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Capital ship - Eppy - 06-08-2008

Mate, we can control most things on this server unless it is expressly forbidden by the Administrators. A faction constitutes a government. That's why we have organized militaries for this sort of thing.

Capital ship - Eternal - 06-08-2008

' Wrote:All right, get a capship, but then take all the responsibility it needs.

Optionally, for a fighter you need a base to station on and a pilot with a name and his history...

Optionally, for a battleship you need the date of construction, type, shipyards, which made the ship, faction, that made it, Commanders name, history, history of the crew, what is the ship for, who does it listen to, how is it armed, what did it survive, places and battles where did it fight, where is it stationed, where does it get the supplies from...........................
So... If you really wanna take the responsibility for a capship, RP it first.

And you honestly beleive everyone does that ?

He has wrote a short story of the ship.

If the Osiris is not being abused in any way , I don't realy see any need for the harsh treatment against the player.

I myself have wrote a very short story about my BS , but can tell you that in game I RP it better then most of the other BS's I've seen.

Capital ship - Eppy - 06-08-2008

And he's selling guns off of it.

Now where in HELL do you see somebody in a freaking BATTLESHIP selling guns? WHY on earth would you sell guns off of something that big, and why on earth would the Order or Corsairs give a massive warship, one that must have taken billions of dollars, piles of resources and months of hard labor to construct, to a weapons dealer? They've got Nomads to kill, not guns to sell.

Capital ship - Epholl - 06-08-2008

That is true, Eternal, and that is why I said "optionally", because I dont like too much forum RP either...

If you want to sell guns, I would go with a lighter ship though, because the Order would probably send a battleship to fight the Nomads, not to stay somewhere just to sell guns to freelancers foating by... I dont know... Depends on how you RP it. If you get enough "RP excuses", its okay. If not, its not.

Capital ship - globalplayer-svk - 06-08-2008

' Wrote:If you see someone jump a bridge and die will you automaticly do the same???

some try to RP and are not just capship whore but get jumped by some child on this server who think they can control all

capwhores. hmm you think that people that you meet are capwhores? and child, i will not flame you, but it was not you who was screaming that battleship can not attack fighter? and that is childish.....

you buy batlteship. order battleship. when yo uwas aksed if you have ROLEPLAY permission from black squadron, which is order leading group, you answered that is nothing that can black squadron make. that is big ROLEPLAY answer. or no ? When Black squadron stated you as hostile, in their stolen ship, and informed corsairs and zoners about you in ROLEPLAY, then you are screaming when they show hostility to you. But why you are screaming? you say that is nothing that can Black squadron make. so why you scream so much?

And to end of my post. as some people typed here, selling weapons from battleship ? what logic do you use for that idea? and especially order battleship. in roleplay are in sirius only few osirises, and i am 1000000 percent sure, that order will never use one of the few battleships as weapon dealer!!!

Capital ship - Xoria - 06-08-2008

Freedom and power is a two way street.

Any player or group of players has the freedom and power to earn the credits to purchase and roleplay a capital ship.


Any other player or group of players also has the freedom and power to object to the use of that capital ship and use whatever methods they wish to both object verbally to its use, and object to its use on the server through the violent actions of their characters.

If one person has the right to say all by themselves "I bought it so I get to use it" then a group of players has the equal right to say "No you don't". That is the price we all pay for being in a community.

If you want to follow your own rules and not have to compromise with anyone else, that is what the single-player option is for. If you want to use multiplayer, then you have to accept that you can't always do what you want to do if the community objects to it. In other words, its called the Law of the Jungle : the strong get their way and the weak compromise or suffer. That is the way it is in every real community on Planet Earth, and that is the way it is in the imaginary realm of Sirius.

As much as some people desire to roleplay as renegade, "independent", vigilante characters, others want to roleplay as an organized, power-structure. Conflict between such interests is inevitable and the deciding factor in every case will always be which side can wield the necessary amount of power against their opponent's weakest point.

These are just the immutable, raw, and brutal facts of life, and no amount of complaining about fairness or rules can change them. Not on Planet Earth, and not in Sirius.

Capital ship - Patriot - 06-08-2008

Quote:Freedom and power is a two way street.

Any player or group of players has the freedom and power to earn the credits to purchase and roleplay a capital ship.


Any other player or group of players also has the freedom and power to object to the use of that capital ship and use whatever methods they wish to both object verbally to its use, and object to its use on the server through the violent actions of their characters.

If one person has the right to say all by themselves "I bought it so I get to use it" then a group of players has the equal right to say "No you don't". That is the price we all pay for being in a community.

If you want to follow your own rules and not have to compromise with anyone else, that is what the single-player option is for. If you want to use multiplayer, then you have to accept that you can't always do what you want to do if the community objects to it. In other words, its called the Law of the Jungle : the strong get their way and the weak compromise or suffer. That is the way it is in every real community on Planet Earth, and that is the way it is in the imaginary realm of Sirius.

As much as some people desire to roleplay as renegade, "independent", vigilante characters, others want to roleplay as an organized, power-structure. Conflict between such interests is inevitable and the deciding factor in every case will always be which side can wield the necessary amount of power against their opponent's weakest point.

These are just the immutable, raw, and brutal facts of life, and no amount of complaining about fairness or rules can change them. Not on Planet Earth, and not in Sirius.

If i follow your logic now i can start to go whit my battleship attack corsair and order when i want........
i cant itentionally ruin the game of other people?
i can be totally OORP?

Yea right

Capital ship - Exsiled_one - 06-08-2008

I'ld give you 15 seconds and two corsair fighter or order fighter kills before an MAJOR KOS would be on you and you wouldn't be able to leave the station without getting gangraped (no, not the porn type son) by a squad of everything.

What makes you think that we don't have capital ships as big as yours?
We just don't use them because they don't fit everyday needs. If your everyday need is selling weapons, I suggest you take some other ship for that business, maybe some freighter or eventually luxury liner. If your aim in this game is to be disliked, please continue to flame and argue here about how unfair the factions are, and I'll be more than happy to reply with more flame and hate, i have a magic pocket full of it.

Capital ship - globalplayer-svk - 06-08-2008

patriot, you can, as renegade, but be sure that after attack you have on tail all corsairs and all order pilots, an they will hunt you to end of sirius....

Capital ship - Xoria - 06-08-2008

No, you aren't following my logic, and twisting what I said into an extreme position which you can then ridicule does not refute my points.

So let me put a finer point on it : Black Squadron has just as much right to roleplay as THE authority and power in The Order as any single player has to roleplay as one Order pilot. If Black Squadron objects to the way one player is roleplaying as a single Order pilot (or objects to another group of Order pilots, like [OTF_RU]), then they have every right to attempt to enforce their viewpoint on the forums and on the server, within the boundaries of the roleplay that they have established.

The single Order pilot they are objecting to also can fight back. The stronger side will prevail and ultimately that is the only fair outcome.

Or should entire groups of players be forced by some "rule of fairness" to have their roleplay objectives changed by one single player who wants to do something else? I don't think so. The majority sets the terms and the minority compromises. That is the way of the world.