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My uneducated opinion - Battleships - Printable Version

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RE: My uneducated opinion - Battleships - Trail - 03-26-2013

(03-26-2013, 07:33 PM)Hasteric Wrote:
(03-26-2013, 07:11 PM)Challenger Wrote: Dealbreaker.

Without that change, heavy battleships would simply be better in practically every way than lighter battleships. Pretty sure it's necessary unless you feel heavy battleships are severely underpowered right now.

Compared to light battleships they truly are. I dont think the agility reduction is necessary in order for the speed boost to be truly effective. And if it is then a lower amount like say 10-15% would be better.

You are right in saying that battleship vs battleship combat without a cder is pointless however, so such matchups shouldnt take place

RE: My uneducated opinion - Battleships - Haste - 03-26-2013

(03-26-2013, 07:53 PM)Challenger Wrote: If a fighter bumps it even lightly, it'll swing 90 - 180 degrees in under a second and I have to sit there like a moron re-rotating my ship. It's hard to take capship RP seriously when a NPC corsair is making you spin like a gyroscope every few seconds.

Oh, I know that feeling all to well. I believe other mods have managed to fix that, though. Not sure how, but if they can do it, why can't Disco?

RE: My uneducated opinion - Battleships - Curios - 03-27-2013

People cry that Osiris is very bad.

RE: My uneducated opinion - Battleships - Veygaar - 03-27-2013

There is already some extremely effective tactics that suck in Light Battleships and Cruisers into death range of Heavy Battleships. Give it some thinking, or if you want to take the easy route talk to Timur Wink

RE: My uneducated opinion - Battleships - TLI-Inferno - 03-27-2013

This is definitely a really interesting idea, and it could turn out good.

This would make kiting a bit more skill-based, you couldn't just fly in a straight line with a few little turn/strafe's.

Although, balance-wise, light BS only has the advantage in conn 1v1's. In group fights, there can always be the almighty flank, making heavy battleships still useful.

RE: My uneducated opinion - Battleships - AeternusDoleo - 03-27-2013

Heavy battleships can project extreme firepower but cannot maneuver well. They are therefor unsuitable for solo operations. The balance of them is fine - add one bomber on the dread's side that pumps a few CDs into the enemy battleship, and the dreads superior firepower will easily overwhelm a lighter cap.

A heavy cap is a support ship. Few players understand this.

RE: My uneducated opinion - Battleships - Haste - 03-28-2013

(03-27-2013, 04:48 PM)AeternusDoleo Wrote: Heavy battleships can project extreme firepower but cannot maneuver well. They are therefor unsuitable for solo operations. The balance of them is fine - add one bomber on the dread's side that pumps a few CDs into the enemy battleship, and the dreads superior firepower will easily overwhelm a lighter cap.

A heavy cap is a support ship. Few players understand this.

Err. CDs alone won't quite help - both battleships will already have popped out of cruise (long) before the engagement, otherwise their lack of weapons energy would, alone, get them killed.

Generally, lighter battleships can evade a very substantial amount of damage without giving the heavier battleship a chance to catch up. It is, of course, true that in larger engagements you could flank or trap lighter battleships and end up on top.

A heavy - say, a Rheinland one - battleship plus one bomber, versus a Liberty Dreadnaught, also with one bomber along with it, given at least a marginal amount of skill on both sides.. That'll be a very one-sided engagement. The turtle will get eaten alive.