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Player Base Glitch On Undock - Printable Version

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RE: Player Base Glitch On Undock - KellyR - 04-12-2013

(04-11-2013, 04:38 PM)belarusich Wrote:
(04-02-2013, 11:10 AM)KellyR Wrote: That link takes you to the main path. Here's the link that will take you to the FLHook page where you can download it.

Also you will probably have to update your plugins as well when you get the latest version of FLHook. I tried updating using the plugins I had and the server went to a load of 255ms and stayed there. One I updated the plugins it worked fine.


I tried updates plugins, they are not working... Hook doesnt read them

They need to be in your flhook_plugins folder under your main EXE folder. FLHook is supposed to read all DLL's in that folder and attempt to process them as plugins. Might want to check your FLHook.ini file to make sure the LoadAllPlugins is set to LoadAllPlugins=yes

Also, did you update the hook and the plugins? From my experience if you do one, you have to do the other.


RE: Player Base Glitch On Undock - Bob_Chickman - 04-24-2013

(04-01-2013, 11:39 AM)Tel-Aviv Wrote: That bug has been fixed as far as I know, have one of you got killed maybe?

Make sure your FLHook plugins are up to date, just solved this problem on starworlds, and if you have this problem, you also may have docking modules that only work once and type 2 and 3 turrets not building on bases, which is also a matter of updated FLHook files. You may have to re-install the game, then make sure you have all of the updated plugins and config files from the link that KellyR suggested.