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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Nussebull - 12-23-2006

Comm ID: Nussebull

Reporting from Omicron Theta.

BSG ship suspected for spying was destroyed,
it was given warnings before I pummeled it.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Dab - 12-23-2006

To: SCRA command
ID: Luciaden

I have been told by a BSG pilot, Freedom, that the SCRA attacked his fighter in Theta with a Outcast Destroyer. Why you have Outcast equipment when your loosely affiliated with Corsairs, I don't know. But the SCRA is aware that the AW do not allow attacks in Theta unless sanctioned by the AW. If you break this law again, I will restrict your access to Theta for a week.

Message End

OOC: Because I know Aeon will accuse me of this, I didn't get this info from the Message dump here. I talked to Freedom in-game over Freeport 9. Tyson, a CR, and Kaines_trader (Flyer) where there as witnesses. Besides. I wouldn't know what ship he was flying, or what ship Nussebull was flying unless I had talked to him.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 12-23-2006

' Wrote:OOC: Because I know Aeon will accuse me of this, I didn't get this info from the Message dump here. I talked to Freedom in-game over Freeport 9. Tyson, a CR, and Kaines_trader (Flyer) where there as witnesses. Besides. I wouldn't know what ship he was flying, or what ship Nussebull was flying unless I had talked to him.

didnt even think of that Dab.

anyways, ive warned the SCRA to respect Theta before, apparently, someone hasnt listened.

thanks for letting me know, ill get to Nussebull ASAP.

and about the ship, we dont have ship restrictions (other than no Nomads), because that may make it less fun for our members.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 12-25-2006

hey guys, merry christmas and all...

anyways, im taking our faction along a new course, it wont be immediately apparent, but over time you will see.

im now issueing a new directive: do NOT harrass or attack any [RM] ships. dont let them catch you smuggling, and dont provoke them. better yet, avoid Rheinland.

we are no longer hostile to the [RM], unfriendly instead.

treat them with caution, but i dont see any reason why we are fighting them.

also, due to the recent post by Dab, i would like to remind everyone to respect the AW's laws in Theta.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Nussebull - 12-26-2006

Comm ID: Nussebull

I've moved out of Theta, now positioned in Unknown
where 2 F.E.A.R fighter opened fire, one of them
were destroyed with assistance by an AW ship,
the other one fled.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ant - 12-27-2006

Transmit to: High Chancellor Aeon, Grand Admiral McIntosh
Transmit from: Admiral Ant, Dreadnaught Procrastinator

Received reports of a number of ships terrorising Omega 49 traders.

Procrastinator moved to respond and encountered a Gunboat, comm ID Guyton, attacking traders.

Hacker Spyglass, comm ID SiD, emerged from dock on Gran Canaria as the Procrastinator was engaging Guyton, which was attacking a trader. SiD opened fire on Procrastinator and dropped our shields as the trader CAMULOS was being attacked by the Guyton.

Procrastinator engaged SiD and had inflicted critical damage when the Corsair Dreadnaught Lauberge came to the assistance of SiD. SiD was dispatched and the Procrastinator entered cruise.

Suggest that our base of operations is under threat along with the trade that keeps us going. I would recommend a forceful response.

I'd like to welcome Captain sunergos and Lieutenant Squeage to the ranks. Apparently a new Liberty Assault Frigate may be entering the fray.
[Image: scra_ad_003.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 12-27-2006

Incoming Transmission_


Transmit to: All SCRA personnel
Transmit from: High Chancellor Aeon, RAFC-Dreadnought


This new threat toward traders in Omega-49 is grave indeed. Most unfortunatly, we must crack down on any freelancers who from now on, attack traders in said system.

These three, Sid, Guyton, and Lauberg are now Kill on Sight anywhere you see them for their recent aggression against us. Perhaps a relocation of forces into Omega-49 and surrounding systems is in order.

We absolutely cannot tolerate aggression like that. Although we should not be policing the system, protect friendly and neutral ships from unnecessary aggression.

Hope you all had a good time on shore leave over the past few days, but its time to get crackin' again.

F.E.A.R ships are now hostile because of the recent hostilities with them. Be extremely wary of them, and dont take any crap from 'em.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Aeon - 12-28-2006

This is a grave day in the history of the SCRA my friends.

Our flagship, the Dreadnought, has been destroyed in action with an unidentified Hacker Spyglass and a Titan wing.

Apparently, during our short converse in orbit around planet Gran Canaria, these people are creating a new rival faction who aim to control omega-49.

Our information is coming from the blackbox aboard the Dreadnought, which was later recovered. The new Dreadnought will be bought from the Corsairs, and our previous warranty covered the cost of 225 million credits.

Apparently, a peaceful conversation was being held in orbit with the Titan leader along with multiple scans of the enemy (which we havent been able to recover), whe the Hacker Spyglass appeared and sneak-attacked us in mid-conversation.

Despite losing several valuable seconds in response time, the Dreadnought was able to give a good account of itself.

Even with the shields half down in a matter of seconds, the ship lasted for several minutes, attempting to reposition itself multiple times to bring its full broadside to bear on the enemy, which it was never able to do.

The Spyglass was down to less than a quarter hull when our great ship was destroyed along with its valiant crew. Whoever these people may be, they will have a hefty repair bill.

Fortunatly, the High Chancellor was not on board at the time, and thus was not killed.

The following ships are to treated with the utmost caution, as they seem keen to intitiate hostilities while distracting you with dialogue. Do not fall for this, engage if deemed prudent.

anyone else associating themselves with these two juvenile delinquents.

I am requesting all SCRA ships withdraw from foreign space back to Omega-49, as these people never seem to leave the system, and hopefully a weight of numbers will be sufficient to drive them out.

Make sure they do not attack traders, as these brave individuals supply Omega-49 and other nearby systems with many important goods.

High Chancellor out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 12-28-2006

====Incoming Transmission====
=======Priority: Yellow=======

This is Grand Admiral Mcintosh. All ships, be advised that the Red Orchestra (RO) is currently under our protection in Omega - 49. They are rearming and retraining troops from Cyro-sleep. However, If they break any Server rules, or engage anyone on out Neutral or friendly list, their status is terminated immediatly. The SF have been advised of this, and an announcement will be made on general comms later. I'm proud to greet our Coaltion Brothers, and I hope they will be operational soon.

All units are to return to Omega-49 IMMEDIATLEY. IF you are fired upon by any non-tagged ships in that system, report the names ASAP. These scup appear to think they can ambush traders providing our home with its valuable resources, and we will not stand for it!

Also, welcome to our new members, Frog reported that you were in good form yesterday.

For The Revolution! Mcintosh out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Nussebull - 12-28-2006

Todays report:

Engaged FEAR, RM and 2 Nomad ships.

They teamed up together and
said: "Don't attack my friends".

It was a 4/3 vs 1 fight til
the tides shifted and backup
arrived, the Nomad/RM team
lost badly and took heavy
casualities from our turrets.

RM + Nomads = ?

Anyway, a FEAR Cruiser was defeated easily
in a 1vs1 fight and the Nomad Crusier "Zeus",
who claimed that I was attacking a fellow
clan members, he had no tags. (wierd guy)

Report ends.

'ooc' Seems like they're not into RP,
and they fight in numbers to win.

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