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RE: Confused/need answers - latos - 01-02-2013

(01-01-2013, 02:05 AM)ryoken Wrote: OK I am much calmer then last night, and as such decided to research/explore what happens around New Tokyo.
So i sat outside planet in my KNF fighter for a few hours to just witness what happens. Now in that time i watched the Player base shoot 5 players undocking from New Tokyo, 4 were killed that were under level 30. Now people claim player bases are RP bases. So explain how an under 30 player who is imune to RP gets shot and killed by an RP base?
Also i gave these lads 5 mil, and asked them some questions. All 4 new players had /restarted at New Tokyo, and were killed undocking. How does this promote a friendly player environment to new players?
1 more. People complain that Kusari has crap number of players in it, so how does a base that most players do not know the rep of shooting them for no reason encourage more players to play in Kusari?
This is what i do not get. These bases do nothing but deter friendly play here. They do nothing for new players, and i have seen maybe 3 out of 20 bases that are actually RP bases of any sort.
So keep friendly, and answer these questions for me, help me understand how something soooo OORP is considered an RP part of server.
Any flames, or trolls i will ask this to be locked. Whether against me or anyone else who posts.

Alright, as the builder and former owner of the base, I think it's time I said something about this constant QQ I'm hearing about its new owners and the use they are putting to it.

The base has extensive RP behind it. If you'd like we can have a lengthy skype chat about everything surrounding it. The Hogosha now own the base meaning they can do as they please with it. if you find it oorp, gather an oorp fleet and blow it out of the sky, many have tried.

If you don't want a hostile rep with the Hogosha, and you still find the base oorp. Then oorply increase your rep with the Hogosha/Avoid New Tokyo altogether. The original intention of that base was to get rid of the Blood dragon trolls and the idiotic outcast capitol ships coming right up to the capitol planet of Kusari. As Far as I can tell, it's still fulfilling that duty.

(01-01-2013, 02:40 AM)Lumik8 Wrote: That is strange, I just tested it (made new char and /restart kusari) and undocking was ok (as it should be because you have neutral rep with Hogosha after /restart Kusari).

New Players are neutral to the Hogosha, otherwise I would disagree with the base being put with Hogosha Rep. If players cannot get off the planet because they re-repped to something that is hostile (which I don't see how they did on NT.) then they can simply remake their characters and move to someplace else first. It's called common sense, something I'm noticing the community is losing in buckets recently.

(01-02-2013, 04:59 PM)Trail Wrote: It started off as a KSP base and it was that for a long while, then it got sold to the hogosha for the inRP reason for lack of budget to run the base if I remember correctly (which inRP was tied to several other RPs the KSP have had running in the past. Ex. asking the government for extra money funding and budget and not getting it.)

Now you have two members of the KSP telling you that the base has extensive RP behind it. If you'd like I can get them all to come and set your mind at ease. When Friday was the PM he was quite uneasy with me being KSP lead, as a result he snuffed me on much of my RP. Forcing Bakamono to respond frequently. Which meant our requests inrply for budget were denied or shorthanded. See that? we turned an oorp negative into an rp experience. something that took root and formed an entire new branch of mentality for the KSP, talks of rebellion, assassinations and other mutinous talks about how the new government stinks and the Navy has become corrupt lapdogs.

Use your imagination and RP, this is Discovery RP, not Discovery QQ all the damned time about something you had no interest in until it was convenient for a PR scheme.

No, this post wasn't QQ. It wasn't a Flame post. It's constructive Critiscism with a hint of Irritatedness behind it. I'm tired of all this QQ about Itabashi. It was built with a Waiver by the KSP in its location. It's turrets are protecting Black Dragon Society interests. If people now need to start taking the BDS seriously, is that really a bad thing?

Theres my two cents. Kaido out.

RE: Confused/need answers - Anaximander - 01-02-2013

Quote:The original intention of that base was to get rid of the Blood dragon trolls and the idiotic outcast capitol ships coming right up to the capitol planet of Kusari. As Far as I can tell, it's still fulfilling that duty.

