and grined - we have what we need and this small piece of infromation here is merely a .... rain drop in the lake. - While saying this , she hoped that her words would cover a small *beep* signal on the armor she wore.After the *beep* , she felt a small electric shock in her hair. *-Much better....* - she tough.

- My personal advise for you is to take the money and surrender the information to us.It is a sure and easy way to avoid a blood bath .... on each of our ...sides. - She looked again at each and every person around the table.The information brokers weren't any threat ... but that libertorian. *-Darn infested fiend....* - she tough.

- Since there is a representive of the ... other side here. Making doubles of the infromation is no longer required. This could have all been avoided if you just minded your own darn buisness.

Some of the captain's crew found that to be theat , and began stroking there weapons even faster.A quick analize of the weapons made it clear to her , that she can only withstand two maby three direct shots.And she would proove to be a rather poor diplomat , if it came to that.

The information broker - Tenacity - 05-15-2008

Thorn chuckled at the offer.

"That's kind of you miss, but the second I take your offer the general here will have my ship labelled kill on sight in Liberty space. Again, I cant have that. You two ladies need to understand my position in all of this, we never intended to acquire this information, and so far it's proving to be a bit of a nuisance in my preferred lifestyle."

Dekker shifted his weight and spoke up, "Cap'n, ya cant expect these lassies to understand our 'simple talk', these sophisticated types dont give a damn about anything but their luxury liners and peace of mind. I say we shoot the both of them, be rid of this mess once 'n for all."

"Dekker, you might be one tough son of a rucker but you aint got squat for brains," Thorn snapped, "The general here most likely has a ship just outside of the station's sensor range, we kill her and they'll blast us to dust. Likewise, our friend from the Order probably has spies working for every faction in Sirius, and they'd sabotage us without a second thought. Diplomacy would suit us better here than your firepower."

Thorn turned back to the two women and continued, "As I was sayin, I just want to be rid of this so I can get back to the work I actually profit from. And, no offense beautiful, but one million credits is pretty sub-par for my jobs. So here's my offer; I give you both a copy of the disk, and you get the hell off this station and take your fight elsewhere."

Thorn reached forward and snatched up the device on the table, "I will take that million credits though, and likewise from you Miss liberty. Now we're all happy... I've got my pay, you two have the information you were after, even though neither wanted the other to get ahold of it. Frankly I dont give a damn if you start shooting at each other the second you leave this station, as long as you leave me and mine out of it. We clear?"

The information broker - Eternal - 05-15-2008

- Before you go with your money , mind that they are in a fake bank account , wich is closed . The one million credits are nothing more then an image on your screen. However , we cannot alow this infromation to fall into that infected governmant's hands.This is no matter for debate. No one leaves until the data is either destroyed , or in my possesion.

- That will..

- Silence! Just to make myself clear in this. Lets ask out libertonian here what a GGMF-100 is shall we ?

The general only looked at her.Every part of her body told Mirage that she hated her to her guts.No problem here , it's a shared feeling.The Broker however was right , there is no doubt that Liberty warships are near this base.This is getting out of hand.

- Don't know ? It is a five megaton bomb wich is in my cargo hold.One press of a small button and this station goes into the history books. However , like I said before.We can evade this bloodbath. You don't even have to give me the disk.Just let me destroy it and we are going home. - This type of negotiation was wrong and she knew it.The general didn't show any problem of dying here , but she can't die here.There is too much for her to do.And dying in this hole wasn't part of her plans for the future.Suddenly she let a small expression apear on her forehead.It was an epression wich showed that she hasn't accepted the fact that she can die here.Mirage , quickly focused and hoped that no one else noticed that.Her young age was starting to show it's presure.But that is what she was trained for.Controling her personal emotions was something she tough she had masterted ...well...she was wrong.

- Well...what is it going to be ? - Clearing her mind worked and was again in her usuall mood and posture.

The information broker - Xing - 05-15-2008

Isabelle nodded slightly, but maintained her face firm.

"I know you probably have no problem dealing with enemies of humanity and selling military defence hardware to just about anyone, but Liberty isn't going to have such intelligence be given to the Order."

She crossed her arms on her light armour platings, as she moved her head forward,
"You are right on one thing. Killing me here will trigger the total destruction of this base. We are indeed risking our relationships with the junker, which we are fully aware, are extremely influent in Liberty economy, want it or not. But it gives you an idea how important these documents are to us. We are ready to risk that."

He produced her own datapad, and tapped a few notes on it.
"The navy can offer ten fold the offer of the Order. And we won't go any higher." The young general smiled, nearly gently, "if you do intend to get rid of me though, I can only promise I won't go down like a hunting deer. But at the end, you wouldn't have achieved anything."


