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To the people of Sirius - Printable Version

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RE: To the people of Sirius - AceJoker - 12-13-2012

[Image: hangmanbar48og.gif]

"Well... I dunno what to do with you Mr... From one side you encourage traders to hire escorts. That buffs my businesses. So far, so good. But looked from the other side, you force the poor to hire escorts too, otherwise they get blown up. This means I have to cut my prices. Thats means..."

Hangman exhales deeply. He's smoking again.

"Everyone will hire cheap beginners, or their friend next door, or their neighbours for free and that'll cut my income. Bit of advice, Hood. Keep your hands off my customers, otherwise you'll receive my full attention. One bullet after another..."

[Image: hangmanbar2.png]

RE: To the people of Sirius - Omicron - 12-14-2012

[Image: FfU0D.png]
Somehow you got past my anti-spam filters.

No matter, you seem to be just another fine product of typical edge world madness. Your case was interesting enough to make me respond. From beggining, I do not give a damn about where your stolen profits go - be it safe account in Gallia or charity for homeless orphans suffering from various diseases originating from Harris colony. If you really want to help, become one of those traders yourself and hand over your generous profit to wherever it fancies you. However if I find you in Omegas, pirating civilian convoys your lifespan will be dramaticaly decreased by explosive ordinance. Nuclear payloads used in military grade standard issue mines are classy and powerful enough to fulfil this very objective. I also do not take responsibility for fatal overdose of Tachyon particles either, while passing through Reaper patrolled systems.

Valkyrie out.

RE: To the people of Sirius - sajuukhar - 12-14-2012

/////////////. Incoming transmission. //////////// open..........

Login Munch
Code xxxxxxxx

I received your transmission mr robin and i am very glad to announce that I will follow you on your "crusade"
My transport is available to your cause. I operate mostly in liberty, and sometimes in taus.
Contact me via secure channels so I can have more info.

////////////. Signal lost. /////////

RE: To the people of Sirius - Hone - 12-18-2012

(12-13-2012, 03:35 AM)Doc Holliday Wrote: *incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Doc.Holliday
Location: Shasta Orbital Skyhook, Baffin System
To: Robin Hood

Kallisti, Mr. Hood,

So let me get this straight. You pirate Zoners. I may not always agree with OSI but you give up much if you choose this action, namely, the right to use a Freeport where you will find people of all walks living amongst each other. If I hear of you doing this, you will be barred from Baffin space and I will make sure all Freeport administrators know of you.

Giving to the poor? I created Med Force Enterprises, now consisting of 3 ships, all of which provide free medical to all. I also created Canaria Medical Center on Gran Canaria for the same reasons. Dr. Doreen Naggers pretty much administrates it now.

Mind you, I fly solo in my transport to fund these entirely of my own credit and would rather jettison into space than give my hard earned credits, intended for research or my temple, to you when I give plenty.

Dr. John Henry Holliday
TAZ Administrator

That's great doc, a humanitarian giving free medical aid to all is something I can get behind! if you give me a designation, the Merry Men can lend you a hand with what we've robbed from the Rich! And I think we can let the Med force ships through free when they're helping others. As I said earlier, I respected the zoners, and offered you a deal, do you accept it?

(12-13-2012, 04:36 AM)Luka Wrote: *Receiving message*
ID: Luka
From: Somewhere
To: Robin Hood

.....I don't... Really think that's the best way to help them, I mean, what if the traders are just starting out and they can't afford the escorts? Or if they even have something to do with the poors and everything? I'm not really sure but... I think there's other ways to, or there aren't?

*Message concluded*

(12-13-2012, 06:58 PM)AceJoker Wrote: [Image: hangmanbar48og.gif]

"Well... I dunno what to do with you Mr... From one side you encourage traders to hire escorts. That buffs my businesses. So far, so good. But looked from the other side, you force the poor to hire escorts too, otherwise they get blown up. This means I have to cut my prices. Thats means..."

Remember our motto men, "Rob from the Rich and Give to the Poor!" If the trader is poor, we wont be pirating them, or forcing them to hire escorts We'll be helping them! We'll help anyone too poor to afford a 1k transport, and only rob those rich enough to afford a 2k transport. And even then, only if they dont care enough about the working man to hire escorts.

(12-14-2012, 05:21 PM)sajuukhar Wrote: /////////////. Incoming transmission. //////////// open..........

