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Cappital ship question - n00bl3t - 05-31-2008

' Wrote:The crew isn't the same one that it was when it was in the Kusari Naval forces. It is in fact a few friends that are all Freelancers together. (And just because people work together, doesn't mean they have to like each other, in case you get the idea of these friends being one's that were once also in the KNF, that served in the same gunboat as my captain)

EDIT: Of course, this is still hypothetical, because I only have a bomber right now, but want to get a Gunboat. I mean sure, I could go with the Liberty gunboat and have no problem with operating in Liberty, but it's already over-spammed, while the Kusari GB isn't (Most people think it sucks. I don't care if it sucks or not, I am in it for the RP, and because it looks pretty slick)

Good RP. Are they all Kusarianese? (That word just seems wrong somehow.)

Liberty GB you will probably get flak from SA/NC(is it that north coast of navy or something?)/LSF.

Cappital ship question - Sand_Spider - 05-31-2008

Yes, they are all Kusarianese. My captain of the ship retired from the Kusari Naval Forces before all the tensions between Bretonia and Kusari began, which means my captain doesn't really hate Bretonia. He sees no point of all this fighting between the two houses, and hopes to be able to be operating within Bretonia space. Although, some of my crew won't like that idea, so there would be some conflict within the crew, which might or might not end in one of my crew taking over the ship, which would result in going on a rampage within Bretonia space. After that, I would be banned from entering Bretonia again, but my captain would attempt to gain Bretonia's trust again.

Cappital ship question - sovereign - 05-31-2008

' Wrote:Yes, they are all Kusarianese. My captain of the ship retired from the Kusari Naval Forces before all the tensions between Bretonia and Kusari began, which means my captain doesn't really hate Bretonia. He sees no point of all this fighting between the two houses, and hopes to be able to be operating within Bretonia space. Although, some of my crew won't like that idea, so there would be some conflict within the crew, which might or might not end in one of my crew taking over the ship, which would result in going on a rampage within Bretonia space. After that, I would be banned from entering Bretonia again, but my captain would attempt to gain Bretonia's trust again.

When you retire from captaining a functional tank/patrol boat/battlecruiser/anything you don't keep the ship. You hand it back to the military, you don't even keep your sidearms usually. Thought you might want to know that.

Also, a Freelancer with a Liberty Gunboat WOULD have some issues with Liberty's laws, all military vessels other than the Patriot and Defender are illegal to possess if not a member of Liberty's military or law enforcement (LPI, LN, or LSF ID'd and tagged).

You could possibly get away with fixing up a broken gunboat in Tau-31. Possibly. Scratch that, its overused. Hmm, I really can't think of a good way for a Freelancer or Mercenary to end up with military hardware unless he defected, in which case you had better be KoS where you got it from. And you can't do that with anything larger than a gunboat, either, since there would be too many crew for you to terrorize/kill/persuade.

Cappital ship question - AdamantineFist - 05-31-2008

You could go with the Kusari Explorer, though, if you really wanted a gunboat.

Cappital ship question - Sand_Spider - 05-31-2008

I guess I could get the explorer.. After all, I was thinking about getting one. But, I still think the Gunboat is cooler looking..

What if I said the Kusari Naval Forces would sell one to me, knowing they could trust me with it?

Cappital ship question - sovereign - 05-31-2008

That would be tough to pull off, since they need all of them for dealing with Bretonia. I would suggest PMing Lotek_ and asking the best way to go about it- I most certainly agree, the Kusari Gunboat is a beautiful ship.