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RE: Problem? - SA_Scavenger - 03-07-2013

(03-07-2013, 05:51 PM)Mercarryn Wrote: Just reading through the thread now. First I`d like to say that this situation is not common within RFP|. As Summer already says about the BPA, the RFP| use the TLAG at first for inspecting cargo on ship and check them out diretly.

Now let me explain how the situation on this was: I was testing out a new ship, just came out from New Berlin, heading to Halle. I thought, ok, let's put on TLAG and look around. Then I witnessed the OSI ship in hamburg. Doing TLAG scan revealed the cargo.
As one can infer from the TLAG data, the OSI ship went to B-2 Hamburg, that is Bering jumpgate, so the direction of the ship was rather obvious to me.

And as I already said, I was in New Berlin, actually unable to catch the OSI ship at all.
Though I have to admit, that actually I perhaps should have contacted the player inRP, telling him that we have on scanner, heading for Bering as it seems.

So, yes, reconsidering the situation at all, I have to apologize for this. I did not expect the usage of TLAG as evidence as such a big issue until now. Sorry for this. I am a still a human after all.

If my fellow OSI mate is interested though, we can roleplay the situation out. Should become funny then Wink

One more thing though. As this has happened with my RFP| char, I'd like to remind you that we have a feedback thread for this. Thank you Smile

Thank you for your honesty. I don't have any issue with you or the supposed usage of TLAG by police forces, besides what has been already stated in the thread. My problem wasn't feedback on how RFP decides to RP with it but how the use of TLAG in such a manner could be abused or, as the case I mentioned with RP cargo and such, impossible to prove one way or another. That's why I brought it up here to get some admin and player feedback. So, there's no need to actually feel bad at all.

As to how to RP it out with OSI, perhaps a trade lane malfunction, a Liberty spy or a gremlin in the machine, even the Admin Gods doing their bidding. Something out of the ordinary.

RE: Problem? - GrnRaptor - 03-07-2013

Personally, I love his response. I think it's the proper response given the "evidence" presented.

I think TLAG is a cool concept that should be kept. I think it'd be cool if Lane Hackers could access the same given the proper IFF and ID combo. Since, you know, they're supposed to hack lanes and track cargo shipments.

That being said, I think that info shouldn't be considered conclusive. It'd be like if LPI saw a hauler of Cardamine run the lane to Manhattan and then didn't see him any more. FR5 him because he docked on Manhattan, right? Right. I think it's a great tool to point people of interest out. TLAG is that anonymous tip you receive that says "this guy is doing wrong, come check it out"; you should still need to catch the guy red handed for it to count. And if it promotes that kind of interaction, I'm all for it. Otherwise you might as well just log with it on and go AFK and then write a parser to analyze all the data later. That's not "RP" on an "RP server" though.

RE: Problem? - SMGSterlin - 03-07-2013

I see no problem.

I see RFP trying to fine someone with inconclusive evidence, and the OSI showing them up by using their own laws against them.

Well played OSI, well played.

RE: Problem? - AshHill07 - 03-08-2013

TLAG is essentially the freelancer equal to ANPR. If your ANPR computer tells you the car infront of you is uninsured, you don't just send a fixed penalty notice and tow truck to his house. You pull him over, ask him to prove to you that it is insured and the computers wrong. If it turns out it isen't insured, THEN you call for the tow truck and issue fixed penalty notices.

RE: Problem? - SummerMcLovin - 03-09-2013

Nicely saved Merc, I like it! Big Grin