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RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Hero4Hire - 02-06-2013

He was right to levy a 10 million credit fine on someone who had done absolutely nothing wrong except go to the bathroom for 2 to 4 minutes while still in space, and its right because this would later drive that person to go on a shoot-everything rage-trip which you made all these nice forum posts about?

Here's what I saw:

The guy wasnt blocking anything. Any ship could have easily docked or launched, without problems.

The ship he allegedly rammed into actually rammed into him, and it could have very easily avoided it.

The LPI lied about both thing in front of other people, to justify the 10 million credit fine.

The LPI basically used it as an excuse to pirate and humiliate him in front of others.

The LPI called an official LN on skype to get the guy to pay although he had nothing wrong.

They killed me although I have broken exactly 0 laws, and a legal setup, because I contradicted their story.

THey left him under the impression that he had to obey the official guy, although following the server rules, he did not in this situation.

The LPI and associates LSF/LNS/[LN] ships shot him although he payed the fine, "by accident".

When he left to Colorado, they follow him there, and more shooting followed.

After he died in Colorado they also followed him to California where the next shoot out was about to start, until I very thuroughly explained to the non LPI guys who just believed the LPI's word that the LPI hd in fact been lying to get 10 million credits.

Yes, now you have your nice forum posts and screenies and "testimonies" by all your people who say the same thing.

But I think there are some details that kind of failed to shed light on the ENTIRE "context".

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Hero4Hire - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 07:24 AM)Zigeris Wrote: Stop hatin' on the LPI. The NAVY does neither of the things they should. Stopping pirates or protection from outside enemies. I think Navy should work less in house and more out of house/ via boarder systems.


The OFFICIAL navy does nothing against pirates. The indies, Black Scorpion chief among them, actually did a lot against pirates. And he did a lot against Hellfire Legion, even when the officals told him not to. And against the LR, when the officials told him not to. And the nomads, when the officials told him not to.

Now, guess what unlawful factions those LPI players also have characters in?

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - RmJ - 02-06-2013

It doesn't matter what LPI has as other characters. LNS rarely actually are helpful for non military units in Liberty. I'm stating that their needs to be an official change to ZOI's.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Fifty. - 02-06-2013

Hero4Hire -
Usually fines are 350 credits for busted tail lights, and yes, we fine LNS vessels too - it's all for the RP.
Not sure about the 10mills one, wasn't there, but 10 mils aren't exactly a great sum as well.
Some of your statements are only assumptions.
Keep on hating though, we don't give a donut.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - ryoken - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 07:44 AM)Zigeris Wrote: It doesn't matter what LPI has as other characters. LNS rarely actually are helpful for non military units in Liberty. I'm stating that their needs to be an official change to ZOI's.

I dis-agree. You cannot blame all indies for what a few do. Just like "officials" say you cannot blame entire clan for what a few do.
I have helped many traders in The Yorktown. I have killed pirates, and chased some away. I have taken hits, while telling traders to run for it. I have escorted traders to Liberty borders. All were very thankful, and offered money, which i turned down.
But yes some LNS get carriers, and then think they own Liberty, but hell so do [LN] =LSF= and LPi at times.Which is the reason they lost some of thier power over Indies.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Hero4Hire - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 07:44 AM)Zigeris Wrote: LNS rarely actually are helpful for non military units in Liberty.

The indy navy people do more to kill pirates in liberty than official LPI, SF, and LN put together. Thats pretty much the reason why the unlawfuls are doing so much to badmouth indy navy on the forum, also using their official lawful chars.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Daron - 02-06-2013

'Hey cop this is an military order: Get lost at once.'

Problem solved. Big Grin

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - GrnRaptor - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: Here's what I saw:

You mean here's what you claim.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: The guy wasnt blocking anything. Any ship could have easily docked or launched, without problems.

My Transport was having difficulty trying to dock with the mooring point thanks to this vessel being in the way.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: The ship he allegedly rammed into actually rammed into him, and it could have very easily avoided it.

I missed this, but this wouldn't have been an issue if he hadn't been sitting right at the mooring/docking point. You know, blocking things like the LPI- said he was.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: The LPI lied about both thing in front of other people, to justify the 10 million credit fine.

How exactly were they lying? I had trouble with him being in my way, and it was obvious that his vessel knocked the other pilot into the planet. The death message told as much.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: The LPI basically used it as an excuse to pirate and humiliate him in front of others.

They fined him. And given his horrendous attitude and terrible behavior, rightfully so.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: The LPI called an official LN on skype to get the guy to pay although he had nothing wrong.

Wrong on both accounts. I was already there(I merely switched vessels) and we've established that he was behaving inappropriately.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: They killed me although I have broken exactly 0 laws, and a legal setup, because I contradicted their story.

You were told a dozen plus times to leave the crime scene and to stop interferring with an ongoing investigation. You continued to spout your misinterpretations, and we silenced you after more than your fair share of warnings were issued.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: THey left him under the impression that he had to obey the official guy, although following the server rules, he did not in this situation.

Primary fleets do have both the authority to command and the requirement to set an example on the server. It's part of the rules. What part of the proper command channel do you have a problem with?

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: The LPI and associates LSF/LNS/[LN] ships shot him although he payed the fine, "by accident".

Actually, we left him alone for several hours even though he appeared to have disrupted some lanes. It was well after this fine was complete that he shot at an indy LN Gunboat, restarting the whole affair. And then he opened fire on LPI- with his mortars, so we took him out. Your ignorance on this matter is telling.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: When he left to Colorado, they follow him there, and more shooting followed.

We'd actually left to Colorado to deal with a Gallic Junker who was pirating over planet Denver. Several of us pursued and engaged the Gallic and destroyed him in Kepler. While we were returning we saw a death message that an LSF Indy Cap had been destroyed by Black Scorpion at planet Denver. We also received a comm from the LPI- on duty that he was being attacked, again, by Black Scorpion, so we responsed and dusted him, again.

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: After he died in Colorado they also followed him to California where the next shoot out was about to start, until I very thuroughly explained to the non LPI guys who just believed the LPI's word that the LPI hd in fact been lying to get 10 million credits.

While I'd left by this time, it was quite apparent that Black Scorpion was going to continue attacking the Liberty Forces present in every system anyway. You can check his own words below.

Haters going to attack

(02-06-2013, 07:25 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: Yes, now you have your nice forum posts and screenies and "testimonies" by all your people who say the same thing.

But I think there are some details that kind of failed to shed light on the ENTIRE "context".

You're the one without "context" here. And generally, if we all have photo evidence and we all say the same things(backed up by the photo evidence), chances are we have the correct context on the matter.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - sindroms - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 02:08 AM)candytripn Wrote: So, I'm still new.. and don't really know much about either side (I'm a junker myself) but I caught something strange late last night; an LPI officer in a fighter stopping a Navy Cruiser, claiming it to be a DUI check point, even going as far as launching CD,s and knocking out the trade lane.

[Image: Hu4gPWc.jpg]

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - RmJ - 02-06-2013

Actually for the record pirates kill more LNS than LNS kills pirates.

No my point is LPI needs to make some sort of activity for themselves. I have been fined while being on my =LSF= did I QQ about it? No. Quit whining about being involved with others RPs.