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oficial faction only? - Printable Version

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RE: oficial faction only? - Madvillain - 10-27-2012

That sounds very cool indeed ! Big Grin

RE: oficial faction only? - Havok - 10-27-2012

Because it was a GRN| vs. [LN] PvP Event and no outside interference was needed.

RE: oficial faction only? - Tigger - 10-27-2012

for the OP:

Quote:4.9 Official player factions who have planned an event can restrict participation of others in that event as they see fit.

In other words, a couple of factions got together, planned an event. They posted said event on the server in the appropriate events section. People signed up to be there, and as part of the even outline, it was stated only the participants were to participate. An admin was requested to oversee the event to keep things balanced.

Now, you could have either not read about the event or forgotten about it, but just because it's a public access server does not give you any right to interfere any more than some group having a parade down the middle of your main street gives you the right to block the roadway to stop them.

I logged a ship in Magellan during the event, having forgotten that the event was taking place there. I wasn't there to be in it, had logged on to buy a different ship. I RP'd to both groups, was told I wasn't needed, which was fine, hadn't logged to hunt anyway., then continued on about my business to Bering to buy my ship.

What I didn't do was whine about not being allowed to participate and make a thread complaining about it. Yes my character is a mercenary, yes my character is registered to hunt LN ID'd ships, but no that does not mean every time I undock I have to shoot them. They had an event, I did my RP text and went on about my business elsewhere.

Why cause problems or whine just because you didn't get to shoot something?


* Here's the link to the event <link>

* The event plan specifies:

Quote:The only participants in this event with be [LN] and GRN| official faction members. There are six slots open on either side.

So what's the big deal? Why whine about an event just because you didn't get to be in this one? In the Events and Competitions thread <link> there's lots of events that you might be able to sign up for, or you can create your own.