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Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Printable Version

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Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Jayce - 08-16-2012

It would appear you lack the evidence you so wholeheartedly insisted you had. Go bother someone else, pitiful wench.

-Von Steubben

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - - 08-16-2012

No problem. Now go to Omicron Lost and take another, last look at your base. It will be gone, so say good bye.

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Hell Hunter - 08-16-2012

*Incoming message*
*Comm id: Captain Maya, Zoner Explorer: ???-??? *
*Location: Omicron Theta*

Again like I siad. Anyway
Thanks for the bad attitude. This should be interesting to be read by your leaders. If you want something to shoot. I suggest you go back to your Outcast war or Hessian war si?
Please leave our brothers alone. This is utter stupidity.

*Ending Transmission*

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Jayce - 08-16-2012

It's not my base, and I have no relation to it. I am just allergic to stupid crap, and stupid people. You qualify for both, you pitiful excuse for a Corsair. I have some respect for the Benitez and the Brotherhood, and even the Hispania Armed Forces. But you? Nope. Not a modicum of respect for you. Good day.

-Von Steubben

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - - 08-17-2012

A bounty has been raised to 250,000,000 Sirius credits.

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Snapp - 08-17-2012

[Image: topsecretlogo.gif]

---Binary Transmission Incoming---
---Numerical Decoder Activated---

Transmission Target: This Channel
Transmission Source: |I|I| (10100101)

We also noticed how Zoners stood by and watched the destruction of Our base, at the hands of Corsairs, AND 'Bounty Hunters'...

We simply wanted to process Nomads and be left alone by Humans and their ignorance and greed and politics and paranoia...

We will correct errors.. Yes... Zero One was built by Us, 'AI's' or the 'Binary' or 'Ghosts' whatever you want to call Us, NOT by the malfunctioning 'Haimen' OR by the BHG... It was built by long time 'friends' of the Order, Zoners, and Corsairs and We also employed 250 Zoner crew members to see to the needs of Human visitors... So, yes actually, Zoner lives were at risk... We saved them though, barely.....

Your welcome...

---Numerical Decoder Deactivated---
---Binary Transmission Terminated---

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - - 08-17-2012

We understand, but we also know that Bounty Hunters will use Avalon Station as the base of operations against The Order and Corsairs.
And, if it's really a 'Zoner' base, why did you hide it that much deeply in the system then?

Edit: Bounty on Avalon Station still stands.

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Hell Hunter - 08-17-2012

*Incoming message*
*Comm id: Captain Maya, Zoner Explorer: ???-??? *
*Location: Omicron Theta*

Because Nomads. They are heavily active in that area. They have battleships and deadly power too.
And to hide away from crazed terrorists, or unknown thingies that lurk in the Omicrons.
Makes sense, no?

*Ending Transmission*

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - - 08-18-2012

That's just your excuses like "Nomads in Omicron Lost", then "Zoners" and stuff like that. Ye ye. We're now QUITE sure that Avalon Station is BHG's base. We've got undercover agents in your own rows. They've all said the same thing! Makes sense, no?

Bounty has been raised to 300,000,000 Sirius Credits!

P.S.: (For those who haven't seen, the location of Avalon is mentioned in the 1st post.)

Bounty on Avalon Station [Omicron Lost] - Ronnie Rayburn - 08-18-2012

***Establishing interface connection***
***Commlink open***

...with the "all business"-look on his face, Ronnie steps up to the screen...
[Image: images1wmr.jpg]


250 millions to take down that base, heh? Sounds nice, as long as it means 250 millions to each of us. Yeah, you heard me! An operation like this isn't something you whip up during your lunchbreak, is it? You need time and resources, and that, my friend... That costs money! I haven't looked in to it deeper, but a base has a lot of armor. If it's been upgraded, it has even more armor. You'll need a bunch of heavies to do this, and you'll need plenty of support to fend off their defenses. I'd estimate somewhere around 10-15 ships to do this. Minimum!

Why don't you do the maths on this, and get back to me with an offer that's worth getting out of bed for. Then we'll talk!

Rayburn out!

***Commlink disabled***