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Bring back smuggling and blockade running - Printable Version

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RE: Bring back smuggling and blockade running - SA_Scavenger - 01-04-2013

(01-04-2013, 04:14 PM)Omicron Wrote: My point Scavenger is that 5k, freighter or your gunboat-transport hybrid would be capable to quickly dissapear or run away denying such freelancers occasion. Smuggler's weapon is evasion of harmful individuals and their hosts ability to provide safety/escort.

Barge is simply... seen from 5134120371230531k distance and it cannot even run.

Try run away from anyone who merely parks their freelancer IDed ship at the Tau 37 JH and waits. You don't even know they are there. More than enough time to take screen shots.

It's a piss poor move, that's what I'm saying. If those kind of moves are made and used like this one is being used. Smuggling is dead in the water, for tagged factions that is. It's just too risky.

This also begs the question. What is to stop anyone using cloaks and taking screenshots that way? Please advise.

RE: Bring back smuggling and blockade running - AeternusDoleo - 01-04-2013

Bumping prices while jumptrading is still possible is just asking for powertrading... Kill group jumps, and moving along the lanes/holes will return to normal. With the appropriate amount of piracy/cop interdictions preying on it. My $0.02 - I've never been a fan of groupjumps for trade purposes. Given we've recently seen that even the Congress barge was involved in a Cardi/Slave jump trade, made it clear to me that this crap's gone WAY too far...

There'll be another few routes north come 4.87 for you junkers to take. T23/37 hole won't be the bottleneck -> T39, and even the Kusari way will be available. But that doesn't help right now.

RE: Bring back smuggling and blockade running - SA_Scavenger - 01-04-2013

Not at the moment, no and I have to agree with you on the Barge story. I'm just pointing out that this is a major flaw that is being used to totally undermine any chance of future smuggling for the Congress and other tagged groups. I would have thought that both Planet Crete and Planet Malta would be off limits for using that sort of information considering that they should both have enough protection, inRP, to keep unwanted people from spying on them there; and obviously I was wrong.

RE: Bring back smuggling and blockade running - Omicron - 01-04-2013

metagame by playerlist is indeed a problem and while there are solutions (like displaying region instead of system or turning off that feature alltogether) it will however make extremely difficult to find interaction in central Omicrons or Omegas.

As for barge, myself was not aware of its existence due to Outcasts all over the place - just pursued them through jumphole when they ran, noticing bigger fish.

Personally have mixed feelings on jump trade.

I still recommend consideration of smuggling points aka 4.87 Leeds

RE: Bring back smuggling and blockade running - Jack_Henderson - 01-04-2013

Smuggling is indeed next to impossible for official factions that need to take responsibility for their actions and suffer the consequences when found out. Especially the second part of the sentence is the problem. It's kind of sad, but it's not worth the risk and thus most smuggling activity will be done by indies.

RE: Bring back smuggling and blockade running - Sanford - 01-04-2013

I would have to agree with a lot that has been said here. I love smuggling but there is no incentive to smuggling. The prices are the same as any other commodity so why risk it. The thing I would like to see -and this has been brought up before- is a bonus for smuggling in a freighter. Freighters really are ships that are made to get past when a transport would have issues. I still smuggle in my indie ships but it is way to risky in my faction ships.

RE: Bring back smuggling and blockade running - SA_Scavenger - 01-04-2013

Jack, if we can get caught undocking right from Planet Malta, then it's done. We cannot win or even play that type of game. It's merely stupid. The only way to try to play is not to play at all. If the stunt you guys are trying to pull carries on, shut down Junker factions, it's simply not worth it.

Well, I've said my piece on this issue. If you want to increase smuggling, increase the incentive to do so and decrease, drastically, the price for getting caught and try to cut out the meta-gaming. The price for getting caught should be death, a fine (10 million tops) or getting away.

This game is meant to be fun. The consequences for getting caught, like that insane fine of 250 million being one of those occasions, simply destroy any incentive to smuggle.

RE: Bring back smuggling and blockade running - Independent Miners Guild - 01-04-2013

//wrong account. This is my personal opinoin, so I repost as Jack. Smile

RE: Bring back smuggling and blockade running - Jack_Henderson - 01-04-2013

(01-04-2013, 07:40 PM)SA_Scavenger Wrote: Jack, if we can get caught undocking right from Planet Malta, then it's done. We cannot win or even play that type of game. It's merely stupid.

Secretive rp -is- possible. At considerable risk for official factions. For a while IMG| transports supplied Diamant Hessian base. But as you might guess, the amount of metagaming to keep this operation from being discovered was enormous (even though the cat&mouse game was tense!) and I stopped it, as it was just too much of an effort and made me age too fast. Smile

Also... you are generalising much too much.

If the Congress had a 4ker with slaves caught, or a 5ker with cardi, no one would have made a big mess out of it. Official factions would have ignored it largely, and I would not even have contacted the Congress for it. And even if someone contacted you, you could say: "The transport captain has been severely punished, we will make sure this doesn't happen again" and it would work for the 1st time... heck, I even allowed the promise to work on the Barge incident (until it went all south due to reasons I will likely never understand)

All I can say about this complaint of yours is: It was a Barge.
=> Smuggling =/= Barge. Sorry.

Quote:The only way to try to play is not to play at all. If the stunt you guys are trying to pull carries on, shut down Junker factions, it's simply not worth it.

And do you need to shut down all semi-/unlawful action? No. But having it supersized with jump-trading Barges is just not the way that goes unnoticed and gets ignored if detected.

RE: Bring back smuggling and blockade running - Hawk - 01-04-2013

Smuggling is fun. Yes you get blown up sometimes. That's part of the game, get used to it. That's one of the reasons I think the prices should be bumped, not just to make it more profitable, but also more risky. Make it so every smuggler is risking 20-30 mil on a load of contraband in a firefly. That will also deter smuggling in barges (something that should NEVER happen) because the risk will be too high.

The other thing is slap the smugglers who get caught. Fine them heavily, add them to the criminal registry, whatever you have to do. What is irritating some people is when the faction, not the individual is held responsible. There should be some accountability for the faction without a doubt. However, when an entire faction is threatened with having the entire faction's status change in three different houses because someone in a faction did something he was told not to do it kind of kills the desire for anyone else to want to smuggle. It's a shame because it used to be one of my favorite things to do.