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RE: Morning. - n00bl3t - 03-13-2013

(03-13-2013, 02:23 PM)Soul Reaper Wrote: Oh lulz, nooblet. Well for Liberty..

Ivan is now LSF director with myself co-leading, uhh, Joe stepped down from naval fleet command with Sarah and Ryhs in lead. [HF] lead is now Charos and uhh...screw it, waste of time 8| hit me up on skype anytime.

Might look to get into Liberty again then. King seems to have disappeared, which is a shame.

Thank you for the update.

(03-13-2013, 02:36 PM)Rodent Wrote: ***** it's Richard. Hi there.

Can't give you much in the way of updates, haven't played for a while.

Morning. Long time no see. Hope everything is going well.

(03-13-2013, 02:48 PM)Akura Wrote: Nomad ID is public.

Server is being attacked, it'll be down for days.

Server activity is much less than it used to be. Forum activity isn't much better.

Admins are pretty awesome.

SRPs are a thing again.

Unfortunate to hear on both the attacks and the activity. Expected I suppose, for an old game. Sigh.

Will be keen on seeing these SRP stuff.

(03-13-2013, 03:02 PM)jammi Wrote: Don't give him credit for things he's not capable of. Cam's most sophisticated 'attack' so far has consisted of posting numerous threads across the forun in an attempt to flood the new posts field.

That's not the work of a competent DDoSer. That's the work of a technical illiterate. Big Grin

What a way to exit. I got along reasonably well with him, so I can't imagine what made him go into such a silly season.

(03-13-2013, 03:37 PM)Omicron Wrote: Hey n00b, long time not seen. Nomad indies happened, Omicrons are alive and 4.86 has been released while you were away.

If you want to come back RP'ing as Order, give me a PM.

Edit: Typed 87 instead of 86, lol.

I swear I've played in 4.86. But then again, all the mods tend to meld into each other, and there is no server up to confirm.

A long time coming, and about time. I'll probably come back to The Order as an independent, at least until I get a handle on things. Thank you. Perhaps I might try being a jelly for a change, although that side of things never attracted me.

RE: Morning. - SMGSterlin - 03-13-2013

Not a great deal has changed honestly...

Rheinland is still dead, Kusari is still dead, maybe not as much as it was, but still dead. Gallia got like 10 new systems, and it seems dead from my experience.

It's a bluegrass rave party all day in Liberty, which is why most vets have gotten out of it.

Oh, Omicron Minor is completely barren. Planet Toledo got blown up by the LN, drove a Barge full of MOX and Nukes into it from what I understand.

Guard systems are going to get deleted, guard ID's have already been taken out.

TAZ got their own ID.

Dab is gone.

About all I can think of at the moment.

RE: Morning. - atom - 03-13-2013

That's what I was thinking, hardly see any of the olds still good to see game still going, their seams to be a lot of changes.

RE: Morning. - Amon.Cire - 03-13-2013

Hey Nooblet! I remember you from the beginning of my time here. Glad to see you back!

RE: Morning. - ProwlerPC - 03-13-2013

Hello, Richard , welcome back. Out of the list you mention only Camtheman is on a permanant ban for in-game cheating not for being a loud tool. I find the term permanant a bit laughable in all of it's applications so in reality most people permabanned were allowed to come back except a few who couldn't stop causing us trouble while banned and continue to do so. The formerly permabanned members we did allow back were simply quiet throughout their term and when the question surfaced one day about letting em back it was a casual 'sure why not'.

I'd suggest you jump into the rules. There has been some significant changes, most of which was the liberal application of the delete button, but some rules got re-worded. You may have some input, I don't think the current batch of admins would stop you.

Sadly the actual in-game server is under regular assault but we are stacking several options right now and might even go the expensive route. We'll see.

Anyways welcome back, have fun, respawning is more efficient then Q-Q and all that other disco sauce.

RE: Morning. - Alley - 03-14-2013

Welcome back noob!

You'll find out most of the old playerbase is gone and has been replaced with non-english speaking russians, pirate cruisers now blow up transports, nothing of remotely interesting happens and it's 90% a pvp server (where /l1 is better than doing actual roleplay as the other guy has a 50% chance of being a russian that doesn't care/can't understand what you're saying).

I hope you'll find a way to have fun!

RE: Morning. - ProwlerPC - 03-14-2013

And we can see why you stick around, eh?

RE: Morning. - Alley - 03-14-2013

(03-14-2013, 12:16 AM)ProwlerPC Wrote: And we can see why you stick around, eh?

for flood like many, you'd be amazed how inactive the forums would become if you removed it.

RE: Morning. - ProwlerPC - 03-14-2013

Alright I looked at your history, I might give you that XD

Ah shoot and this isn't flood....ok something honest....and on topic....

I start my morning with a cup of coffee and a pipe of Mary J.

edit add: oh I was trolling forum users on Skype today

[6:42:17 PM] Felix Larouche (ProwlerPC): forum users are a minority anyways
[6:42:38 PM] Felix Larouche (ProwlerPC): and hardly carry the wieght they think they do

trolol only only half meant it.....I think...DunDunDunnnnnnn

RE: Morning. - Alley - 03-14-2013

(03-14-2013, 12:22 AM)ProwlerPC Wrote: edit add: oh I was trolling forum users on Skype today

[6:42:17 PM] Felix Larouche (ProwlerPC): forum users are a minority anyways
[6:42:38 PM] Felix Larouche (ProwlerPC): and hardly carry the wieght they think they do

It's not trolling because it's true. A good chunk of ingame players are not registered on the forums (browse it as guests or never visited it at all). It's also from that chunk that most bans will come from.