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PETITION: Nerf NPCs - Printable Version

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PETITION: Nerf NPCs - Corsair - 04-09-2009

I feel somewhat indecisive. I voted yes, but I'm just going to explain first:

NPC Caps : Definitely Nerfed. They were fun to fight in 4.84, when they were barely outfitted. I could ACTUALLY kill them in my bomber alone. I have to bring a human Dessie with me to help me with the missions. I remember that dessie DYING. Then I, naturally, HAULED ARSE out of there. And lost my Outcast tag.

NPC Fighters in houses: When I'm passing through Dresden on my RepEx, I get friggin' RAPED by Wild. When I'm on my Bounty Hunter, I get friggin' RAPED by gunboats. If I happen to get on my Freelancer, I get friggin' RAPED by Nomads who now have SHIELDS.

NPC Gunboats: I. Enjoy. Cookies. I was on my Bounty Hunter, combing some debris field for pirates, then I get jumped by Grayhounds and Gunboats. I barely escaped. I saw a Gunboat camping a station on my trader, and the NPCs kept getting shot down, as they were low-level patrols.

NPC Pirates: I almost look forward and anticipate the next time I get jumped by Hessians, just so I can shoot the bastards down. My trader is only a few weeks old and already has over 150 kills on him, all Hessian/Unioner. I get jumped three or more times between stops. They aren't dangerous, just annoying.

PETITION: Nerf NPCs - ugliestmoose - 04-09-2009

' Wrote:I still think whole point of problem is in ridiculous numbers of NPCs. Most powerful NPC I know are lvl 19 freelancers but hands up who was ganked and killed by NPC freelancers? It isnt posible because they are almosallways lone or in pair... max I saw at same place was 4 and they weren't spawned at same time.

What I want say... one or 2, even whole patrol of strong NPCs inst big problem... it is problem in situation hwne you finaly kill that patrol and bang another one is spawned in few seconds. O you are flying through omega 47 and every 10k sair patrol CD you - it is not chalenging anymore, it is annoying.

I say lets go make NPCs strong but less frequent.

Exactly my thoughts. Problem fixed.

PETITION: Nerf NPCs - Laowai - 04-09-2009

If i could have my way you would see this:



NPC's have been banned owing to a report posted on XYZ for:

Just about everything - Engagement without notice, re-engagement after cruising, oorp loadouts, and you are obviously using some kind of mod because your fighters are like battleships - and the freelancers? You guys are getting a general IP ban all round... I have no idea what mod you were using but it was scary.

Consequences: Nerfed back to the point where you are fun again.

Comments: Just.. don't waste my time, or anyone;s time... you are scenery. ambience, background noise, stop intefering in human to human interactions. The humans can interact with you if they choose, not the other way round.
Post in this thread when you have decided to become sentient.


PETITION: Nerf NPCs - mjolnir - 04-09-2009

' Wrote:NPC Caps : Definitely Nerfed. They were fun to fight in 4.84, when they were barely outfitted. I could ACTUALLY kill them in my bomber alone. I have to bring a human Dessie with me to help me with the missions. I remember that dessie DYING. Then I, naturally, HAULED ARSE out of there. And lost my Outcast tag.

Don't really get how they were "fun" in 4.84 when they could never down the bombers shield basically.. and it took some 40 SNs to kill the BS on patrol. They were basically just a patience test.

Quote:NPC Fighters in houses: When I'm passing through Dresden on my RepEx, I get friggin' RAPED by Wild. When I'm on my Bounty Hunter, I get friggin' RAPED by gunboats. If I happen to get on my Freelancer, I get friggin' RAPED by Nomads who now have SHIELDS.

a) Wild NPCs in Dresden are only next to Bauntzen afaik, why don't you dock? There also comes RH cruiser patrols by that kill them.

b) which gunboats are raping your BHG? the Rogue ones? Those have 140 thruster speed so it should not be a problem to evade them

Quote:NPC Gunboats: Jesus. Frakking. Christ. I was on my Bounty Hunter, combing some debris field for pirates, then I get jumped by Grayhounds and Gunboats. I barely escaped. I saw a Gunboat camping a station on my trader, and the NPCs kept getting shot down, as they were low-level patrols.
No NPCs use greyhounds, you mean Wolfhounds I guess. Don't get the second part about station.

Quote:NPC Pirates: I almost look forward and anticipate the next time I get jumped by Hessians, just so I can shoot the bastards down. My trader is only a few weeks old and already has over 150 kills on him, all Hessian/Unioner. I get jumped three or more times between stops. They aren't dangerous, just annoying.
how far are the stops apart?


' Wrote:oorp loadouts

There are no NPCs with oorp loadouts.

Otherwise I'm kinda disappointed that you have to post in green text to do exactly what? Yes you write that "if you could have it like that" but don't you think it's too much?


After some long-time testing I'd like to see the NPC top number somehow limited (so that you don't get say 14 NPCs at once). As well as the possible "respawn" time. Afaik these are set in every system separately which means it really is ton of work and system modding is done mostly by Igiss himself due to a lot of possible crashing problems.

As to the main "question" of this poll which doesn't addres any specific problems but tried to generalize. It seems that are are 2 camps here:

a) NPCs create immersion and should be dangerous

b) NPCs are nuisance limiting player interaction

If I look at it from vanilla perspective NPCs were a). Discovery added capships and big transports, so it moved more towards b) actually.

Yes it's possible to turn NPCs off completely or to turn them into useless thinks that can't move your shield.. like ever. Personally I see that as very different from vanilla freelancer experience. Any change in policy like this is made by Igiss, I can only fix "local" problems that may happen with some npcs/locations.

