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Transmission to the 522nd - Printable Version

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Transmission to the 522nd - Niezck - 06-29-2008

####Incoming Transmission####

Comm ID: Liberty Dreadnought Independence
From: Vice Admiral Simon Marshall
To: James Cunningham

I have no obligation to answer to an ensign. The High Command has ordered this and so you will follow regardless. Oh and in responce to "General" Wayne Hammond - you may NOT keep your ships. If you do so you will not be allowed to leave peacefully but in body bags. You have your new orders.

####End Transmission####

Transmission to the 522nd - Vape - 06-29-2008

[Adressed to so-called "Vice Admiral]
Wow, you people really overreact to everything dont you?
The way you deal with this is pathetic. Its simple as this you really screwed yourself over by forcing an entire Battlegroup to leave. Oh and regarding the ships, you said yourself we are not liberty anymore. So your orders dont apply. Additionally, we do not take orders from the so called "Liberty Navy".

Im simply tired of dealing with you power-hungry tyrants.
Oh by the way did i mention this? Your threats mean nothing. I have been in the military for long enough to understand that the navy is full of people who spew nothing but hot air, including yourself. We are leaving, with all our hardware. ANd also, we are taking the marine corps with us.

All i have to say is i have better things to do than listen to liberty navy admirals yap all day.

//ooc: and for the record, im not ashamed of what i did, nor do i regret it, in fact i enjoyed every minute of it.

Transmission to the 522nd - Niezck - 06-29-2008

####Incoming Transmission####

Comm ID: Liberty Dreadnought Independence
From: Vice Admiral Simon Marshall
To: 522nd

Do you really believe you will be able to pass through the borders of Liberty without falling victim to our guns? Leave the ships at the nearest LN base and you will be allowed to leave unharmed. Any attempts to escape will result in your execution.

All 522nd ships flying under Liberty Navy colors with Liberty Navy ships are hereby Kill-On-Sight. That is an official order.

####End Transmission####

Transmission to the 522nd - Boss - 06-30-2008

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: General Wayne Hammond
Source: Carrier Crucible of Justice
Entering code: ********
Link Established...

So be it. We accorded you civility and this is how you treat us. I, General Wayne Hammond of the 522nd, hereby declare war with the Liberty Navy.

Hammond Out.

Link disengaged.

Transmission to the 522nd - Turkish - 06-30-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Fleet Admiral Richard Woolsey]
[Begin Message]


This is a fine surprise to be greeted with after my short, and I say short, weekend. 522nd, you stand accused and proven guilty of actions of which are to be regarded as nothing short of insolent. However seeing as the 522nd is a large contingent I recognise that there are likely those who still feel very strongly for Liberty.

Consider this your one chance for reprieve from the law. Swear loyalty to Liberty above all else, not myself nor my Vice Admirals, Liberty and we'll talk about removing that marque from your heads, otherwise? Consider this ruling as standing.

Oh, and this offer is open only to true patriots. That means you're out Wooley.


Oh, a declaration of war from one battle group to an entire navy, that offer of amnesty is still good you know.

[End Transmission]

Transmission to the 522nd - Fletcher - 06-30-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[ID - "Marauder Three]
[To - Liberty High Command]

This is Liberty Navy Pilot codenamed Marauder.Three, being a part of the 522nd in-directly, and having my ship being stuck on Norfolk shipyard for the past month has left me stranded to filing paperwork for the local officers. Since my ship has been in dry dock for a month and has been unable to take part in any sort of space activities as of late, how can the 522nd entire roster be condemned for the actions of the few?

Since my ship is still undergoing repairs after attempting to take down a Hacker ship today, I have been attempting to contact and Liberty Navy craft in order to ascertain as to what on Sirius is going on.

Therefore, I will take my ship to planet Los Angeles for its final repairs, if I am still to be banned from Liberty space so be it.

Have I been implicated in ANY actions of the 522nd?

This is pilot of the Marauder Three, signing off.

[End Transmission]

Transmission to the 522nd - Niezck - 06-30-2008

####Incoming Transmission####

Comm ID: Liberty Dreadnought Independence
From: Vice Admiral Simon Marshall
To: 522nd

Listen to the advice of the Fleet Admiral, the offer of amnesty is still open should you return your Navy ships to the nearest base or shipyard. Failure to do so will result in your deaths upon trying to escape Liberty.

Please, don't cause any more trouble than has already occured.

Oh and for the record, the single 522nd marine battlegroup against the entirety of the Liberty Navy, Police, Security Service, Army and the other Marine battlegroups? I don't think so.

####End Transmission####

Transmission to the 522nd - sn!p3r - 06-30-2008

Message to: Liberty Navy High Command
Begin Message


This is Director Brian Copeland, of the Liberty Security Force. We will assist you in the so called "war" against the 522nd battlegroup. I have Already dispatched several agents into their last known location, we will take them out.

I will contact you with further information regarding this matter, Copeland out.

End Message


*Transmission Sent*

Transmission to the 522nd - jimmy Patterson - 06-30-2008

*sitting at his chair aboard his gunship his XO walked in with a infocard jim simply replied"brian were ARMY we dont answer to the navy so take those orders and see what gen kaitlyn wants us to do ,im not fireing on the 552 till i get her word" *the xo replied*"sorry jim thought youd wanna see whats been done ill pass the word to the genenral"*he walked out and sent the message

Transmission to the 522nd - Boss - 06-30-2008

Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: General Wayne Hammond
Source: Carrier Crucible of Justice
Entering code: ********
Link Established...

Here I thought Liberty still had some sense. I was wrong about that. As to the LSF...sorry, you won't be finding us anytime soon. The admiral requested us to swear allegiance to Liberty, right? Like a dog to lick the hand that strikes it. We do swear our allegiance directly to liberty. Our liberty. Nothing can shake us from that. Amnesty not taken.

Hammond Out.

Link disengaged.