Login Munch
Code xxxxxxxx

I received your transmission mr robin and i am very glad to announce that I will follow you on your "crusade"
My transport is available to your cause. I operate mostly in liberty, and sometimes in taus.
Contact me via secure channels so I can have more info.

////////////. Signal lost. /////////

Quite so my friend! And it's good to have you aboard, you have already done well!

To all the rest of you, dont look to bounty hunters and the rest to stop us. When the BHG failed they even tried to pay others to do their work for them! But the good people of New York are stalwart with us, and none helped him:

RE: To the people of Sirius - Hone - 12-19-2012

So Liberty thinks it can arrest me, then shoot my ship anyway when I comply with their orders eh? The dishonour!

Well I've lead you on a Merry chase, when I escaped, I took some of your precious info with me, and used it to hit a convoy of your soldiers! The transports fled for the stars, and now they're stardust, while those soldiers wont be tricking anyone else again.

Thousands of your men are dead because of your deception.

However we arnt mindless monsters, this man wanted to join the Liberty navy, but we talked to him and let him go unharmed, because we had hope he would reform, and change his mind.

RE: To the people of Sirius - Jeremy Hunter - 12-19-2012

::Incoming Transmission
[Image: fxv3tc.png]
::Communications ID: Captain Zack Archer, LNS Los Angeles::
::Location: Manhattan Low Orbit::
::Encryption: None::

So, let me get this straight.

You fight for the poor, downtrodden, and abused.

You murder anyone who can't pay enough to get an escort or two.

You just murdered nearly three thousand marines, men and women who swore to serve Liberty and defend her people. Rich and poor.

How come the first thing I said, doesn't reflect the rest?

Two wrongs never make a right. You're jihad against the rich only serve to murder those who swore to protect the weak. You say you are doing this for the right reasons, yet you murder thousands because of a single deception.

You are no Robin Hood. You do not deserve the dirt on his shoes. The ideals of Robin Hood, steal from the rich and give to the poor, are twisted and per versed by you. If you truly did so, why do you not go to the less fortunate and distribute your winnings to the poor? Steal from the rich, and give to the poor. Not steal from everyone who's too poor or can't findan escort and keep the money for yourself and make more people poor. Even keeping five hundred kay out of two mill wouldn't be minded.

But no.

You steal from the rich. You steal from the poor. You murder men in EVA suits. You murder those who can't afford escorts after they spent their entire life savings on a decent transport.

You are not Robin Hood. You are yet another harrisesque. Another liar. Another mass murderer.

I wish I knew your real name, just so I could save what little dignity the name Robin Hood once carried, what little dignity it retains after you came and tarnished it with your hypocrisy, your lies, your wanton massacre, and your vain pride.

Stop acting so high and mighty.

Because your fall will be a great one.

Archer Out.

::Transmission End::

RE: To the people of Sirius - Hone - 01-15-2013

Ah merry christmas good people of Sirius. Now that the Merry Men have returned from carousing, and caroling, its back to business:

And I see we have our first letter:

(12-19-2012, 07:52 AM)Jeremy Hunter Wrote:
::Incoming Transmission
[Image: fxv3tc.png]
::Communications ID: Captain Zack Archer, LNS Los Angeles::
::Location: Manhattan Low Orbit::
::Encryption: None::

So, let me get this straight.

You fight for the poor, downtrodden, and abused.

You murder anyone who can't pay enough to get an escort or two.

You just murdered nearly three thousand marines, men and women who swore to serve Liberty and defend her people. Rich and poor.

How come the first thing I said, doesn't reflect the rest?

Two wrongs never make a right. You're jihad against the rich only serve to murder those who swore to protect the weak. You say you are doing this for the right reasons, yet you murder thousands because of a single deception.

You are no Robin Hood. You do not deserve the dirt on his shoes. The ideals of Robin Hood, steal from the rich and give to the poor, are twisted and per versed by you. If you truly did so, why do you not go to the less fortunate and distribute your winnings to the poor? Steal from the rich, and give to the poor. Not steal from everyone who's too poor or can't findan escort and keep the money for yourself and make more people poor. Even keeping five hundred kay out of two mill wouldn't be minded.

But no.

You steal from the rich. You steal from the poor. You murder men in EVA suits. You murder those who can't afford escorts after they spent their entire life savings on a decent transport.

You are not Robin Hood. You are yet another harrisesque. Another liar. Another mass murderer.

