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4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Printable Version

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RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - EisenSeele - 09-17-2013


The top thruster speed and impulse speed of the Uruz matches those of the Cruiser, which I'm hoping is an error.

Aet: Referred to the balance guys.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Jack_Henderson - 09-17-2013


It thrusts at 160 (like the light transports) atm and should thrust at 150 (normal transports).

Aet: Referred to the balance guys.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - **BUDDY** - 09-17-2013


i was looking at the bergelmir rheinland bomber today and realised the ship seller advertises it as having 6 bomber gun points and two turrets but when you go into the ship it only has 4 gunpoints and two turrets

Aet: Torpedo hardpoints count as guns. SNACs are class 1 guns.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - sindroms - 09-17-2013

LiLSF restart

Ship starts off with a LPI ID.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - sindroms - 09-17-2013

Light Fighters/Liberator?

Guard systems sell Advanced Light Fighter class 10 shields, which are not mountable by the Liberator.

Aet: So... don't buy them?

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - sindroms - 09-17-2013


Alaska jumpgate shows up like this:
[Image: uTGI4DK.png]

Aet: Rechecked, looks fixed already.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - ulfsarkhuskarl - 09-17-2013

Nomad Missile Launcher Type I

The Cannonball equivalent of a missile for the Nomads is still using the old stats, by that I mean everything, hull/shield damage, power usage and so on, the same goes with the other nomad missiles.

Nomad Missile Type II

The Paralyzer equivalent, also, what's up with that name? Why is this missile special and it has the name shorter than the others?

Nomad Missile Launcher Type III

The Sidewinder equivalent.

Nomad Torpedo

All stats untouched, and I am talking about the bomber Nomad Torpedo (EMP one) aka known as Incapacitator Torpedo.

Aet: Torpedos look okay, missiles do not. Referred to balance guys.

Nomad LF (Voidrunner)

Cruise speed is still at 350, this has been around ever since .86, can we have this fixed?

Aet: This is fixed, but existing ships might need to be rebought to get the new engine. The ship wasn't using an LF engine so I had to clone it from the VHF one.

Nomad VHF

Firing missiles from this ship seems to be weird, if the target is slightly below you, you need to turn the ship down if you want the top tentacle to fire a babysquid, can we have the gun hardpoints 1 and 7 swaped, so that when you fire a missile it fires from the middle of the ship allowing you to fire it properly?

Aet: Looks already taken care of.

Starkiller Torpedo and Sunslayer Torpedo Launchers

With the new missile buffs, shouldn't these torpedos get a stats buff?

Aet: Not a bug. Take it up with the balance guys. Personally I'd have opted for scrapping these and putting the missile hardpoints in their stead.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Baumsen - 09-17-2013



Not sure if this is 4.87 related, but the jumphole from Pennsylvania to California sends you into an infinite jump sequence. At least it did it twice for me now.


Aet: Tested, couldn't reproduce this. What ship are you in?

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Tunicle - 09-18-2013


Seems to have lost a mount.
Have 2 ships that used to have missile on, even unmounting everything seems to leave missile mounted as it still registers

Trying to undock = account banned or getting instant kick.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Flashâ„¢ - 09-18-2013


Seems to have 12.4k Core. Impossible to fire Bomber Torpedos