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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Simsonator - 01-13-2009

--- Incoming Transmission ---
--- Source ID: Lt. Richard Tarigon ---
--- Subject: Ship setup request: Tuesday 13th of January, 817 A.S ---

Sirs, I come before you today to present a request for permission to establish a Challenger class bomber vessel for myself, as the Templar (A sturdy and reliable craft, as ever) is proving to be less effective against the great influx of capitol class ships we have been expiriencing. If said permission is granted, should i take it upon myself to sign the ships identification papers over to myself, along with all the equipment necessary. Or should i allow for the Armoury to provide it to me?

Your ever loyal servant.

Lieutenant Richard Tarigon.

--- End Transmission ---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Grin - 01-14-2009

' Wrote:--- Incoming Transmission ---
--- Source ID: Lt. Richard Tarigon ---
--- Subject: Ship setup request: Tuesday 13th of January, 817 A.S ---

Sirs, I come before you today to present a request for permission to establish a Challenger class bomber vessel for myself, as the Templar (A sturdy and reliable craft, as ever) is proving to be less effective against the great influx of capitol class ships we have been expiriencing. If said permission is granted, should i take it upon myself to sign the ships identification papers over to myself, along with all the equipment necessary. Or should i allow for the Armoury to provide it to me?

Your ever loyal servant.

Lieutenant Richard Tarigon.

--- End Transmission ---

By all means, Lieutenant. Do press on and get yourself kitted out in a Challenger. Senior Officers will assist you with access to the Armoury.

Carry on

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 01-15-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
---Source ID: Lt. Cdr. Blake Owen---
---Subject: Repulsing Corsair Assault---

I gave my bomber a workout yesterday, but we managed to scrap an entire Corsair fleet. When I heard a Corsair fleet was inbound from Omega-5 I quickly woke my copilot, Ensign Michael Loche, and we headed into Cambridge. Our scanners picked up a group of three Benitez bombers, and we moved in to attack. Already some BAF pilots, as well as S/D bounty hunters where engaged with them, and we quickly scraped all three, losing only one S/D fighter. We restocked at Cambridge and moved into New London. At the Cambridge > New London jump gate, we encountered one Osiris-class battleship, two Talcara-class cruisers, and a few gunboats. We regrouped at the other side of the gate, where the Rodney joined us to fight them off. As usual, the Corsairs forgot to bring fighter escort, and where easy prey for our bombers. The battle was short but intense, with the Corsairs firing wildly at anything that moved. Finally, we destroyed them, ensuring Bretonia's safety once again at minimal cost to our forces.

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 01-15-2009

--Incoming Diplomatic Report--
Source: HMS Suffolk
To: Defence Intelligence Staff
Comm ID: Commodore Stanley Nelson

I am pleased to report the great success of our diplomatic conference talks with the Liberty Navy onboard the HMS Britannia yesterday evening. The preparations for the event had been extensive, and the Liberty Navy had deployed a powerful security cordon at 15K from Planet Manhattan, which had been closed to all civilian traffic for the duration of the conference.

I arrived on the Embassy along with Admirals Whittlington and Fairfax, my old collegue Lord Mountbatten, and their respective wives after a short but stressful flight onboard the privateer gunboat St. George. We were then met by Lord and Lady Braterford, our hosts, and Vice Admiral Hale representing the Liberty Navy, along with his charming wife Rosaline.

The dinner was most delicious, and all present commented on the excellent cuisine of the Embassy Chef, Mr Sancho Villana. Over dinner topics of conversation included the success of the new joint training programme and the impending conflict with the Colonial Remnant, about which Vice Admiral Hale mentioned informally to myself and Lord Mountbatten that we would have their tacit support in such a conflict.

Following dinner we proceeded into the Gladstone Meeting Room, and began formal negociations over a glass or two of Port. I can happily confirm that almost all my proposals were accepted wholeheartedly by Vice Admiral Hale, and that those that were not were soon amended to form a compromise suiting both parties.

At the conclusion of the meeting, Fleet Admiral Nelles arrived aboard the HMS Imperatrix to escort us home again. At this point some Xenos felt it neccessary to try and disrupt the meeting by attempting to blow up the Embassy - an endeavour which I am pleased to report was entirely unsuccessful, thanks to the powerful Liberty Navy perimiter and an automated repair ship that kept the Britannia's shields at 100%.

Taking onboard the suggestions of those present, including some useful political and diplomatic insights by Lord Mountbatten and the Ambassador Lord Braterford respectively, I have been able to offically publish a Second Draft of the Treaty of Curacao, which I have as of today opened to consultation with the Independent Mining Guild and Orbital Spa and Cruise.

Any potential amendments notwithstanding, I feel that the Treaty could well be ready for signing in a week or so, in a formal ceremony on Curacao.