Captain Lavoie was in the communication room along with a few of his officers, listening anxiously to the whole conversation being recorded.
"Damned, this is crazy she's openly risking her life just for..."
"Who allowed her to go on alone...!"
"Shut up men!"
He looked around, and saw the remote comm unit. All that was needed, was to see the red light going on, meaning general Kaitlynn would have requested a strike. And then, Blizzard and Storm squadrons would grind the station until the general requests them to stop.

Well, he didn't had many choices. They could only rely on the diplomatic skills of general Kaitlynn, or her White Wolf commando training. For all their dark reputation in the navy, he hoped it was going to get her out of trouble if it was necesary to come down at that point...

The information broker - Tenacity - 05-15-2008

"So I take it you're calling her bluff?" Thorn questioned to the general, "She just told you she'd blast this station to space dust if that data got into your hands, and you turn around and offer me ten million for it... a fine price but that still has the unfortunate side effect of leaving all of us dead."

"Captain..." Jace spoke up after remaining silent for most of the ordeal, "I need a moment, in private."

Thorn stood up, looking back to the two women who were nearly ready to rip each other's throats out, "No catfights while we're gone. Dekker, if either of them gives you trouble, you shoot them in the kneecaps, no questions asked."

"Yes sir!" Dekker said with a wide grin on his face. That man sure loved his guns...

<<<Storage room of the Rochester Bar>>>

"What is it Jace?" Thorn asked.

He responded, a bit timidly, "Sir, Rochester scans every ship that docks or moors here. Unless she's going to overload her ship's drive core, there's no way she has a bomb on that ship without us knowing about it."

"A bluff then... that means she's desperate, and desperation breeds recklessness. That I cant have."

"One other thing, sir..."

"Go ahead, I dont have time for your stuttering." Thorn was getting impatient, any second those two could break out and be at each other's throats, and that likely meant they'd all end up dead... if not from a bomb, then at the hands of the liberty ships in the field.

"Those two have had their attention on you the whole time, I took the distraction as an opportunity to scan them. The general is wearing some kind of prototype light battle armor, never seen it before but it's definitely Liberty navy design, probably something from their marine corps research. The other one, the order agent, is wearing something as well.. but I have no idea what. Some kind of kinetic barrier maybe, my scanner couldnt penetrate the field it was generating."

"Great, so we've got two armored women that hate us almost as much as each other, and nobody is giving in to diplomacy here..."

Thorn let out a heavy sigh. This was becoming a disaster, things were out of control and he had no way to stop it.

The door slid open and they moved back into the bar, taking seats once again. Luckily the ladies hadnt started any hissing matches while they were gone.

Thorn spoke up in a stern, commanding voice... something he had learned back in the war when dealing with insubordinate troops, "Enough tomfoolery, I'm putting everyone's cards on the table. General, your fleet isnt close enough to destroy this station before we can escape, and they know it. Cruisers cant get through this debris field, and fighters dont have the firepower to take out Rochester. Agent... you dont have a bomb, rochester scans for that sort of thing."

He slapped his gun onto the table and leaned forward, staring with an hawk's gaze at them both, "So we know what you two dont have, now I'll tell you what I dont have. Patience and Tolerance. I'm bone dry; So the sooner you two quit bickering and come to an agreement, the more chance you'll both have of getting out of this hellhole alive. Am I clear?"

The two women, despite their ranks, had been put in their place. They hadnt known who they were dealing with before, they thought him to be some petty criminal or smuggler. Thorn was more than that, he was ex military himself, a remnant of the IMG war. If either of these troublemakers had been smart enough to look up his official records they'd have known beforehand.

"Start thinkin quick, I feel my triggerfinger itchin."

The information broker - Xing - 05-15-2008

Isabelle's White Wolf training kicked immediately in at the smell of danger, and instead of panicking, calmed down. Felt incredibly too calm for a normal human in such situation, nearly reptilian.

"I doubt you will make me move much, sir. Take a closer look. 12 of the 24 fighter craft youve identified are bomber crafts. Do you recognise them? no? Quite normal. These are rather recent bomber units. "

[Image: Sovereign.jpg]

"I doubt you will actually kill us. You have military discipline, and have the diplomacy of any merchant like you've proven us so far. You have more patience than what you want us to believe, merely wishing to accelerate our decisions to your advantage."

She shook her head slowly,
"That I am wrong in my asumptions or not does not matter. I am offering something better than what the order has to propose. You are facing very possible destruction, but know that in Libertonian space, the navy shall hunt down all order activities. On that perspective, I do believe my offer has some advantage you can't deny."

Her cyan eyes turned into an icy pale blue, so cold people could wonder if she was still human at all.
No, there were things that marked a human forever...
A white Wolf stayed a White wolf forever.

The information broker - Eternal - 05-15-2008

- That pathetic man exposed my bluff ? I even let out an emotion to slip into my face.... - Who the hell is this guy. - Her thoughts were storming as Mirage was looking for a way out.This kind of things weren't something she was used to deal with on a daily bases.And her high rank as an Order admiral , didn't count for sh*t here.