I wish I knew your real name, just so I could save what little dignity the name Robin Hood once carried, what little dignity it retains after you came and tarnished it with your hypocrisy, your lies, your wanton massacre, and your vain pride.

Stop acting so high and mighty.

Because your fall will be a great one.

Archer Out.

::Transmission End::

Ok pay attention now lad; as I already said, we dont attack anyone too poor to afford a 2k transport, so no more of that "attack anyone too poor to hire an escort" Anyone who can afford a ship that big, can afford an escort or two! And as for "sharing my spoils with the poor", were you not paying attention to my first message? I gave a pretty set of examples of us doing just that, and we're still doing it! The Merry Men are supporting YOU, the working man of sirius! And its not just goods and money either, we'll also give you a hand, set you on the right path, and you'll have that ship you need to do a proper days work in no time!

As for those Marines, the Liberty Navy made it's choice.

Now Id like to address the Liberty Rogues:

I recently found some of your boys captured by a miner, I blew up the miner to rescue them, and dropped them off on Rochester. Now I've previously only run into one of your men before, and we got on pretty well, but Im interested in our groups working together more closely. Which is why I saved another 3 of your boys, and handed them over to the zoners.

Now everyone; it seems the Liberty Navy is getting desperate after I robbed not one, but two naval transports, and even blew up an escorted convoy. So what do they do? They STEAL a Kusarian destroyer and send it after me! You hear that people of sirius? The Liberty Navy Steal ships from other houses, and they call US thieves! If you want justice, first look to those who are supposed to met it out, and DEMAND they follow their own rules!

Still the Merry Men will endure, to Rob from the Rich, and Give to the Poor!

RE: To the people of Sirius - pitockm - 01-15-2013

*Receiving message*
ID: Unknown
From: Heaven
To: Robin Hood

Oh...Ello there....Nice..Finally you made an Impact..

But some OF Impacts....Bring Harm.

there was a 23'th Century Word...about :
Be Smart..Be Safe ...Don't try this At home or any where else...

Dunno why it didn't mention in Robin-Hood's Lore.

Any how...Consider your...hmm....Whole operations in Double Danger.

"whispers " hood...hood ..Robin hood.

RE: To the people of Sirius - Dogbite10 - 01-15-2013

Comm ID: Jim Wright
Location: ---------------
Encryption: none

Good day Mr. Hood,

I find myself quite appalled that the likes of yourself and every other petty thief in Sirius seem to forget that most of the transports flying about are not owned by their crew or captain at all!

We are mere working class citizens who struggle to make ends meet just like most of Sirians.

Do you think we have any say in the matter of hiring escorts? Certainly not! Our employers make those decisions for us, and any opinions otherwise are disregarded.

I find it also laughable that the likes of you have the notion that we mere pilots have been given the keys to the company vault and that we carry it about with us!

Our company pays a meager salary considering what we have to endure on a daily basis.

If, and I do mean IF, we are lucky our company provides a SMALL amount of petty cash for the trip.

With outrageous demands in the millions, what are we to do?

Scrape together everyone on board’s paycheck for the month?

And what of our families? What will they eat? Of our homes? Where will we live when we have been thrown out on the streets?

Are you to pirate us and then give the money straight back?

Do you think you are hurting the CEO and shareholders at all? I think not!

I do hope that you and your ilk will consider who your demands are actually affecting.

Good day to you sir.

RE: To the people of Sirius - Jaika - 01-15-2013

::Incoming transmission::

So, you want to rob everyone who's having more than 2K cargo space, because you got some crazy idea in mind. Am i right? Sure, sounds good...well for a madman. Just think about my people, the Junkers. We aid the poor, at least some of us, when we let everyone to use our stations.

Another thing, what about the Salvagers? They are NOT only transport ships, but they also serve as a home for Junker families, and be sure if you want to hurt the family of a Junker, you'll find yourself in deep trouble quickly. Let me guess, if we meet you in space (Yes we, my wife, my kids, me and the rest of the crew who's also the part of my family.) so if we meet with you in space and can't pay then you'll just kill a whole family right?! Now that's not gonna happen.

If you attempt to hurt anyone from my family i will gather up a group and i'm not gonna care who will join to me, but i will find enough people to send YOU Mr.Hood, you and all your crazed friends to death. Yes, you heard right, try to hurt any Junker and you learn how to breathe in vacuum on the short way.

::End of transmission::