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Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Printable Version

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Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - sovereign - 06-21-2008

Right, um, the pirates are supposed to beat the living hell out of the LR, LH, Xenos, etc. If they didn't, then the revolutionaries would "win". Also, capital ship battles, while awesome, should NOT be happening on a regular basis outside of "warzone" systems- that would be Dundee, Tau-31, and Omicron Eta. Liberty's home systems are not warzones, they are house systems, and as such a pirate capital ship should be big business, plastered all over the news.

Oh yeah, since all the existing player factions in Liberty or remotely connected to it are trying to reduce capspam, you really don't want to be encouraging it. Plus, if an Outcast Destroyer (let alone a battleship) is seen anywhere near a heavily defended place, the 101st will have your head for needlessly damaging Outcast ships.

Fighter battles are more fun than battleship vs fighter massacres. Since the factions fly fighters almost exclusively and are trying to promote the indies to fly fighters too (fighters should outnumber caps, if you don't agree I have no respect for you) everyone has a more enjoyable time if the majority of engagements are fighter vs fighter. As for getting capital vs capital, schedule encounters with Liberty's lawfuls. Don't just tankity-tank in, that will swarm the indy BCs and make life a living hell for the pirates. Please.

Oh yeah, faction or not, if someone is accepted as RPing the leader of an NPC faction and they give you, RPing as a member of that faction, an order, you follow it. An independent organization that scoffs at the orders of their "allies" is not only impractical in RP but will also get you KoS'd by everyone. Unless your RP is stellar and you RP being exiled and as a separate force in a way people like, you'll be screwed and have no fun.

Keep in mind this applies to all, factioned or otherwise. If someone RPing as part of the Northern Liberty Navy refuses an order from an indy Admiral of said Navy, its the same as a faction member refusing an order from their faction leader- bad.

Please, join the existing factions before continuing this, it will help a lot if you want to keep the idea.

Thanks for reading.

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - shadowjman - 06-21-2008

well it is not a matter of me joining per say. my computer crashed a few months back and all the hard drives were wiped and i do not have the time to gt my self up and running again at this time. but it was just a concern for me. i was unsure of how the command structure would work in and between factions. because each of the separate factions proposed have unique command structure. and your faction being fairly new will have to compensate for each of the existing factions command structures.

example. RoS has 3 wings. they all have their separate functions. would the OC members of your faction have to listen to a certain wing over the other due to what ship they fly or what role they play in the faction? i dunno it just seems that there would be a little bit to work out in term of chain-of-command type dealings. if they arent already worked out. if they arent i do suggest you look thoroughly threw each existing factions command strcture. and for all new recruits make sure that they all know who they answer to. and what their job is. i would make that a requirement of ranking up from their one week trial period as shades in the faction.

and i would limit the number of cap ships in the faction as much as possible. you really dont need to have a bunch running around. all of your current members have the possibility of flying capships. i would take the ability to fly battleships off of the Void Manifestation list of ships that are possible to use. you only really need 3. one for each sub category (OC,LR,LH) so basically one spyglass, one OC battleship and one uhh, whatever you want cause the LR dont have a BS right now. they arent much of a cap ship type faction. maby making it so that the manifestations have to ask for permission for a dessie from their respective leader, and the leader of the faction that posses the rights to the dessie. just to make sure there is no problems with cap whoring. that seems to be more and more of a problem these days.

ne way that is more of my 2 cents.


Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Zapp - 06-22-2008

Honestic and Dragon are both in the BLS (unless I got the wrong Dragon), so they are already in an existing faction.

I like the concept here, but a few things need fixing:

- Diplomacy. Why are GC neutral, while BD are friendly? There's more, look at it.

- Capital ships. All that needs to be said has been said, I'll leave it at that.

- Guns. Outcasts have Particle and Tachyon guns (Krakens and Wyrms), plus the Inferno, which is Pulse. Hackers have Particle guns too, not Tachyon (I think, don't quote me on that). No Nomads, restricted codes.

Everything else seems fine, just check your grammar/spelling (or run it past me, and I'll do it myself).

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Niezck - 06-22-2008

Quote:- Guns. Outcasts have Particle and Tachyon guns (Krakens and Wyrms), plus the Inferno, which is Pulse. Hackers have Particle guns too, not Tachyon (I think, don't quote me on that). No Nomads, restricted codes.

Hackers have Tachyon guns:)

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Dragonfly - 06-23-2008

Faction Data Update !!!

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Xing - 06-23-2008

Do we really need another pirate faction of oc alliance?
Worse, do we really need a 123213rd faction in Liberty?...
The outcasts are probably the most fun character to play with, because your ZoI is IMMENSE, but funnily, it keeps sticking in Liberty while their hand, according to their rp, should be full with the Corsair matter.

Presentation of the Guild of Shadows - Robert.Fitzgerald - 06-24-2008

I don't like this idea. Too many capital ships, not enough consultation with other unlawful factions which you appear to be stepping on, and the only premise is to PVP the lawfuls with the combined efforts of the Lane Hackers, Liberty Rogues and Outcasts. From the looks of it, it is also a PVP vendetta against the LSF. The LSF is a covert organisation, yet you refer to them as the main opponents. The Liberty Navy is what you are looking for.

The Outcasts are smugglers in Liberty, they do not have the resources to be fighting a full-blown battle there while the IMG and Corsairs are as aggressive as they are now.
The Lane Hackers don't necessarily have the manpower to take down the Liberty Navy, and no pirate faction does. The Liberty Navy (in the background) is the strongest out of all of the House navies.
The Liberty Rogues (in the background) are not strong nor skilled enough to take on the Bounty Hunters, let alone the Liberty Navy.

The diplomacy is out of whack. Why are the Golden Crysanthemums, one of the strongest (and most addicted) allies of the Outcasts, neutral while the Blood Dragons (who DETEST the use of cardamine and the Outcasts goals) are friendly? Why are the Unioners friendly? Hogosha? The Hogosha are not friendly with the Outcasts, yet your entire organisation is neutral. If you were only Lane Hackers, you might pull it off. However, you have Outcasts in the midst, so you should make them unfriendly/hostile.

Since you have Outcasts in your organisation, the Keepers and the Nomads should be neutral, not hostile. The Outcasts revere the nomads as spirits, guardians of the dead. From the looks of it, you're going to have to have different diplomacies per ID...

Ship list: too many capital ships, too much trouble. You should not be using Hessian Cruisers without the RHA or HT's permission, let alone the RP for it.

Nomad weapons should be barred completely. With Outcasts in the organisation, there are probably zero RP reasons to have them on any ship.

Good luck with the faction.

Finally, why are the OPG kill on sight? The OPG have no purpose nor presence in Liberty, so why are they even on the list?