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BHG viable capships - Jihadjoe - 05-19-2008

BHG have their own line of capships, use them, thats what they're there for.

BHG viable capships - El Nino - 05-19-2008

Personaly, I think bountyhunters should be limited to fighters only... There's nothing as hilarious as BH Battlecruiser chasing around light fighters,...

BHG viable capships - Apex - 05-19-2008

' Wrote:BH have very diverse shipline so just answer on my simple question why you look for non-BH orgin ship when you got all of them?

Just another 'one' in rat race 'to grab the best out there'? I guess so.

I often wonder if your that sore LH that couldnt run down alittle trader and got so mad you decided to report him for Oorp comments when the fact is you just couldnt kill him in-game tho you really tried so hard. Or is it im just on ya'lls little black list as it seems most the LH pilots are the ones that come onto my posts with often the most crappy dispositions.

Probem with some folks it seems you've been playing the game so long you think everyone else knows what you know and all the details of the game. Well some people dont, thus they post here seeking the answers they need. And because there was no official faction with a list to scan over. I was curious as to what would be appropiate as several of the known factions as previously posted flop ships and tech. So it was more of a curiosity thing, about viewing options to stay in character, then some pvp power trip, which if you ever scanned any of my vessels would know thats not the case.

So please, take your 12 year old dispositions elsewhere and get over it already, I'm a 15 year disabled vet that comes here to relax and enjoy the game, to escape the reality of peons and scum that rarely do much more then make my trigger finger itchy. Have I made a few mistakes, sure, am I perfect, heck no. But I dont spend my time hounding the 30 or so smarty pants that endlessly everyday play Oorp, have inapproipiate ship class's with ID's, land on bases they shouldnt, gather together in thier ingame gangs to bully people they dont like ect ect ect. I have yet to report anyone for anything yet if I wanted I could make the admins eyes bleed, with me pulling 12-18 hour days for the last few weeks I've seen alot between the 3 to 4 characters I flop between. I think its important to push the ideal of proper RP sure, there should be a learning curve that everyone respects as well and in the end its important to remember this is a game. its suppose to be fun.

BHG viable capships - Eppy - 05-19-2008

Mate, the BHG are a bunch of turncoat criminals and ex-military. Do you honestly think I, as the commander of the only facility in this game capable of producing an Outcast Capital Ship, am going to let a single or small groupof turncoats make off with a Dreadnought? No, they're going to be stopped at the border by a wall of bombers, boarded, and shot. The House Militaries will do exactly the same thing, as will the Hessians, the Corsairs, and in fact just about every capship-producing NPV faction in the me, mate, I am an expert at Roleplaying around the basic ship-restriction rules, and this is not the way to go about it.

Quote:So please, take your 12 year old dispositions elsewhere and get over it already, I'm a 15 year disabled vet that comes here to relax and enjoy the game, to escape the reality of peons and scum that rarely do much more then make my trigger finger itchy. Have I made a few mistakes, sure, am I perfect, heck no. But I dont spend my time hounding the 30 or so smarty pants that endlessly everyday play Oorp, have inapproipiate ship class's with ID's, land on bases they shouldnt, gather together in thier ingame gangs to bully people they dont like ect ect ect. I have yet to report anyone for anything yet if I wanted I could make the admins eyes bleed, with me pulling 12-18 hour days for the last few weeks I've seen alot between the 3 to 4 characters I flop between. I think its important to push the ideal of proper RP sure, there should be a learning curve that everyone respects as well and in the end its important to remember this is a game. its suppose to be fun.

Yes, there's a learning curve, but you know what? When you come marching onto the forums being a smartass and telling the people who built this place how they should Roleplay you'll have to forgive them when they get a bit hostile.

BHG viable capships - Mere_Mortal - 05-19-2008

' Wrote:Personaly, I think bountyhunters should be limited to fighters only... There's nothing as hilarious as BH Battlecruiser chasing around light fighters,...
Engaging a fighter in a cruiser is just plain stupid. Suggesting BHs should not use cruisers is stupider still, how would we be able to hunt a fleet of other capital class vessels? Bombers maybe enough, but one or two cruisers, in some cases a Battle Ship, may also be crucial to ensure victory.

BHG viable capships - Robert.Fitzgerald - 05-19-2008

Mere_Mortal, remember that the Bounty Hunter capital ships are produced for the Core, by the Core. They aren't used against pirate capitals in the Houses, they are used against Nomads and the Order in the Omicrons.

Use bombers to take them out. Get a few team mates and get some Battleship scalps.

BHG viable capships - Baltar - 05-19-2008

You can say whatever you want about RP to justify flying whatever you want ... BUT ... please keep in mind that pretty much all of what you call unlawfuls are limited to their ship sizes. Here's some examples ...

Pirates are LIMITED to gunboats and smaller
Terrorists are LIMITED to fighters (there are a few exceptions)

Corsairs, Hessians, Outcasts, Lane Hacker and such have some fairly decent capships. But nobody can pirate in them. These ships are pretty much limited to defending their turf.

