Discovery Gaming Community
So glad to be back in Sirius - Printable Version

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RE: So glad to be back in Sirius - Durandal - 06-13-2019

Welcome back mate. We're all on Discord nowadays, as the old advice goes I'd suggest downloading it and joining a faction, or at least finding some people to fly with. There's also the public Discord server with like... 900 folks in it. That's probably the best place to go for any questions about what's changed since you've been gone and how best to get back into things.

RE: So glad to be back in Sirius - ART_GR - 06-16-2019

(06-06-2019, 07:16 AM)dufmoney Wrote: I'm back. and so far it seems everyone is cool af!
Funny. I and a few old guys also recently returned. Keep it up Smile

RE: So glad to be back in Sirius - Megaera - 06-16-2019

Hello you all