Hehe well my idiotic Outcast Ranseur character has only been in NT once and only because there was a base I was told to shoot at Smile

Quote:If people now need to start taking the BDS seriously, is that really a bad thing?

If you (and by extension Kusari Government) want to be taken seriously, I think this heavily armed and aggressive base in orbit of NT, shooting all the traders bringing goods to and from Kusari is counter-productive. It doesn't seem like something any non-infected or sane politician would ever approve of. The people of New Tokyo must be upset - an increase in the cost of food on the most densely populated Kusari world is something that could set off revolts, especially when there's a brand new regime installed. New Tokyo is effectively getting embargoed by Hogosha, that's just nuts.

Who would saw off the branch they are sitting on?

RE: Confused/need answers - Trail - 01-02-2013

(01-02-2013, 10:57 PM)Anaximander Wrote:
Quote:The original intention of that base was to get rid of the Blood dragon trolls and the idiotic outcast capitol ships coming right up to the capitol planet of Kusari. As Far as I can tell, it's still fulfilling that duty.

Hehe well my idiotic Outcast Ranseur character has only been in NT once and only because there was a base I was told to shoot at Smile

Quote:If people now need to start taking the BDS seriously, is that really a bad thing?

If you (and by extension Kusari Government) want to be taken seriously, I think this heavily armed and aggressive base in orbit of NT, shooting all the traders bringing goods to and from Kusari is counter-productive. It doesn't seem like something any non-infected or sane politician would ever approve of. The people of New Tokyo must be upset - an increase in the cost of food on the most densely populated Kusari world is something that could set off revolts, especially when there's a brand new regime installed. New Tokyo is effectively getting embargoed by Hogosha, that's just nuts.

Who would saw off the branch they are sitting on?

thats not the way the hogosha operates or stylizes itself.

And considering that Samura is the one who fills Hogoshas coffers and Samura being what produces and supplies the majority of the food on new tokyo not even close to what you are trying to imply

side note: the base mainly shoots Bretonians, but thats fine because the brets dont even allow us to trade in bretonia. (vice versa we allow one of their companies to trade. The one that isnt owned by the crown.) So if bretonians are complaining about being shot at when they technically cant even operate in our space, just seems like a form of justice to me. (Well unless its that one company)

RE: Confused/need answers - Anaximander - 01-03-2013

well i didnt talk about widespread famine, i talked about an increase in price - common supply/demand market logics would suggest that. food is a highly sensitive commodity, an increase of .5% or similar could have massive consequences, even if it is just for a shorter period.

also i get the impression that NT import quite a bit of food, based on the info card description for the planet itself, alongside the fact that the buying price in-game on several food items is fairly high.

i don't think hogs are to blame for anything, if i was them i'd be clapping my hands. its the government that allows it I am perplexed by.

RE: Confused/need answers - Lumik - 01-03-2013

(01-02-2013, 10:57 PM)Anaximander Wrote: If you (and by extension Kusari Government) want to be taken seriously, I think this heavily armed and aggressive base in orbit of NT, shooting all the traders bringing goods to and from Kusari is counter-productive. It doesn't seem like something any non-infected or sane politician would ever approve of. The people of New Tokyo must be upset - an increase in the cost of food on the most densely populated Kusari world is something that could set off revolts, especially when there's a brand new regime installed. New Tokyo is effectively getting embargoed by Hogosha, that's just nuts.

Who would saw off the branch they are sitting on?

Your idea has bad roots. Here is list of IDs which are rephacked to be hostile with Hogosha (based on list that Aeternus Doleo posted some time ago):

BMM, Bowex, Bretonian Privateers, Mollys, Gallic Junkers, Blood Dragons, Golden Chrysanthemums, Xenos, GMG, Junkers, Coalition, Order, Outcasts, RoS, K´Hara, Nomads, Wild, MM, SCRA

As you can see, there is not any important foreign trader corporation other than Bretonian (even Gateway is not there). So if somebody is shooted by the base, he has old rep and he just has to fix it (bribes should be for example on Yokohama, Shinjuku, Junyo or Osaka). InRP there is no "aggressive base in orbit of NT, shooting all the traders bringing goods to and from Kusari" so no harm to prices on New Tokyo at all. Maybe GMG can be problem but I´m not sure if internal Kusari H-fuel supplies are not made by Kishiro.