Onboard the Au'Rora

Location > Cloaked close to the Alaksa Jump Gate

-This is taking too long and the diplomacy isn't going too good.Good thing that she atleast alowed us to wire her , before she went there. - Sub-admiral Stinger , was now in command of the Au'Rora. The man had tough times with his new admiral and he knew all too well what she was risking with this.There was no point to loose her life if it could be prevented.For what he knew , the broker didn't make any copies of the information.But the fact still remains that it was clear that I armada of Liberty ships was close by.

-Shut down the shields! We need all the power we can get this time.

-But sir , this makes us vulnerable. I strongly recomend you reconsider.

-Don't question my orders.Transfer all the shields energy to the *Shadow* system.If I'm correct they will never know we are there.Hopefully , that extra power will be enough to hide us from enemy scaners.We have to get closer to that base.If it goes to a fight , we need to be close to pick her up.Set cource for the other side of the debree field near Rochester.

-Sir , we have orders from Toledo high command. We cannot risk the Au'Rora's capture.

-Ignore that order , I give the orders here. And I say go to that location , now! Full impulse and activate project "Shadow".

The ship's shield droped.But the cloaking now became perfect.It was rather impossible to see the ship and all energy signatures...

-...are hiden , sir. We are now compleatly hiden.Estimated time to the waypoint is....just over two minuts ,sir.

- Very well. All stations , tactical alert level red.This is not a drill!

Back to Rochester....

- As far as I can see things here.Money can no longer save you from either of our wraths. We all know that if you choose one of us , the other will make sure you suffer.It was again your mistake to invite that.... - she looked at the general with pity - ....allien survant here.Your greed has gotten you into this mess.And now you are throat deep into it. However , if you agree to give me the information , I will personaly escort you and your men to my ship.You will be later released and no harm will come to you.That I promise you.

The information broker - Tenacity - 05-15-2008

Thorn grinned and let out a slight chuckle at the general, "Miss, you're good, but you still have a lot to learn. I detected no such ships, but you've just inadvertently given me information that I can use."

The smile dissapeared from her face.

"Didnt expect that did you? I dont blame you, you're stuck with that by the book Liberty training. I get the distinct feeling you've never fought a losing battle before. You've never been stuck in a situation that forced you to start viewing things from all angles. A single slip, such as the one you just made, can reveal everything the enemy needs to know."

He paused a moment, letting the mistake sink into his opponent's head. "You are a good judge of character though. See, unlike you, I'm still human. That code liberty holds you to has made you commit atrocities before that you can never forget, horrors you can never wipe from your mind. In this, I'm better; I still have the soul that you lost years ago, and you're right - because of it, I wont openly kill either of you unless you give me reason to."

Dekker cocked the pin on his rifle again, "'Course, that dont mean I wont, and if you think the captain's triggerfinger is bad, wait till you see mine."

Thorn let it go, "Again, make your decision before things get messy."

The information broker - Xing - 05-15-2008

Something in the eyes of Isabelle twitched as she was remembered of her past, but she did not flinch.

"hm." was the only thing she answered.
She then turned toward Mirage, her face as unemotional as always.
"I do not exactly hold a strong hatred toward you. Maybe you are an illusionned freedom fighter who truly believes in your cause. This doesn't matter."
"Persisting on saying Liberty is infested with nomads is utterly ridiculous. You know very well I am not infested. They know as well. A mere corporal scan would reveal a nomad symbiot within me rather easily, as you should know."
"As such, I believe you should stop using your little ploys. You are in the middle of Liberty space. Wants it or not, we are in the advantage here. This is our home planet. My squadrons are ready to support."
She turned her head slightly toward the information dealer,
"And despite me having shown you their profile, I doubt you'd learn anything more under their refractive cloacking armour. And your assumption I've never been in a losing situation is also mistaken. I have......."
"....learned to live with my failures. I still carry my burdens."

She turned her attention back to Mira.
"For the moment, your best chance will be coming to an agreement as to your very survival in hostile space."

The information broker - Eternal - 05-15-2008

Her white eyes , picked up every movement the general made.

- Once the victim is secured , the nomad itself burrow's into the victims abdominal area.There is no pain , but once the process is complete , the nomad takes control of all body functions.The nomad uses diffrent chemical enzymes to control its host. The victim might never know he or she has been infected.I never said you were under the allien influence.The people who's orders you obey , however are.So it realy doesn't matter if you are infected or not.You obey their orders thus you serve that allien plague.

- Captain...Thorn...I think that is your name. I strongly recomend you think of my proposal.It is the best thing you and your men can take , that I asure you of.But this matter has been discussed long enough.We do not have time to play any more games.Would you accept my offer , or do we start killing each other ?

The armor was prepared , her mind and body were also prepared.Everything was set for the final show down.

Onboard the Au'Rora

-Sir , our destination has been reached.

-Arm all stations.Prepare the fighter wing to launch if need be.

-All personel , to your stations.