--End Report--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 01-15-2009

---Incoming Transmission---
Source: Lt. Robert Jones
Subject: Events of Today

While on patrol in the New London system, I came across what appeared to be a Kishiro armoured transport. However, while performing a routine scan, it became apparent that the occupant was a corsair! (see atached image)
I ordered him to halt, but he responded by telling me that I had signed my own death warrant and engaging, so I was forced to destroy his ship. I believe that he was killed in the blast.

After that, Hobart arrived and we ended up chasing a corsair gunboat out of Poole, and chasing another one to Trafalgar. I reckon that he will elaborate on that during his weekly report.
--Report ends---
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[Image: Kill1.jpg]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Athenian - 01-17-2009

Battleship Derby

Sir, it gives me warm, moist and red-tipped pleasure to report on the rough rogering we delivered to many craven corsairs at Cardiff this afternoon.

It appears that the voracious, vile and imbecilic inept Cretan whelp known to the Intelligence boffins as "Grimly" had the gall to attempt to brazenly bombard the massive mining facility at Cardiff in his home-made and fuel-inefficient combat cart.

Now this Grimly may be a feared cannibal overlord among his mentally deficient halfwit relatives in that radioactive hole they call home. But in Bretonia he is regarded among civilised men as a decrepit prole warlord who couldn't manufacture class and decency if he had a PhD.

It appears that Grimly's ill advised eating of fellow humans must have included most of the experienced pilots among his bucaneering brotherhood, as the combat report details below.

BAF Squad:
Lieutenant Rodney Trotter
Captain John Redmond
Captain Sir Roger Brinkley
Lieutenant Commander James Hobart
Ensign Jacob Carter
Mandalorian Ge'tal Gra'tua

Corsair Intruders:
OPG-M Grimly

Combat report:

[Image: cardiff-report.gif]

BAF losses:
None. Carter took a few scratches and blubbed like a two year old.

Corsair losses:
All ships destroyed.

Lieutenant Trotter demonstrated exemplary firing skills. I personally awarded him a cask of rum for his weekend leave.

[Image: sir-roger-2discovery-portra.gif]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Stoat - 01-18-2009

--- Incoming Transmission ---
--- Source ID: Fortunatus Wright ---
--- Subject: Report of engagements ---

Well, since it's been a productive couple of days, I thought I'd send you in a little report. The day before yesterday Admiral McKenna, Liam Mackinnon, myself and the SD ship Surma engaged a large Corsair force that attempted to attack Planet New London itself. There were 4 corsair gunboats and a Praetorian bomber. Unfortunately my scanners seemed to have malfunctioned and there is no record of the ship types.

We were soon showing our superior skills, and a well placed SN shot took out the first of the gunboats. Guncam Image 1

Sadly, Mark then took a lucky hit and had to eject, but we were easily able to rescue his pod.

We continued to attack and first the bomber was taken out, though my scanners seemed to have malfunctioned again and no record was taken. Another gunboat then followed the first into debris. Guncam Image 2

Soon after Surma was also destroyed, leaving just Liam and myself. Thankfully a Mandalorian, Diana Blane, arrived to assist in harrying the gunboats.

The last two of the gunboats quickly followed the first. Guncam Image 3 Guncam Image 4

We returned Mark and the pilot of the Surma to New London. The admiral was uninjured and was straight into the seat of a new Templar.

Shortly afterward, two more corsairs were reported in the vicinity of Southampton. I jumped into my Templar, and headed there with Mark and Sam Windsor. It was an extremely brief fight, the two corsairs, obviously very green, soon took themselves out by flying into their own mines! Guncam Image 5 Guncam Image 6

We then returned to New London to recuperate.

The next day, while I was patrolling New London with Captain Redmond and Ensign Peacecraft, we ran into a few SCRA pilots who appeared to be harrying shipping. The first, in a Viper, soon fell to my well placed SN as his electronics blew. Guncam Image 7

The second pilot, in a Ravens Talon, proved a much harder target. He was also reinforced by another SCRA pilot, this one in a Taiidan bomber. They still proved no match to our forces, and the bomber was soon downed by several well aimed razor and SN volleys. I was lucky enough to get the killing shot. Guncam Image 8

Still the pilot in the Talon managed to avoid us, and led us a merry dance until he was finally destroyed. Again, my blasted scanners had gone haywire, and I have no record of the destruction of that ship.

All in all, a good couple of days for us. And, I have to say, a great couple of days for my Challenger!

Fortunatus out.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Eternal - 01-18-2009

// Incoming transmission ........................

// Comm. ID Leutenant Commander Fowl , Aileen ..........................

[Image: soeborreltp2.jpg]

// Transmission towards the BAF's admirality................

