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Standards for Role Play "Invention" - Printable Version

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Standards for Role Play "Invention" - worldstrider - 06-23-2008


...for those who missed it (I think it might be helpful to more).

Standards for Role Play "Invention" - NerdRage - 06-23-2008

well, the only thing i made up anything like a device is nibbles, nibbles is an alien organism i picked up somewhere, who lives in my sabre's cargo hold, he looks like one of the larger ones you see floating about in omicron, only i picked him up on some planet, he/she/it is quite usefull in keeping my ducts clean of the slime made from the microscopic variety of alien organism (apperantly his diet mostly consists of them)

Standards for Role Play "Invention" - n00bl3t - 06-23-2008

' Wrote:well, the only thing i made up anything like a device is nibbles, nibbles is an alien organism i picked up somewhere, who lives in my sabre's cargo hold, he looks like one of the larger ones you see floating about in omicron, only i picked him up on some planet, he/she/it is quite usefull in keeping my ducts clean of the slime made from the microscopic variety of alien organism (apperantly his diet mostly consists of them)

Ten points to you. I wish I had a nibbles.:lol:

Wait...all your nibbles is belong to me.

Standards for Role Play "Invention" - canislupus2 - 06-23-2008

I have a question about this "automated" ship matter (though i apologize for reducting such a large potential thread) and i quote you there :

< 2) It's reasonable to assume a ship could be fully automated and operated by a robotic intelligence but to simulate the robots seen in game there could reasonably be some limitations as follow: a) Such ships might only operate in a set range of functions--perhaps restricted to a single system or a single trade run. They may not be able to program themselves to perform radically different tasks. This can only be an assumption so it cannot be mandated either way. A good example of compromise in this matter is the Harvesters, who pause before action and articulate their "thought process" and the variables they are processing to make a decision, which they then announce.

As the above is already an accepted role play standard (we use that to support the above--not as the sole justification for an automated ship), its reasonable to say, "My ship is automated" as long as some role play is provided in game to demonstrate that and show it at work.>

As you know, i created a kind of automated ship whitch i role play as a kind of spying drone.

here are the specifications :

* scans the area for contacts and determine the threat (friend or foe database)
* scans coms frequencies,
* scans non encrypted transmissions,
* hacks <if the targeted player role play a firewall faillure>(or try to and change target if he don't)
* power up and down systems before and after entering a jump hole to avoid data loss
* transmitting his whole database for saving when near a faction base and uptade systems if near the source
* engage evade program if hostiles are spoted,
* engage combat stance program if no escape is possible but turn to evade mode if the possibility comes.
* communicate with faction station to get waypoint orders (if the ship comes to systems where no faction ship or station are, it is then full automated but only to perform its goal with only the evade and combat program and database on) ... ex : ship is in new york system, have to go to sigma 13 ... there are no faction stations or ship (usually) in kusari so it's on its own there and uses a route program uptaded before jump.

in game this appears like that :

<powering up systems>
<diagnostic system>
<all systems are on line> or <system malfunction> ===> return to nearest base or ship
<scanning area for contacts>
<scanning frequencies>
<proceeding to waypoint>

during this process ... the ship don't react if attacked (believe me, sometimes you'd better be a good typewriter to avoid destruction)

before a hole jump (not gates that i believe data secured)

<processing database>
<transmitting data> (if a base or faction ship is in the system)
<powering down systems>
<engaging autojump>

when somelone is calling me, i only <scan transmission> and if some usefull info is given i <uptading database>

the only character i give an <acknoledged> to an info are other AI characters for they can speak with datalanguage and i supose they did since they detected an AI onboard

and at last.. if a faction ship is communicating with me ... the program first <scan transmission> then <processing database> then <searching for clearance> if there is no clearance it treat this one a any other, if there is a clearance then the AI transmit a secured recorded vocal message and wait for the faction ship to send it his Clearance ID to be connected to the person who controls truelly the ship (also if stations or ship are near for relaying).

