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Comunista Capitalista Fatalista - Printable Version

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RE: Comunista Capitalista Fatalista - Silver - 05-06-2013

She watched Meier talking as she nursed her drink.

"Oh.. Blood thirsty. My my. I see the Red Army raises them to be butch."
Her smirk was almost a challenge.

"So.. what? You want to join the Company, Meier? A former Premier of the Coalition, killin' in the name of?"
Silver, grinned at her question.

"I mean.. you can be such.. an exquisite fountain of intel.. And if you fly that Revo half decently.. Hmmmm."
With a flick of her hand, she gulped the remaining contents of her glass.

"A Commie. Killing for cash. Or shall i say.. Vengeance?"
She laughed with a voice that sent a chill down Meier's spine.

"Ahh, you do know how to make me smile, Meier."
Silver got up from the couch and walked to the window.

"Learn this, right here and now. If you join the Company, your life is mine if you even think on betraying it.
Balance dictates it so."

RE: Comunista Capitalista Fatalista - Havok - 05-06-2013

Meier smirked at her words.

"Myself and my Revolution can reap havoc all over Sirius, you should know that my dear."

He got up and stood next to her, looking into the bay below.

"Killing in the name of Death? That only sounds logical, and blood thristy is the only good thirsty."

He grinned wickedly as he crossed his hands behind his back, looking over at her.

"I am unlike those who betrayed me, I have standards and loyalty."

He chuckled again, closing his eyes and taking in a breath.

"Besides, I was born in the Hessian Movement, my deep roots were not with the Coalition. Take it as you want "Death", but i am out for blood."

He grinned gently and then paced through the room.

RE: Comunista Capitalista Fatalista - Silver - 05-06-2013

Meier's face was getting visibly more aggressive, every time he obviously remembered what happened in these past days.

"Out for blood.. Hmm. Very well."
She put the glass down on a side table and opened a cigar case. She pulled two of them out and threw one to Meier.

"Cretans. Best in Sirius."
Silver said, lighting one up, and then threw the lighter to Meier.

"So, we'll need to get your Revo here... Hmmm."
Smoke permeated the room, thick and sweet, as Silver thought.

"I'm invitin' a couple of friends here. A dinner of sorts. It would be.. awesome if you could attend it. Meanwhile, our techs here will start gettin' your Revo back to shape and you'll be busy fillin' out paperwork and gettin' to know the place.. and protocols."
She exhaled and looked at Meier. She then walked up to him and put her hand out for a shake.

"Welcome to the Company.. Premier Meier."
That last line made her laugh, once again, with a chilling voice.

RE: Comunista Capitalista Fatalista - Havok - 05-06-2013

Meier smirked , catching the Cigar and lighting it up.

"So we have a Deal. Just tell me where to sign"

He grinned and took a drag of the Cigar, exhaling it upwards towards the ceiling.

"My Revo shouldn't need to much fixing, though those damned insignia's need to go."

He chuckled and took another Drag and nodded.

"Just tell me when said "Dinner" is, I'll be there. Boss."

He grinned and relaxed as he smoked the Cigar.