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Extraordinary equipment registry - Printable Version

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RE: Extraordinary equipment registration - RMHC - 04-30-2013


SOURCE: Planet New Berlin, New Berlin System.
ENCRYPTION: Medium, port RM-HC-SE-184-LS
  • >>> Receiving...
    >> Decrypting...
    > Opening...
[Image: Lydia.png]

SUBMITTER: Lydia Steinbach
RECIPIENT: Emilia Ravenhold
SUBJECT: Rheinland extraordinary equipment registration

  • Emilia Ravenhold,

    The permission to fly in Rheinland with an equipped cloaking device has been granted by the Rheinland Military high command.

    Lydia Steinbach, Secretary of the High Command.



RE: Extraordinary equipment registration - danski2011 - 06-30-2013

[Image: Mrriley_zps41377f61.png?t=1372587835]

*An image flickers on and off at a nearby screen*

*A man in the flickering image reaches down and presses a button which you can't see, the image becomes clear*

To the Rheinland Military:

Hello, my name is Mr Riley.
I'm sending you this transmission as I have recently purchased a cloaking device for my personal liner and wish to be able to enter Rheinland space with it.

So, why does my liner even have a cloaking device?
The reason for this is rather simple really, I have purchased a rather large supply of rare weapons (I believe they are known commonly as "Code Named" weapons) and my liner will be their home (I do love collecting rare equipment), as you can imagine this will make me an even bigger target for piracy than simply being an employee of the IND already does, now losing these weapons or the liner itself would be rather, well costly for myself.

I decided there are a few ways I could approach the situation, after a long period of time I came to the decision that fitting a cloaking device onto my ship would be the best way of avoiding pirates, after all (as an old but famous saying goes)
"You can't hit what you can't see".

If you have any terms that you wish to discuss I'm more than willing to talk about it.

I eagerly await your reply
-Mr. Riley

*The screen flickers and the man disappears, on another screen some information is displayed*

Name: Mr. Riley
Ship name: [IND]Robust.Currency
Ship type: Shukensha
ID: Independent Neuralnet Division
List of equipments: Cloaking Device
Purpose: To avoid piracy whilst moving through space.

[Image: IND_TB_uni_end_zps745b1ad4.png?t=1372587841]

RE: Extraordinary equipment registration - Praetor - 03-07-2014

Name : Danke Stien
Ship name : Fochinit
Ship type : Rhienland Carrier
ID : Rheinland Military
IFF : Rheinland Military
List of equipments:Jump Drive Mk IV
Purpose:To provide Jump services to ONLY legal rheinland corparations as needed.
Notes:Itz no secret that zhe Rheinland economy is not at its best state,we aboard the Fochinit want to do what little we can as best as we can to steer our nation to glory and establish its position as zhe best in all zhe land and help our military brethern secure a victory in zhe war.

RE: Extraordinary equipment registration - Morigan - 03-07-2014

Name: Johnny Smirnoff
Ship name: Talbot
Ship type: Rheinland Carrier
ID: Rheinland Military
IFF: Rheinland Military
List of equipments: Jump Device 4
Purpose: Trading ( moving transport ships )
Notes: Rheinland, Bordering Systems

RE: Extraordinary equipment registration - Edward Teach - 03-08-2014

Name: Edward
Ship name: Guardian
Ship type: Rheinland Carrier
ID: Rheinland Military
IFF: Rheinland Military
List of equipments: Jump Device 4
Purpose: Trading ( moving transport ships ), Move Rheinland Military ships to rade Liberty.
Notes: Rheinland, Bordering Systems, Texas

Name: Edward
Ship name: Vendetta
Ship type: Rheinland Military Battleship
ID: Rheinland Military
IFF: Rheinland Military
List of equipments: Jump Device 3
Purpose: Protect Rheinland Borders, rade Liberty.
Notes: Rheinland, Bordering Systems, Texas

RE: Extraordinary equipment registration - Praetor - 03-11-2014

Quote:Name : Danke Stien
Ship name : Fochinit
Ship type : Rhienland Carrier
ID : Rheinland Military
IFF : Rheinland Military
List of equipments:Jump Drive Mk IV
Purpose:To provide Jump services to ONLY legal rheinland corparations as needed.
Notes:Itz no secret that zhe Rheinland economy is not at its best state,we aboard the Fochinit want to do what little we can as best as we can to steer our nation to glory and establish its position as zhe best in all zhe land and help our military brethern secure a victory in zhe war.
It haz been a very long time Ja?
Whats the matter is there something i need to clarify to zhe Military?
My brand new Jump Drive is with me on my ship docked in a station for more than 10 days,this is beginning to make my crew uneasy,I do humbly hope you respond soon.

RE: Extraordinary equipment registration - Morigan - 03-30-2014


[Image: Shepard005_zps6974fa0c.jpg]

To: Extraordinary equipment registration channel
From: Johnny Smirnoff
Location: Ingolstadt Station, Munich
Subject: list of RS| contracted jump-ships
Encrypted: Medium
Priority: Medium

Gut day,

Jump-ships have contract with Republican Shipping ( RS| ) faction :

1. Fochinit
2. Talbot
3. UltraSonic
4. Guardian
5. Mercedes

Other ships have no relation to Republican Shipping ( RS| ) faction .

Pilot of ship UltraSonic dont can now use this channel, therecoz i put data :

Name: Zerg Mackenzie
Ship name: UltraSonic
Ship type: Rheinland Carrier
ID: Rheinland Military
IFF: Rheinland Military
List of equipments: Jump Device 4
Purpose: Trading ( moving transport ships )
Notes: Rheinland, Bordering Systems

With best wishes,
Johnny Smirnoff, President of Republican Shipping


RE: Extraordinary equipment registration - Chengue - 06-24-2014

[Image: CaxZZpa.png]

To: Extraordinary equipment registration channel
Subject: Cloack for scort bomber
Encrypted: Medium
Priority: High

Guten tag Fräulein Steinbach.

Lately we are having many problems with the features RH in the Omegas, in addition to different pirates attacks in the different Houses.
We cannot depend exclusively on the Public safety, be already Police or Military.
Our department of this safety in constant training and preparing tactics for efectivizar for 100 % the escort tasks.
Therefore, we need for the time being a cloack for my bomber RS|Otto.Wonsuch.
We are grateful for the approval, since as he will know, we do not have any bad intention for Glorreicher Bund of Rheinland, but constantly They Republic Express helps in the local economy.

From, my most respectful greeting.

Otto Wunsche.
Supervisor of Republican Express Corp.
[Image: 1R3GVv4.png]

RE: Extraordinary equipment registration - Chengue - 06-29-2014

[Image: CaxZZpa.png]

[Image: 1R3GVv4.png]

RE: Extraordinary equipment registration - Chengue - 09-22-2014

[Image: CaxZZpa.png]

To: Extraordinary equipment registration channel
Subject: Cloack for scort bomber
Encrypted: Medium
Priority: High

Guten tag, again, Fräulein Steinbach.

It's been over 3 months that I, personally, send a request for permission to use a cloack to test and improve our convoy escort missions against pirates and terrorist attacks.

We have not obtained any response from the Government of Rheinland.

With this lack of response, we interpret that is not a question of priority of the Government control the use of these tools.

Wait 48 hours more, but proceed to equip the bomber with camouflage.

My most respuestos greetings.

Otto Wunsch.
Supervisor of Republican Express Corp.

[Image: 1R3GVv4.png]