Sirs , during the past few weeks I have observed a rising tide of Corsairs , atacking our forces. No matter how many times we beet them back to the hell holes they crawled from , they return to face us again with increasing numbers. Corsairs are a plague to the Queen and to our honored ways , they need to be exterminated and driven away from bretonian space once and for all.

The Molly republic has also been on the rise during the past mounts , there numbers have greatly increased and there pilots have gained enought skill to pose a threat to the Royal Forces. These Mollies are becoming more and more bald in there actions and have taken several of our officers into captivity. For their actions againts the crown they shall be punished!

Because of these events I humbly ask the admirality for permission to command a Gunboat Class ship. The ship will be a new tool in our hands , opossing the enemies of her Majesty the Queen.

The ship will be christened - HMS-Redbreast - and will have an active crew of brave men and women under my command,

I have already chosen several , very skillfull and trusted people who wish to serve her Queen on the HMS-Redbreast.

- Roger Simons -

[Image: albert124ld3.jpg]
[Image: w250.png]

An exelent engeneer who I trust will prove to be a valuable member of this small crew. He has received several minor awards for his skills and his bravery during his five years of survice with the Royal Fleet.

- Whitney "The Fox" O'Bryan -

[Image: urban2rc1.jpg]
[Image: w500.png]

This young man , dispite his youth , has proven to be a gunner of the highest class and skill. He has proven his worth to the Royal Navy and wishes to continue on the bridge of the HMS-Redbreast.

[Image: dan2mi7.jpg]
[Image: w400.png]

These men are : In the left we have Alasdair Bridgeman - A new recruit , who wishes to prove his skill , serving under my command. I have personaly tested him , his communications speed is impressive.

The man in the middle is Edmund Hail - The man knows navy engines like the back of his hand. His engeneering skills will come in handy on the Redbreast.

And last we have Ian Mc'Doogle - This man's specialty is navigation. He'll be able to steer the ship thrue all kinds of debrees and meteors and safely map our way towards home.

With deepest respect , Aileen Fowl.

***Message ends***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Monk - 01-21-2009

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Captain Douglas Bader...
Patrol, incident and status report...

[font=Tahoma]With my new Templar finally scrapped together on Battleship Grimsby I decided to take a patrol around the complex while providing on call back up to patrols out of Battleship Ark Royal. The glowing thing looked like it does every cycle.

Once secured I lined up a trade lane patrol to New London then back via Salisbury. As I flew by Ark Royal I noticed a ship off my starboard. In the seclusion out here I almost forgot to check the scanner to see that a Gaian, named GreenFront was making an angle of attack at me. I warned the pilot to cease and retreat but this green rebel decided my ship would look better in pieces. Quite the agile opponent, it took many passes and maneuvers to find a weak point. Once I discovered it the superficial sparring quickly turned into a more violent crossing. With the shield batteries depleted the hull was finally exposed to explosive devices. Two subsequent Sidewinder Missiles disabled the vessel by destruction of the main engines. An escape pod has yet to be found by search crews.

The remainder of the patrol, however, remained just as quiet and uneventful as before.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 01-24-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: James Hobart
To: The Bretonia Armed Force
Subject: Weekly reporting