Right now NPCs get "turned off" rather fast as server fills up. Even with 200 people a huge part of sirius is rather empty (or with 1-2 people in the system). So everyone has an opportunity to see how is "life without NPCs". Personally I find the space extremely dead and boring then, but that's just me.

PETITION: Nerf NPCs - Thor22 - 04-09-2009

' Wrote:Otherwise I'm kinda disappointed that you have to post in green text to do exactly what? Yes you write that "if you could have it like that" but don't you think it's too much?

I think it was sort of one of those, ach, what are those called again...?

A joke?

Even though it sucks being 'boomed' very easily by cruisers in the high-end missions, there are still viable alternatives in the lower-end missions, whether you are repping up or getting some cash.

Trick is not to be greedy and go for the cruiser missions, even if you are in a supposedly invincible battleship.

PETITION: Nerf NPCs - Saronsen - 04-09-2009


I'm raped by battleship patrols I can't even see from 3.500 away.

Missions are outrageously dangerous since everything can shoot left, right, upside down, and do barrel rolls. When they take damage that would destroy a VIII fighter, they simply lose half their hull and nanobot back to full.

Cruisers and Gunboat patrols can shoot backwards with their forward guns if I'm not mistaken

I'm interrupted every single lane atleast once on my smuggler. Every lane. Every time. Sometimes twice.

The Nomads are scary, being super accurate and having Assassins now.

The Wild are nightmares, since they could rape a fully armed gunboat in their fighters BEFORE 4.85.


Nerf them a little, but keep them tough. I still want to forced to run from Battleship patrols in my Gunship. But I want to be able to take on Cruiser/GB patrols with great patience and skill.

PETITION: Nerf NPCs - Jinx - 04-09-2009

i think you re a bit carried away there...

NPCs have the same ships that we have for most of it. - so their forward turrets shouldn t fire backwards. - and well... battleship patrols are in those areas that that pirates should not really "hang out".

i also believe that the game does not interupt the same lane two times - at least it never happened to me in 2 years. - when a lane is disrupted and you have to cruise to the next ring, - i think i never got disrupted ever in the same lane..

actually - while being disrupted is annoying indeed... its rarely every lane one takes. - on a trip from - lets say... new london to new tokyo, which passes a lot of lanes ( 14 to be precise ) - i get disrupted maybe 2-3 times. ( average ) but rarely more than maybe 5-6 times ( that is really rarely )

when a battleship start firing at you at 3.5k - and you die to it.... i think thats not really the NPCs fault. - not even the very BEST sharpshooter on the server could hit even a doding juggernaut at a range of 3.5k - ( mostly cause hardly any weapon travels that far anyway )

PETITION: Nerf NPCs - Saronsen - 04-09-2009

Quote:I'm raped by battleship patrols I can't even see from 3.500 away.

By this, I mean my shields are downed in seconds, and I don't even see the fire

Quote:Cruisers and Gunboat patrols can shoot backwards with their forward guns if I'm not mistaken

I have seen what looks like their guns fire, but they might have Razors, I'll see if they do

Quote:I'm interrupted every single lane atleast once on my smuggler. Every lane. Every time. Sometimes twice.

Maybe not EVERY lane, but more or less 9/10. I've had it happen to me twice in a row a few times, but I didn't see any NPCs there, probably a player there before.

PETITION: Nerf NPCs - mjolnir - 04-09-2009

' Wrote:I'm raped by battleship patrols I can't even see from 3.500 away.

The only weapon that has that range is the BS missiles. So watch out for the missile warning and you'r fine.

Quote:Missions are outrageously dangerous since everything can shoot left, right, upside down, and do barrel rolls. When they take damage that would destroy a VIII fighter, they simply lose half their hull and nanobot back to full.

NPCs have exactly same firing arcs as you, and roughly same armor as fighter with mk8 armor (+-30% depending on their level)

Quote:Cruisers and Gunboat patrols can shoot backwards with their forward guns if I'm not mistaken

No they can't, again they have exactly same firing arcs as your player ships.

Quote:I'm interrupted every single lane atleast once on my smuggler. Every lane. Every time. Sometimes twice.

This is not possible.

Quote:The Nomads are scary, being super accurate and having Assassins now.

The assasins spawn only at some location in north of Delta and in nomad "guard" systems afaik. To try them out I lately took BHG dessie alone into Iota with 60 people on server. Only place I couldn't survive was next to Altair with Scorpion gb patrols and station guns. Even in front of the nomad city the 2 bomber + 2 assasins patrols weren't able to hit my hull before dying.

Quote:The Wilde
are nightmares, since they could rape a fully armed gunboat in their fighters BEFORE 4.85.

Wilde are weaker in 4.85 than in 4.84, most notably their armor got dropped some from some 8 times.

Quote:Nerf them a little, but keep them tough. I still want to forced to run from Battleship patrols in my Gunship. But I want to be able to take on Cruiser/GB patrols with great patience and skill.

Taking Cruiser patrols with GB is rather hard unless you have pulse guns and razors. But a lone bomber with Nova + SN can kill them easily, same with anti-cap armed cruiser.

PETITION: Nerf NPCs - Skysurfer - 04-09-2009

I voted no.

I don't know if it's because I've played this game since before Mods existed, or because I'm marginally colorblind (I can see the aimer and pippers better because they're a whte-ish grey, instead of red and bright blue), but I don't have trouble with the NPC encounters. Harder difficulties just make it more fun (And realistic.)