Now for those bounty hunters. You're job is to go after criminals ... not declare war on a faction. So ... why would you be in a battle cruiser when your targets are most likely in gunboats and smaller? There is a balance issue that is not addressed anywhere. True the rules and Bounty Hunter ID give you the right to fly pretty much whatever you want. But it kinda kills the fun of the game to swat a fly with a bazooka.

BHG viable capships - Eppy - 05-19-2008

Quote:how would we be able to hunt a fleet of other capital class vessels

Bub, there are about three people on this server whom I could not kill, in a Battleship, with four bombers. In fact, make that three bombers, I think that's industry standard right now. Yeah, you don't need a Destroyer. Consider it a luxury.

BHG viable capships - Apex - 05-19-2008

' Wrote:@paranoid:

i wouldn t want to expect the worst in every person. - besides, when he s after the best of the best... funnily enough, the best is quite often the BHG ships. ( the only better heavy fighter than the hammerhead is the blood dragon, imo // the BHG BC is the best // the BHG battleship is at least one of the best // the BHG bomber is the best ( when you consider the (red) catamaran as bugged due to a too high agility and small hitbox anyway ) // the manta is among the best VHFs // the sea serpent is as good as any other LF mk2 )

only the destroyer sucks - but other than that, you hardly find better ships out there. ( or better weaponry )

Honestly had very little knowledge of the BHG ships, started a BHG character not because of any prior knowledge of thier ships or capabilities, as should be clearly seen by the post, which seems to have been in grievious error. I made a BHG character because of all the people I've encountered along the way that have shown crappy behavior, extreme RP prejudice to my learning curve, coupled with the thug like mentalities of 12 year old gangsters I've seen within some of the PC factions. Makes a BHG character right up my alley, I often prefer to work alone, cant stand thugs or gang mentalities or spiteful people in real life so it makes it hard to carry over into what I deem as my relaxation time. I'm not some fat fingered no life computer junky or high tech geek or 12 year old know it all still living with mommy kid. I've lived a full life, I have children the age of many people playing, I've fought and served for this country more then on one occassion and I've given up what most of you would never be willling to do. So maybe I make a few RP mistakes along the way, or dont know all the details about the game, sue me, hunt me, hound me, when all goes south report me if it makes you feel like your a better man. But you know what, you cant run me away, you can run me underground maybe, character flop and transfer, yah sure make negative comments on my posts, woo hoo, but does it get your blood pumping, can you feel the adrenaline rush....well thats what drives me to be BHG, you want someone to taunt and hate, well I'll make one, then we can feel perfectly at home to RP the vendette that you've created, passionate bloody hatred for all that you stand for. I am the reaper and you will reap what you have sown.

Honestly though I think you RP what you feel and through the evolution of playing the BHG seems very up my alley and it had nothig to do with ships or equipment. It has to do with my RL persona and the ingame persona thats been created thru transactions with other players.

Also side note, I'm not saying every faction I have encountered has been full of hairballs, theres been some genuinely good RPer's and people that I've encounterd along the way. As well as some very helpful ingame folk and posters to you folks I take my hat off and thank you.

BHG viable capships - Apex - 05-19-2008

' Wrote:Mate, the BHG are a bunch of turncoat criminals and ex-military. Do you honestly think I, as the commander of the only facility in this game capable of producing an Outcast Capital Ship, am going to let a single or small groupof turncoats make off with a Dreadnought? No, they're going to be stopped at the border by a wall of bombers, boarded, and shot. The House Militaries will do exactly the same thing, as will the Hessians, the Corsairs, and in fact just about every capship-producing NPV faction in the me, mate, I am an expert at Roleplaying around the basic ship-restriction rules, and this is not the way to go about it.

Yes, there's a learning curve, but you know what? When you come marching onto the forums being a smartass and telling the people who built this place how they should Roleplay you'll have to forgive them when they get a bit hostile.

Marching ? Guess I didnt here the drumbeats. Telling people who built this place how to RP, cant say I see that either. Responces to people haveing negative comments onto my inquires, possible. Especially when it seems to be the same people belonging to the same faction , whom seem to have a personal agenda thats really putting a bad name on themselves. You get what respect you dish out with me, show none get none. I fear no man in RL or in an internet game. Wanna make my playtime difficult, think hunting my chaacters and killing me repeatedly 100 times over is gonna discourage me or even silence me when I have genuine questions to ask... guess again. I havent stayed alive this long quiting anything.

If you or others genuinely think I'm qustioning the the gameing expertise of those whom made this game or mod possible, I assure you thats an mistaken avenue I havent even considerd. If questioning and asking about things threatens you, I apologise. I was always brought up in the frame of mind to speak if you dont know about something, ask questions and learn.

Far as RP experience goes, I've been playing MMORPG's from the mid 80's and every game has its learning curves. Been playing RPG paper,board and tabletop wargames for over 31 years, whats the point ? Even apes can beat on thier own chest's.