Many things happened in last 2 weeks, and I will try to keep my report as short as posible.
I was forced to leave for few days, until my health didnt recover from some injuries that I received after so many battles. I was sleeping at bed for a 3 days, and someone already told that I became traitor, and joined Kusari forces. Terrible lie, I must say. I am more loyal then ever to the Crown.
For the start, I would like to mention a CPS-Zagreb. Transport vessel, that was caught 2 times while smuggling contrabands. First time, he was bloody lucky, but second...Well... Rest of Pirate DVDs were destroyed, but I didnt find any escape pods, how typical. And, when his ship was falling apart, captain onboard Zagreb, screamed: Lenin. I might suggest that, Zagreb if not a communist transporter, at least supporter of Red dawn.
Another smuggler. Again the same cargo, counterfeit software. And,again OTC CounterfeitCarlos. And again, he was destroyed, before he had chance to deliver stolen things to his 'Sair brothers.
Smuggler number three, same day. Carrying war material to the Kusari space. In this case, it was a Heavy water, or you might call it Deuterium. I intercepted his transporter near Tau 29 gate, explained why is not good to transport anything behind that gate, but he still disobey, and he jumped, but after he received some nasty damage to his ship, which will take him out of action for a months to come.
And...That was my smuggler catching day. Fourth smuggler in one day, is my personal record. Lucky Luke, werent lucky enough. Carrying war material, and assaulting officer, made him to think again.
Hogosha, was my first encounter next day. Hogosha transport was caught in Tau 31, while trying to transport Deuterium to Kusari space. After he initially refused to drop, after some time, he decided that life worth more than few tons of water. After he dropped them, I let him live, for another day. Damage that I made to transport will put him out of space for few weeks. Live and let live is my motto, and it is not in honour code to destroy unarmed vessel.
Corsair keep me occupied for some 2 hours that day. After I finally located beast, after some time of bitting, he was screaming from escape pod. As usual, he didnt beg for mercy, than instead he was trying to insult Crown, Queen and Bretonia. Soon, he run out of O2, so he decided to be more quiet.
I was on my way to Liberty space, where I, with rest of BAF forces was part of joint operation and training with the Liberty Navy. Well, combat practice between Liberty Navy and Bretonia Armed Force ended in fiasco for us. They shot us down like flies, something that must be revenged in the next joint exercises. Letter, we joined Liberty Navy in patrolling Liberty space. And yet again, smuggler. Since he refused to drop, my Liberty college decided to destroy the bastard. All counterfeit software was destroyed after the action. That was end of Liberty tourist trip, as we returned home, to get some sleep time.
Next day, Corsair was making problems in Omega 3 system, causing panic between transport captains. Our link with Rheinland was cut, and Cambridge orbit was too crowded with transporters of all kind, demanding fast and clean operation from us. So BAF forces, including Carter and me, entered Omega 3, in the order to clean the system. So we did. Again, traffic was again freely flying between Rheinland and Bretonia space.
But, revenge came few hours latter, when Corsairs rebuild and try again to seize the Omega 3. We didnt allow that. All Corsairs vessels were destroyed, before they could do any harm to traffic.
But, Corsairs again tried to revenge fallen brothers. This time, they attacked Cambridge. What a brave move. Trotter, and I were facing 3 Corsairs, 2 gunboats, and one Titan. The Norfolk guns were quiet, and usual, but we still managed to destroy whole Corsair invading fleet, with out any losses on our side.
Molly in meantime was using the opportunity to steal some goods from Southampton depots. Since he refused to return what he stole, Driscoll, Carter and me engaged Molly, when we finally located him after some hours spent on search. He was taken down by his own missile fire, and Driscoll finish him of.
Next day. Pair of Corsair bombers tried their luck in pirating. Good, fine, but they chose wrong place for that, since there were in Omega 3. Commodore Nelson, Carter and I entered Omega 3, in order to resecure the system, in which we were victorious. Both Preatorians were shot down, after very short baptis of fire.
Latter that day, Corsairs from same family tried to revenge too fallen ones, but they also failed, since massive fleet of BAF, and Bounty Hunters engaged the enemy, complete overrunning them with numbers.
But, other Corsair family, or family that was forced to leave Crete because even too aggressive behaviour of their members, chose to attack Bretonia in force, that was comprised by 1 battleship, 2 cruisers, and 4 gunboats. Our forces were equal to the enemy, but we were in bombers and Templars only. Big guns were badly needed, and they showed just in time. HMS-Rodney and HMS-Majestic showed just in time to destroy invading fleet. We took some casualties, but it was a great victory for us.
Then I was forced to take some days for rest.
I returned to duty as soon I was able to walk and drink.
And what I saw first on duty, were again Corsairs. 3 Titans this time. To keep long story short, Trotter assisted me in destruction of beast vessels.
Latter that day, Corsair Titan arrived, and opened fire, without many talking. He left faster than he came to me. Just after few seconds, he was ejecting, and swearing in pod. I leaved the escape pod to the incoming Molly patrol, that will,I am sure, enjoy in my present. Meanwhile Admiral McKenna was fighting with well know Corsair Grimly in Omega 3. Some mercenary wanted Admiral head, so he joined in the hunt. Carter and me, quickly responded and we arrived shortly to the battlefield to save Admiral head. First that we took down was mercenary, while Grimly entered the atmosphere in order to save his life. Admiral was safe, and he returned to Bretonia to have a bath.
Major Corsair invasion next day. I was facing alone 8 Preatorians/Titans. Well, not good odds. 8 to 1. I always love Sparta films, and last stand of 300 Spartans came to my mind. 4 were down, until reinforcements arrived. Corsair did tactical retreat, and we finally located them in Manchester system, where we destroyed remaining force.
Next day. Red dawn fellas arrived to spread propaganda. Zarevo Kaputski is well know best pilot of Reds, and I was little impressed by his presence. Young Carter weren't, and, on my surprise, he took down Kaputski bomber. Very good shooting there Carter. This is proof that our training is doing very well to our pilots. Next target was Abdul, that lasted less than Corsair in Molly prison.
Corsair trouble again, traced near Trafalgar. All Corsairs were again destroyed, with out any losses on our side.
But they tried again latter that day. Good shooting from our pilots, I must say that Trotter did a great job that day, take down all 'Sair vessels, with no losses on our side. Very good job lads. I will end my weekly reporting with this last battle. It was a very busy week for chaps in the first lines.

Signed by: James Hobart.
...End Transmission