RE: Confused/need answers - Yuki - 01-03-2013

So ryoken. Those 5 'new players' that did a 'restart kusari', -IF they even did so- they did shoot the base. This costs the Black Dragon Society fuel, and is a sign of aggression. CQ they get shot at. Justified.

The most important reason why people get shot, is most likely because they are neutral/friendly with the unlawfuls of kusari (blood dragons, golden chrysanthemums, and the GMG. GMG shoots hogosha and samura, so they're seen as unlawful). Such relations with them on a trade ship most likely means they trade with them. Meaning that the supplies they bring to kusari, just go to the criminals. This is against the best interest of the civilian kusari population, THUS they get shot. Hence, i don't see what the whining is all about. If they are not in the list mentioned and they still get shot, they've done something naughty.
They can easily fix this at any samura station. So if they all spend the time on fixing their rep to be properly repped with Kusari, instead of crying and whining on the forums about how tough they have it and how sad they are, everyone would be alot happier.

Or should i just have people pay the hogosha to have them do missions for their rep? I see a nice profit market here... *goes to the BDS chat*

RE: Confused/need answers - ryoken - 01-03-2013

Yup some good answers, but most do not understand the questions. It was not this one base that i am concerned with( i just stay out of NT now) But this whole "lets put a base next to cap planets, and bases" S that bothers me.
Seriously if i got a group of 5-6 traders with me, or 1 barge and jump drive, I could drop a base infront of any planet, and turret it over night in down hours. I can make it hostile to all, and then just watch the chaos. Sure it may get ganked in a day or 2, but my point is it is completely OORP, and no fracking way it should be allowed.
Now some will say you cannot do that, but i have helped with my 5Ks fully build, and turret a base in 12 hours.Sure it was not next to a base(I am not that big an A-hole) but it was doable quite easy in off hours.
Right now there is no rule to stop any player/s from building a hostile base with turrets right next to any dam thing in the game.
Just think if someone did this infront of Erie? For the next day or 2 until it is destroyed every new player in game could get raped by it, and it would not be against the rules. Then hey after it dies someone decides to be a prick, and rebuilds it again in off hours, and repeat/rinse. Sure sooner or later people would set up a bunch to watch area, but for days/weeks it could ruin peoples fun.
This is my main concern, and my question is what if anything there is to stop this now or in future? NOT A DAM THING! is what. That is why i say most bases are completely OORP. A base should take weeks/months/years to build, not over night.

RE: Confused/need answers - lw'nafh - 01-03-2013

Am I the only one that found it hilarious when the KSP guy earlier talked about 'skype chats' like they themselves constituted roleplay. Skype agreements=/=roleplay. This base was a badly informed decision, at least have the balls to admit that.

RE: Confused/need answers - Veygaar - 01-03-2013

It'd be destroyed in hours ryoken. Please, stop trying to further an argument when you have no ground to argue from.

Let's compare for a second this conversation to one about a man who is instistant that his glass cup up is made of wood.


Man: My cup is made of wood! Why the hell it that?

People: Silly man, as you can clearly see, that cup is transparent and unyielding to pressure up till shattering. It is most definitely NOT wood, and is assuredly made of GLASS.

Man: "Yup some good answers, but most do not understand the questions." WHY IS MY CUP MADE OF WOOD?!?!

People: *facepalm*


See the problem here mate?

RE: Confused/need answers - Markus_Janus - 01-03-2013

(01-03-2013, 04:51 AM)Kangarawrawr Wrote: Am I the only one that found it hilarious when the KSP guy earlier talked about 'skype chats' like they themselves constituted roleplay. Skype agreements=/=roleplay. This base was a badly informed decision, at least have the balls to admit that.