Well sorry for extended so far, but i was wanting all to be clear ... and this is what i want to know ... typing all of these "functions" witch are the ship language like anyone would say "hail new york" or "give me 2 millions at once or face my guns", typing these then seems to annoy some other player ... i heard sometimes (in new york mostly) "stop flooding" or "do you really think an AI would say on coms ?" .. or course i like this ai roleplay and don't want to play as a mute ... but all of this seems to be intrusive to other people and they rarelly follow it (excepting for a hack game with a xeno ship who fairly played the game by "failling down" his firewall to give some info before powering off it ... or these harvester i recently met)

so the question is (at last lol) ... should i keep on or should i save bandwith with my silence ?

Standards for Role Play &quot;Invention&quot; - worldstrider - 06-23-2008

' Wrote:well, the only thing i made up anything like a device is nibbles, nibbles is an alien organism i picked up somewhere, who lives in my sabre's cargo hold, he looks like one of the larger ones you see floating about in omicron, only i picked him up on some planet, he/she/it is quite usefull in keeping my ducts clean of the slime made from the microscopic variety of alien organism (apperantly his diet mostly consists of them)

That's a self contained and pretty passive play. Who could complain. To me that is the "color" category.

Standards for Role Play &quot;Invention&quot; - worldstrider - 06-23-2008

' Wrote:I have a question about this "automated" ship the question is (at last lol) ... should i keep on or should i save bandwith with my silence ?

A rule for salesmen and marketers and pretty much anyone else:

1) Simple.
2) Fast.
3) Fun.

Is what you are doing simple to others?
Is it fast?
Is it fun for them?

Question answered. Streamline, not eliminate the "ai chatter" and focus it to have a point. [just my opinion].

Something like: "Automated Unit 0101 navigational diagnostic complete" once in awhile is a good way to "advertise" you are an AI without to much complexity or wording. And you can change the same sentence from "navigation" to "weapons", "scanners", etc., etc.

Recycling is efficient.

As to interacting, a very short open and close is all that's needed. "Unit Responding: Unit is enroute to Omicron."

You can word your own way but you get the idea.

Standards for Role Play &quot;Invention&quot; - Jamez - 06-23-2008

Quote:well, the only thing i made up anything like a device is nibbles, nibbles is an alien organism i picked up somewhere, who lives in my sabre's cargo hold, he looks like one of the larger ones you see floating about in omicron, only i picked him up on some planet, he/she/it is quite usefull in keeping my ducts clean of the slime made from the microscopic variety of alien organism (apperantly his diet mostly consists of them)

That is soooo cute!


Standards for Role Play &quot;Invention&quot; - pim - 06-23-2008

' Wrote:I have always felt (imho--of course) that things we create in game should be derivative from what's already there. Meaning, if there aren't sun destroying death rays, don't create an rp that includes them. If there aren't psionic characters or beings from another universe don't invent them from thin air.
Sorry, but,I think you talk about Dreygon's last RP, and I'm fan of this guy, so, I'll try to make it short : ok, you don't like new tech's creation. So be it : the original stuff goes to garbages box, and let's throw a nuke in the sun instead... Hmm ? Simple, as efficient, boring...

EDIT : Now that you said it like that, I agree : that's all I always said too : GOOD RP, BUT REASONABLE RP (or was it : try to RP, but don't push yourself if you can't ?)

Standards for Role Play &quot;Invention&quot; - worldstrider - 06-23-2008

' Wrote:Sorry, but,I think you talk about Dreygon's last RP, and I'm fan of this guy, so, I'll try to make it short : ok, you don't like new tech's creation. So be it : the original stuff goes to garbages box, and let's throw a nuke in the sun instead... Hmm ? Simple, as efficient, boring...

Actually--the whole point--is I do like new tech.

There is always the chance someone will have such a great idea that its natural to suspend disbelief because it is so original or unique or fun. I'm all for that when it happens. I said I like Dreygon's rp with Mon'star.

But we can't all sit around and just make anything up out of thin air with no limitation or basis for it.

Also, its a bit hypocritical to always hear "we want real role play" and then read the forums where every time anyone dares to do something new they get mass flamed by all the old hands who don't want anyone else having the "good old role play" because its just for them.

Good fences make good neighbors. When people have some simple boundaries, it makes it simpler to get along.

A lot of newer players need guidelines to get them started. Having a rationale helps.

Standards for Role Play &quot;Invention&quot; - Asymptotic - 06-23-2008

I think things like Star Wars races should also be disallowed... or things involving gods from completely different sci-fi universes...